
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

ERROR16291 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Finally at main island.

After several games with this women, that ended with me losing multiple times, I finally got some information about her and this island. Her name is Roy Light, apparently she is a monster that the humans believed to be a fallen angle. Which is true, but unlike her family, which was her mom and sister, who had black wings she was the only one with white wings. She told me this could only happen if the God the angles served under either deems their sin of not that great or if the God was killed by another, in which the angles would have to run away. She has no clue which one she falls under since she was brought to mortal land since her child hood, which was hundreds of years ago.

The other information I received was about this island. It turns out this island was a great gods heart. Angles and gods don't know what heart this creature belongs to, the only thing they know is that it belongs to a being that is far greater to that of gods. I already know what creature this heart belongs to, since I was sent to this world by one of them.

After I received the information I was ready to head back to the boat "What you doing?" said Roy curiously. "I'm going to send my consciousness to my Root body back to the boat that I told you about" she asked me earlier in a game she calls chess on where my main body was at, and since I made a deal with her I couldn't lie about it. "So your leaving me alone" says Roy who had a sad look on her face.

"I guess, unless you want me to make some Root creatures to play games with you?"

Her face went from depressed to one of happiness in a couple of seconds upon hearing what I said. "Can you really" she said with sparkles in her eyes, which I have no clue how she is able to make this. Most likely due to her being an angle.

"Yeah, it really isn't a hard task" I said as I prepare to make three Root creatures.

I first need to make the design of these creatures. Since she plays card games most of the time I have to give them hands. Also may as well give them four spider like legs since she makes play a game galled tag with her, of course the tip of the legs will be round shaped, since I don't want her to get harmed. I guess the upper part is human and the lower part that of a spider.

With the image in my head I begin to create these three Root creatures.

Roots begins to come out of the flower garden and take shape of what I imagined it to look like. As it is done forming the body the only thing left is to give them their skills.

The skills I give them are soul eyes, Healing flower, Flower field, Mana absorption, Petal storm, and Specter hands.

"These are the root creatures that will play with you, so you won't get bored." I say as I look at my creations.

"What's their names" says Roy. "They don't have any, you can name them if you want to."

Her face immediately turned to one of happiness upon hearing my words "Ok then your name is Nigel, Mark, and Khole."

I look at her "so how are you going to recognize each of them." She then thought for a bit until she ran out of the room. Seconds later she came back with bow ties. She then gave Nigel the red tie, Mark the blue tie, and Khole the yellow tie.

"Ok you three your orders are to play any games that she wants to play, and if she needs help with something you help her."

The three of them then nod their heads and look at Roy awaiting her commands "Ok let's play poker then."

"And that is my cue to leave" I then send my consciousness back to the root body that was left on the boat.

As my consciousness leaves the root body and heads to the first root body I made, the body falls over which shocks Roy a bit.

When I regain consciousness in my first root body I see people caring box's and crates off the ship. I get up and look around and see that the students are lining up on a one side of the ship.

"Did we arrive" I thought to myself, but see several dead bodies on the ground that seem to belong to some of the church members. I then see a ship to the right of our boat which has a skull on its flag.

"What is going on?" I then look for Elizabeth. I see with the group of students and noticed several bruises on her face. I send her a telepathic message to her.

"Elizabeth what's happening?"

Shocked she then looks around and then looks at my body. "Are you here" "Yes I just sent my consciousness back, can you explain what's going on."

"Were being robbed by pirates!"

There was a silence for a bit.

"Uh what are pirates" I send to her since I have not the slightest clue what they are.

"Pirates are bad people that kill people and capture women and send them off as slaves for money."

I look at her then at the people I believe are the pirates "are there really people who will sell off their own kind for money. I will understand if they are monsters since we kill each other for food or power"

"But humans, one of the most smartest creatures that I have met that are mortals, would stoop that low just to get something called 'money.'"

I then look around me and see about thirty people on our boat. Thirteen on top the boat and seventeen in the bottom most likely grabbing the resources and goods that are on the boat. If we have any.

I then look at their boat and see about nine of them. I think to myself "do I want to go all wild and kill them all or do I want to go chivalry like and give them a chance to fight back."

I then remember the words that Elizabeth said earlier "they sell their own kind for 'money' so they don't deserve my chivalry side." I learned how to be chivalry like when Roy made me play a role she calls the prince and she the princes. The role was quit fun to be honest and I learned the thing they call chivalry by doing that role.

As I decided what to do, I begin to use [Aroma] giving it the smell of dread.


This is at least my sixth time capturing people. We knew this ship belonged to the church because of how massive it was, and also because of the angels on the sails of the ship.

We plunder these ships because of what they have on. There is always food, medicine, and weapons on smaller boats. It was our lucky day since this was a warship.

We launched cannon balls at their ship, which at first didn't do much since it had some sort of shield on. We were then attacked by rains of arrows, which did nothing thanks to our armor.

"Since regular Canon rounds won't work fire the magic infused canons" said our caption who was a burly man with red hair. He was the ex captain of the church's navy, but left when the church attacked their ships in the name of their gods. Since then he launched waves of attacks against the churches ships.

"Yes sir" we all say as we change the rounds. We grab canon balls that have a blueish hue to it and load them into the canon. As they were finished loading we began to fire at the church's ship.

When the canons made impact, instead of them falling deep into the ocean they began to explode. The explosion made cracks onto the magical shield they had on the ship. After a couple more shots the shield finally broke.

"Switch to regular rounds and fire at the side and their sails" said our captain. He was a smart man.

We began to fire at their ship with regular Canon balls. Their ships wood was for some reason hard to break and covered in flowers. But the thought left our heads as we put a hole into their ship.

When our ship got closer to theirs our captain said "mages prepare to cast Air walk on us so we can board their ship." The mages nodded and began to chant. As they chant some of us begin to prepare to board their ships.

As they finish chanting I feel something underneath me. This was the sign to begin to board. We all jumped of the ship and instead of us falling into the could water, we begin to stand on air.

We smirked and began to run towards the ship. Every step we took the higher we went. When we finally reached the deck, the people on it were surprised to see us. "Cancel spell" said the wizard and as he says that we roll on their ship.

Shocked at what we were doing, they didn't respond until we drew our swords. As their brain finally showed them reality it was already to late. We stabbed and sliced some of the people near us. They retaliated by drawing their weapons and fighting us.

As we fought we noticed that some of the people we were fighting were students. When we fought the students, instead of killing them we knocked them out. They had nothing to do with our hatred against the church.

As we fought more, more of our men began to board the ship and soon our captain joined us. When he came onto the ship some of the church members froze. They seemed to recognize him.

It was obvious that they would recognize him, for he was called the "Church's holy flame" when he was still in the church. He was rumored to be able to destroy ships with a wave of his fire sword. The sight of a known legend makes everyone of the church members freeze on the spot.

He looks around and noticed the unconscious kids on the ground. He then looks at the church members and shakes his head. He draws his sword out and walks to a nearby kid who looked like a son of a duke, due to his looks and blonde hair. Our captain then puts the sword above the kids neck and speaks out loud with a thunderous voice so everyone could hear him.

"Surender now or we will kill these kids" as he says this he slams his sword near the unconscious kids head on inches away from scratching him. The church members stop fighting and begin to look at each other in confusion. "Listen to what he says, we can not allow the future generation be killed here" said a man with a symbol on his hood as he walked out of the captains compartment of the ship.

"Ah you must be the high priest if I'm correct" our captain says as he picks up his sword and points it at the high priest. "Listen to what he says after all he is the high priest" our captain says with shown violence at the end of his sentence.

Receiving the order from their high priest, the church members begin to drop their weapons onto the ground and put their hands behind their heads. "Ok students go to left side of the ship, church members follow me" our captain says as he walks into the ship. The remaining church members including the high priest began to follow our captain.

Me and several other members of our crew also followed, to make sure nothing happens to the captain.

As we enter the ship the captain begins to walk down a hall and turns to the left. When we reached the corner we could see cells down there. "Get inside" our captain says as he opens a few of the cells.

The church members one by one enter the cells, and when the last one enters the door is shut behind them and locked. "You five stay here make sure they don't do anything until we are done loading the ships crates" our captain says as he points to five other people. We begin to head back up to the deck of the ship and see the rest of the crew here.

"Ok you know the rules take their goods and bring it back onto our ship, and don't touch any of the students you here me."

Receiving their orders they all began to run to the lower parts of the ship and open a hole to the deck of the ship. We began to slowly transport all of the supplies back to our ship.

There were some incidents that happened while loading the crates back to our ship. There was a riot caused by the students trying to free the church members out, but failed since they weren't skilled nor experienced enough. Another incident that occurred while we were transporting the crates was that a girl released her tamed snake to cause chaos, but our captain was able to subdue it.

The reason I say subdue is because tamed creatures can't die. Their bodies are turned into energy when tamed and when they "die" they just go back to their masters crest to get healed up.

So we had to take everyone who can tame a beast and put them at the front of the ship, which was at least three fourths of the students. We were all on edge now since we were worried that the students would be idiots and summon all their creatures, making the ship tilt into the water. Swimming was not in our minds right now since it was mating season for C rank fish creatures and we don't want to be food for them.

While I was keeping an eye on the students I noticed a blonde girl, with different colored eyes, constantly looking at something. I ignored it at first, but every time I looked at her the more I felt like I should see what she was looking at. I finally broke and turned to look at what ever she is looking at. There I see what appears to be a statue made out of roots and has a flower on its face. It looked like it was laying on the ground. The sight of it sent chills down my spine.

I regain composure and look back at it, when I looked it was no longer there. I then took a deep breath.

I was then hit with something dreadful, as if I was about to die right here and now. I then felt a sharp pain in my neck. When I looked down I saw a petal falling slowly down covered in something red. I grabbed the petal and felt what it was covered in. The pain in my neck grew more and more.

It got to the point where I had to see what was making it feel so painful. As I touch it I feel something wet, I feel it a bit more and moved my hand where I could see what this liquid was. When I saw the liquid my heart skipped a beat.

The liquid was crimson color and the more I looked at it the more my brain put only one solution to what this liquid could be.

"Blood" I say out loud as I begin to lose consciousness and finally fall down dead. The last thing I could see was that same statue on the sails looking down at me. As if it truly was on the statues face, I could see a smile creeping on its face, laughing at me.

My brain finally went dark as I let out my last breath.


"Well that was easy" I say as I used [Petal storm] to kill him.

"Ok but I should seriously take this seriously" I then jump off the sails and land hard onto the deck of the ship. Which catches the pirates attention. They all look at me and after a couple of seconds of processing what landed onto the ship, they drew their weapons.

"Did one of the students summon their tamed creature" said one of the pirates.

"Who cares just kill that ugly-" Before the pirate could finish his sentence I use the skill [Root duplication] and launch several strands of roots at his direction. They all pierced him and nearby people either killing them or wounding them, for the man was dead after having about half the roots pierce his stomach and skull.

The sight of what happened made several people take a step back. They regained their composure and challenged at me. "Let's have a little fun" I say to myself, as my mana began to boil out of anticipation.

I begin to charge towards the guy to my left and as he slashes at me, I duck and punch his stomach. While doing so I made the roots on my knuckle to become sharp and upon impact I made them shoot out. Causing those sharp roots to pierce him. I toss his body at one of his comrades causing them to fall over.

I see two charging behind me ready to slash me, but just as they were ready to slash. Their vision soon turned black.

Their heads could be seen rolling onto the ground and several petals, forming a disk, floating where their heads use to be at. "I wonder" I say as I expand one of my roots out and have the petals circle around the roots.

[Skill has been made]

[Skill name: Weapon creation (1)]

[Function: The host is able to create weapons that are in the 'decent' base using nearby materials]

[Weapon made]

[Weapon type: rotating blade. Grade: Decent. Function: a blade that is constantly rotating. Due to it being made out of petals, the blade is able to bring in nearby petals and use it to increase the range and damage of the weapon. The blade can store petals within the handle to be able to use later or is able to drop the petals onto the ground]

The root stick then begins to transform into a elegant handle and the petals turn into a blade that looks like a broadsword. The edge of the blade appeared to be continuously spinning as if it was a chainsaw.

"Oh I like this" I say as I read the functions of the skill and weapon. I turn my head to a nearby enemy and charge at him with the made weapon in hand. As I'm close to him I slash my blade at him, in response he tries to block with his blade.

Instead of my blade bouncing off or breaking apart, due to it being made of petals, like the man thought it would. It instead cut through the blade and at the same speed as if it cut through air, continued going to his body. The blade reached his body and slashes right through it. He didn't move for a bit and when he turned around, the top part of his body fell of his legs.

The sight of their comrade dying so easily to one slash made the nearby pirates take a step back out of fear that this might happen to them.

They took in deep breathes, but as the did they were hit by a feeling of despair. They didn't know why this feeling finally kicked in, but they knew where it came from. They all turned and looked at me and seeing the looks in their I knew that [Aroma] finally kicked in.

Using this opportunity to the fullest I ran towards a nearby pirate and slash him. He had no time to react and since my blade passed through his body with ease I went towards the next one and the next.

When the rest finally began to pay attention to what was going on it was already to late for I already killed my sixth pirate. They all began to circle around me and rush at me.

"Time to test out the function of this blade" as I say this wind began to pick up and the nearby flowers began to lose their petals and regrow them at a fast rate.

In a couple of seconds the blade that three feet soon turned into six feet. I spin around and put my blade out while spinning. While I was spinning several of the pirates tried to block my blade while others tried to dodge it.

Those who block, both them and their blades with cut in half and those who dodged either got a scratch or last a limb. The ones who lost a limb began to wail out in pain.

They began to ask nearby people "bring the mage here." Hearing that they had a mage intrigued me, since I never saw humans using mana, only monsters. So seeing a human using mana can help me see if my mana is close to a human or a monster.

I began to attack more of the pirates trying to lure out the mage with their screams of fear. Upon the last pirate that I was about to kill I hear a thunderous voice.

"What's going on here" said a bulky red haired man who was accompanied by a old man holding a wooden staff, they were followed by the rest of the pirates that were down stairs.

The red haired man stopped walking and saw the bodies of his men littered on the ground. He then looks at me and with anger in his eyes says "did you do this."

"Did you do this" the man yells after I don't respond to him. "Yes I did" I send him and the old man a telepathic response. "Why you ba-" before the man was about to charge at me the old man moved his staff in front of the man.

The man stopped and looked at the old man and after taking a couple of deep breathes calms down and looks at the old man. "So you did this by your self?" says the old man.

"Yes I did" I send both of them a telepathic message. "Mhm do you know who I am" says the old man as he walks slowly forward.

"No I don't" I say to them both. "Well I'm a being my kind calls mages and boy do we hold deep grudges. Especially when our comrades die to a monster."

As the old man says the last part I could feel the nearby magic going to him. The amount of magic going to him makes my body terrified as if I was facing something that I couldn't beat. The old man began to chant.

While chanting more mana began to surge towards him. The mana I see in his body began to swell up and then move towards his hand. The mana then went from his hands to his Staff, upon reaching his staff symbols began to physically form in front of him.

When he finished chanting he said "Air Slice."

Several condensed air formed in front of him and formed slashes of air. They then went towards me, upon reaching me my upper body was cut into several pieces. "Now that is done let's see who is that creatures Contractor and give them the most appropriate punishment for killing me men" said the red burly man as he looked at the dead body of the creature.

The man waited for a couple of seconds, which turned to minutes, then five minutes. "Why isn't the creature going back to its contractor?" The burly man and the old man were confused.

"There can only be two possibilities, one is that the church somehow managed to tame a monster without using taming stones" said the old man. "Or" before the old man could continue his sentence the burly man grabbed the old man and jumped away. The pirates nearby were confused in why their captain jumped until they saw the corpse of the creature shoot something sharp at them. They didn't have time to react and were killed then and there.

The burly man and old man landed onto the mast of the ship "I didn't expect you to be able to dodge that." They both looked at the cut body parts and saw several roots attaching themselves back together.

This was an ability of [root body] as long as I had mana to give to that body it will always regenerate as long as there is a big enough piece remaining and enough mana remains.

The body finally finished regenerating itself and I turned around to face them. I can see their face of disbelief as they look at me "Time to get serious" I then use the skill [Root creatures]. The flower on my face soon began to act up and several claws began to form on my body.

A creature soon climbed out of my Root body. It looked like a small monitor lizard. Soon thirty more began to come out of my body. I then gave them all the following skills.

[Soul eyes, Root duplication, Specter hands, Petal storm, Digestion, and have been given to root creatures]

They soon began to move around and look at me "your mission distract that burly looking man and protect." Receiving my orders the began to run towards the red haired man. They began to climb the mast of the ship and jump towards the red haired man. The man soon draws his blade and slashed down to one of the root creatures that was jumping at him, but when it was about to hit the creature a blue colored hand appeared and blocked the blade. "Specter hands" said the red haired man as he pulled his blade back.

"So he can see them, I'll deal with the mage first then deal with the swords man" I say as I heard what he said. I then grabbed the handle of my sword that no longer had the blade part and looked at it. I see some petals on the ground and look back at the blade. I put mana into the blade activating it's function. It began to pick up nearby petals and form them back into a blade. "This body doesn't have that much mana left, it's safe to make another root body."

I use the flowers roots that are on the side of the ship to create a root body if needed.

I look at the mage and see a shocked expression on his face "is that a enchanted blade, but how can a monster have it. No matter I'll just kill you and your contractor and get the blade for myself and study it."

All mages have one weakness and it is the thirst of knowledge.

I begin to charge towards the mast of the ship and upon reaching it I slashed at it. My blades goes completely through it and the mast soon begins to tip over. The mage begins to chant a spell and this time the mana from the staff goes to his feet. He jumps down and begins to stand in mid air while looking down at me.

"I think I see how this mage uses mana now. It is completely different from how I use it. I guess I'm closer to monsters than I thought."

I point my blade at the old man standing I'm the middle of the air.

[Petal Storm]

Soon the petals on my blade begin to circle around me and the flowers begin to lose their petals and regrow them at a fast rate. Soon I was surrounded by a tornado made our of petals. I can still see the old man and could tell he was casting another spell. "I am getting tired of this" I push my hands in the direction of the old man.

The petals soon begin to head to the old man and surround him in a ball made of petals. When the ball broke up all that was left was a red mist and a few droplets of blood. I look at the red mist and shake my head "weak."

I turn my gaze towards the swords man and notice he is using mana as well and was chanting. His blade was over his head and the more he cheated the more flames appeared onto hos blade. "I already saw what you humans can do with mana so I don't need to see no more" I say as I use [Root duplication] and launch hundreds of roots at him.

He had no time to react due to him using mana for a big attack. So he was killed by all the roots that I launched at him with ease. "I thought he would do something."

I then received a notification.

[Host is now able to evolve]

[Please choose your evolution]

"Oh I'm ready to evolve, what level am I?"

I pull up my Stat screen.

Name: Red

Race: Petal Flower (Evolution Ready)

Title: The Demon of the Forest, Servant of Elizabeth Barnes.

Level: 26 (67/1000 exp)

Soul: 125/500

Strength: 164

Speed: 164

Magic: 220

Defense: 155

Skills: Telepathy, Soul eater, Root mastery (10 Max), absorption (6), Soul eyes (passive) (3), Root duplication, Specter body, Specter hand (1), Root Creature (8), Skill share, Digestion, Petal storm (1), Flower field (1), Healing flower (1), Aroma, Root body, Mana absorption, Fishing (1), weapon creation (1).


"Shoot I forgot to use my soul eater on them" I say as I saw my soul stat. I remember something and walk to the edge of the ship. There I could see a ship and at least five people on it. "What happend to the rest" I say as I am sure there were more on that ship. "Well either way their outlines looks that of pirates, so I still use these five."

I activated my weapon and soon the blade reappeared. I use more mana into the weapon and the blade soon grew up to a mile long blade, after collecting all the petals that were used. It felt really light somehow when I wielded it. It was probably due to the handle being the only heavy part of it.

I look at everyone of the pirates that were either on the deck or in the ship. I swing my blade at all of their torsos and before they died use [Soul eater].

[Host has killed adult human. Gained 50 exp]

[Host has killed adult human. Gained 50 exp]

[Host has killed adult human. Gained 50 exp]

[Host has killed adult human. Gained 50 exp]

[Host has killed adult human. Gained 50 exp]

[Host has killed adult human. Gained 50 exp]

[Host has gained 5 souls]

Seeing the new souls coming in I feel glad about it. "Oh yeah what was my purpose for doing this again?" I say as I look at their ship sinking to the bottom of the ocean in pieces.

I try to remember and only then did I remember Elizabeth. I turn to her direction and see her gaze as well as the other students gaze in my direction. "Hey you can get up now" I say to them using [Telepathy].

They get up and soon look at one another and look back at me "Can you free the church members they are trapped down stairs in a jail cell."

I look at their pleading faces and say "No, I'm tired and I'm going to evolve soon, so I rather not waster anymore time." I walk past them and grab Elizabeth and put her on my shoulder. She yelps put of shock and I walk to the front of the ship with her in tow. "Why did you pick me up" said Elizabeth.

"You have my main body so I rather not have it destroyed while I enter my evolution sleep." Hearing my answer she stops flailing and looks downwards. I set her down beside me once we reached the front of the ship. I sit down and look at my evolution choices.

[Blood Flower]

[Reaper Flower]

[Hell Flower]

I click on each of them to see what they were.

[Blood flower: A flower that tasted blood in its young time being able to harness and use blood with ease. This flower can use blood of other creatures as its weapon. They are used by cults and are grounded to make weapons. Time it takes to fully evolve three months]

[Reaper flower: A flower that devoured hundred of souls through out its life. They are given the ability to create a flesh like body to walk with the masses and reap the souls for themselves. Time it takes to fully evolve five days]

[Hell flower: A flower that serves the demons. They are known to be door to the underworld that bring demons to the mortal planes. They are hated by the church and are hunted down. Time it takes to evolve two weeks]

Reading over the three choices I have to first think the ups and downs to these evolutions.

The Blood flower sounds like a strong flower that is able to control blood at its will. The downside is that they are hunted by cults to be turned into weapons and I don't want to be turned into one so that's out.

Reaper flower I'm able to take souls with ease and I gain a flesh body, the down side is that I don't know if it turns my main body into flesh. And if so then that could be a downside to it.

The last one is the Hell flower. I would have chosen this since it sounds that it's very close to the Demon flower. The downside is that they are hunted down by the church that I'm currently on good terms with. So me becoming this flower will get me a hunted down by the church.

So there was only one safe option to choose from.

[The host has picked Reaper flower]

[System is now putting host to sleep]

[System will now take control of hosts functions until the host evolution ends]

"Huh why did that appear now when last time-" before I could complain more my vision soon started fading and I felt my consciousness beginning to fade

All the flowers that belonged to red soon began to lose their petals and new ones grew and replaced the ones that wilted away. The petals blocked everyone from seeing the flower buds of red. The root creatures near him soon went towards Elizabeth and circled around her not allowing anyone to get near her.

The church members were freed and upon seeing the corpses, they knew that they had to make Elizabeth join the church one way or another.




Five days have passed and the ship finally made it to main land. The students were ecstatic to finally make it to a safe area where no pirates or monsters could reach them. As they docked many eyes were on their ship for a number of reasons. One was because of the holes that were on the side of the ship caused by the pirates cannon balls and the other being that a bunch of flowers were on the side of the ship. The students got off the ship one by one and were lined back up according to the school they went to. They were lined up in the same area when they were about to head to the island.

Soon a church member walks onto the stage and looks at them. "We know on your trip to the island a bunch of things happened and thankfully none of you died on this trip. But the church has put you in a lot of danger so, as compensation the church will allow you to tame a creature if you were not successful. If already have a creature the church will give you an item that will help your creature. That is all." All of the students began to cheer either because they were going to get beasts or they were going to get items out of this experience.

But as they were cheering they were hit by a wave of mana. Some of the students who were near the wave of mana were pushed back and fell onto their backs. Everyone turned their gaze to where this wave was coming from and everyone gazes landed onto Elizabeth.

Elizabeth appeared to be confused "sis is everything alright" said Byro who on was next to her. The person that the pirate captain held as a hostage was Byro and was put with the church members when they were put in the ships cell.

"I don't know something is going on with red" she said with confusion. Byro then looked around and said "hey where is the body that he used at?" Elizabeth looked around and finally remembered where reds body was at.

"Its at the ship" she said as she looked back at the docks.


At the docks many church members could be seen near a flower covered boat there. Thy were about to get onto the boat until there was a second mana shock wave. The flowers on the boat began to bloom slowly. Soon more church members showed up. "What's going on here" said a man with white hair as he walked to one of the church members that was already on the dock.

"We were unloading the crates that were on the boat, but then out of no where a mana wave hit us. And the flower that were on the right side of the boat soon began to spread all around it and we heard wailing and so we got off the boat. We were about to get on until there was a second shockwave that pushed us back."

"So what do we do sir" said a church member. The white hair man looked at the boat and saw the flowers, that were slowly blooming stop. His eyes then changed from brown to full white, his face then turned to one of distress" everyone get away from the boat now. He than began to run away from the boat, listening to their boss and not knowing what to do they followed him. The white haired man stopped upon reaching the entrance of the docks and looked back.

He could see the flowers finally blooming.

A third shockwave happened this one was the most strongest one out of them all. The white haired man was a good half a mile away and yet he felt as if he was being pushed back. Thankfully he wasn't blown away from the impact, unlike him though several of the church members were blown away. When the shock wave was done the church members could see most of the ships on land or destroyed. Some parts of the docks were also destroyed, thankfully the church evacuated everyone when the first shockwave appeared or else there would have been some deaths.

They looked at the boat and saw a figure standing up and looking at them. The gaze of the figure made everyone of them have chills running down their spines, as if death was gazing at them. The figure jumped of the boat and landed onto the docking boards. The figure looked around and looked back at us. We could clearly see the figure.

The figure appeared to be covered in roots and had a black and blue flower on his face.

The figure looks at a lit torch near him and grabs it. It then tosses the torch onto the ship causing it to be set on fire. The figure then begins to walk towards the church members and as it does a cloak appears behind him, it latches onto his back and covers him head to toe. The only thing the church members could see was the flower on the figures face.

The more the figure got close to them, the more they were given that death was coming closer. When the figure were only a couple feet away from them, the feeling of death finally disappeared. They then heard something in their heads "sorry about that forgot that weaker beings are more affected when they feel a higher ranks pressure."

They looked at one another and gulped "can we ask why are you here" said a church member. "Oh I'm looking for my master. I think she forgot about this body of mine and left it behind." The church members looked at the white haired man "ahem* can we know the name of your master that way we can bring them here?"

"Yes, please that would be helpful. My masters name is Elizabeth Barnes" hearing that name all of the church members stop and look at him. "you aren't lying right" said the white haired man with more fear on his face. "Why would I lie about my masters name?" said the figure.

"Ok we look for her" said the white haired man as he runs into what looked like a port city.


"She seriously forgot about this body" I say as I wait for the white haired man to come back with Elizabeth. "To be fair, she does already have my main body so forgetting about this body isn't that bad. But it would be a waste to leave this body behind" I say as I forget about the burning boat that has the root creatures and a bunch of flowers on it.

"Also this skill is nice" I say as I look at the cloak that was around me. The skill I am talking about is called [Reapers Cloak].

[Reapers cloak- The user creates a cloak around themselves that is able to pass through physical objects be they alive or dead. The user is also able to float while the cloak is in use.]

Name: Red

Race: Reaper flower

Title: The Demon of the Forest, Servant of Elizabeth Barnes.

Level: 26 (317/1000 exp)

Soul: 130/500

Strength: 164

Speed: 164

Magic: 220

Defense: 155

Skills: Telepathy, Soul eater, Root mastery (10 Max), absorption (6), Soul eyes (passive) (3), Root duplication, Specter body, Specter hand (1), Root Creature (8), Skill share, Digestion, Petal storm (1), Flower field (1), Healing flower (1), Aroma, Root body, Mana absorption, Fishing (1), weapon creation (1), Fake flesh (1), Reaping (1), Reapers cloak (1).


"The other skills I got were [Fake flesh] and [Reaping]."

[Fake flesh (1)- the user is able to make a body of mana that has the same feeling and look as flesh. This does not use any mana after it is created. If the skill is used on a fake body the user is able to take control of that fake body and the effects of the fake body will stay.]

[Reaping (1)- the user is able to send a spiritual attack by using a body part or an item. If used by an item the effect is doubled. When Reaping hits a for the first time the target will be slowed down upon the tenth hit the targets Soul will be absorbed into the users main body. The user must do this under ten minutes or else the effects of reaping on the target will disappear and the user will have to restart the process once again]

I would say that these skills are pretty good. "We brought her" I hear a voice coming from inside the city and turn to look at the voice. I see the white haired man accompanied by Elizabeth and her brother Byro. I begin to walk to her and as I do I faze through the church members who were in front of me. The sight of me going through people surprises Elizabeth and the white haired man.

I walk towards Elizabeth and Elizabeth begins to make a face. Her face turns from one of happiness to one of fear, cause she knows that she messed up. I stop in front of her and look her in her eyes. She tries to avoid eye contact, but I more my head in front of her vision. "I'm sorry" she says while trying to avoid my gaze.

I internally sigh and look at her "just don't leave behind this body again ok" I say to her. "So where to now" I say to her. "um were going back to our school, since it is required that we head back" says Elizabeth who begins to walk, I follow behind her.

As we continue to walk she stops in front what looks like a giant box on wheels. "What is this" I say to Elizabeth seeing this new contraption in front of me. "this is called a carriage, its one of the ways we humans use to travel on land. The church is giving all of us students a wagon for free so we can return back to our schools."

"I see and how long will it take for us to head back to your school" I say to her out of curiosity.

"It took us about two days to get here so probably a day or two. Why do you ask?"

"oh you see I have new abilities just like the one you saw back there after my evolution, and I want to test those abilities out." "How are you going to test those abilities" says Byro who got into our conversation.

"I have a body back in the island you humans call the devils heart correct?" I say to answer his question. "So I'll be leaving this body once we get inside the carriage" I say since we were only three people away from getting our carriage.

After a couple of minutes of waiting our turn to get inside a wagon finally comes "name please" says the receptionist behind the table. "Our name is Elizabeth and Byro Barnes" hearing those names the receptionist stops typing for a bit and looks at them. "your carriage is the first one in the front."

We walk to the front of the lines of carriages and I must say they look so nice. Once we reached the front Elizabeth and Byro open the doors and walk inside. We all sat down and waited for a couple of seconds. "so when are we leaving" I say to the both of them annoyed that we haven't left the spot yet. "We have to wait for the rest of the students to board theirs, that way the church knows we all went on the carriage and left at the same time and don't get blamed for accidents."

"Ok I guess I understand that" I say and look around us. I could see a line that had so many students waiting to get into a carriage. "Yeah no, I'm going to the island take care of my body" I say to them as I send my consciousness out of this body of mine.

I enter the same room I entered when I left my root body and tried to get to the flowers on Devils Heart island. I actually wonder what happened to the flowers there, I'm pretty sure that I put a bunch on that Island. I'll figure out what happened once I get to the island.

I look around and enter one of my bodies.

I look around and see that I'm in a white space. "I don't think I put a flower in a place like this" I say confused on why there is a flower here. I look around more and see several root creatures and my roots floating around. I then recognize all of these root creatures "these are deltas, am I inside the seal?!" I look around to find something to confirm my suspicions and I find it "that's alpha, so I am inside the seal!"

"huh my body feels normal surprisingly, does time not flow inside the seal or something like that" I say trying to figure out why my main body didn't die or wilted away. "I rather not think on why it hasn't wilted away and rather try out my ability" I say as my consciousness leaves my main body and enters another body.

I look around and see myself in a room and see Roy playing a board game with the Nigel, Mark, and Khole. I try to get up and I do "yes second try" I say ecstatic about me not having to try hundreds of times like last time. Me getting up caught the attention of the four playing their games "you're awake princess red" said Roy giggling a bit.

"Huh?" I then look myself and see myself in a dress. I get flustered a bit and look at her "hey it wasn't me who did that" says Roy waving her hands at me. "Then who" I say to her "My sister" says Roy.

I look at her trying to see if she was lying and I see no lies on her face. Confirming that she wasn't lying I take off the dress and look at her. "I'm going out to hunt some monsters if that's ok" I say to her as I reach the door. "Huh ok just be back once your done ok" says Roy.

"I expected you to try to stop me" I say to her. "And why would I try to stop you, that isn't your real body. So why should I care if a fake body dies."

"You make a good point" I say to her. I push the door open and get hit by strong wind, I look around and see nothing around me. I go back inside and close the door behind me. "What was that, I thought this was a house" I say to Roy. "It is, but only my mother, me, and my sister can go into different rooms, while outsiders usually are only given access to one room or none. Also were on a mountain."

"Ok so is there a way to take me down this mountain?" I ask her. "Yeah just open the door" she says while snaping her fingers. I didn't question her and just opened the door and upon opening I see the outlines of a forest. I walk out and as I'm about to close the door I hear "wait."

I turn around and see Roy tossing something towards me. I catch the item and look at it and see that its a white ribbon. "If you want to come back in just rip the ribbon and a door will appear in front of you." The door then disappears behind me and I'm just left confused "How powerful are the angles" I say to myself. They are able to open a fabric in space and write rules that only they and gods are able to bypass.

I push the question to the back of my head and activate [Flower Field]. Multiple orbs begin to form around me and land onto the ground. Soon a whole bed of flowers form and red uses [Aroma]. He made it so that it would have the smell of familiarity. And now all I had to do was wait for my prey to come here and take the bait.




After fifteen minutes something finally came into view. I could see a two creatures. One had the outline of a crocodile and the other had the outline of a snake. As they came closer I made the smell more stronger. They soon began to run into my direction. "Lets try the cloak" I say as I activate [Reapers Cloak].

I was covered head to toe in a black cloak that only revealed my face. When the two creatures were finally here they stopped in their tracks and look at me. "Are you the one who is carrying the Eternal fruit" says the snake. "The eternal fruit you mean the Lord apes hand, right?" said the crocodile confused at his partner with a weird expression. "What do you mean Lord sharp teeth, I clearly smell the eternal fruit" said the snake confused at him.

The two began to bicker to one another and after a minute of talking I got annoyed. I point my palm in the direction of the ape. The crocodile and snake who saw this action were confused for a bit until, "that skin, I remember it from anywhere. He's one of the Demon of the forests offspring" yelled the snake as he tried to run. But before he could escape I raised a wall made of roots around us, blocking any way for him to escape.

Seeing the wall both the snake and crocodile become terrified "hey its two against one if we team up-" before the crocodile could finish I began to charge at him. Seeing me charging at him the crocodile opened its mouth and when I was close to his mouth moved forward and closed it on me. "You killed him" said the snake seeing me not being chomped by the crocodile, but when he looked at the crocodile he could see fear in his eyes. "What's wrong you killed him. You can become a lo-."

"SHUT UP, HE ISN'T DEAD" yelled the crocodile at his companion. Hearing his companion yelling at him he became confused for a bit. "you closed you're mouth on him, and your talking to me, How is he not dead?"

"I didn't feel anything hard when I bite my mouth down on him. This means that he is alive still" said the crocodile who moved his head to the left. Upon moving his head to the left did they finally see me. "This cloak actually allows me to pass through physical objects with no problem" I say to myself as I look at the snake.

The snake seeing my gaze quicky charged forward and changed his head from a roundish head into one that resembled a spear. The snake then charged at me and made impact with me. But instead of feeling nothing hard hitting him he felt as if he hit air. The snake turned around and was shocked to see me in perfect condition "w-whats going on" it says while looking at me.

"Hmm if I'm to be a Reaper Flower, I should have a weapon similar to it" I then make a long root come out of the ground. I rip the root off and use [Petal storm]. The nearby petals begin to surround similar me and then surround the ripped root. I activate [weapon creation] and soon all of the petals circling the ripped root begin to move closer to the blade and soon finally make the weapon.

The weapon resembled the grim reapers main weapon. "The scythe" I say as I looked at it "you shall be called the Petal scythe."

[Weapon has been made]

[Weapon type: scythe. Weapon function- being made of petals the weapon is able to send a slash of petals outwards. Making it able to send range attacks, the range attacks will return back to the weapon. The weapon is able to store petals inside of it for future use]

Seeing my weapon the crocodile and the snake begin to back away slowly. I look at them and they freeze on the spot "lets try this out" I say as I slash at them. The petals on the sharp part of the scythe begin to fly towards the snake. Seeing an attack come towards it the snake change its head from a spear into one the was of a shield. The attack hit the snake, and it went right through the snakes skull and continued down his body. The attack then stopped for a bit then flew back to the weapon, causing the snakes body to be ripped in half. The sight of his comrade easily dying made the crocodile slam its head against the root wall trying to break it down.

"Ok lets try [Reaping] now" I activate [Reaping] and soon the scythe began to glow an ominous blue color. The crocodile feeling the ominous feeling behind it turned around and saw the glowing scythe. I walked slowly towards it, seeing me walk slowly towards it the crocodile felt fear. When I was only a feet away from it did I use slash at it.

The first slash cut its front right leg, the second its other front leg, the third its back right, fourth its back left. I continued to slash at it and stopped on the tenth. The crocodile look in bad shape. I raised my scythe up into the air and gave it one final blow. When the hit landed instead of blood gushing out, blue colors began to poor into my blade and then disappeared.

[Host has killed Earth crocodile]

[Due to the host using the skill Reaping, the host does not gain any exp]

"what the f-"

[The following skills and stats at this point to help readers know what are up here and what isn't]

Name: Red

Race: Reaper flower

Title: The Demon of the Forest, Servant of Elizabeth Barnes.

Level: 26 (317/1000 exp)

Soul: 130/500

Strength: 164

Speed: 164

Magic: 220

Defense: 155

Skills: Telepathy, Soul eater, Root mastery (10 Max), absorption (6), Soul eyes (passive) (3), Root duplication, Specter body, Specter hand (1), Root Creature (8), Skill share, Digestion, Petal storm (1), Flower field (1), Healing flower (1), Aroma, Root body, Mana absorption, Fishing (1), weapon creation (1), Fake flesh (1), Reaping (1), Reapers cloak (1).


Skill abilities:

Telepathy- allows the user to send messages to any nearby creature.

Soul eater- the user is able to send a image of their Soul to eat an enemies soul when the enemy is close to death.

Root mastery (10 Max)- the user is able to control their roots and expand it up to 20 miles and has precise aim and maneuverability.

Absorption (6)- the host is now able to absorb more natural resources and is able to heal quicker with little amount of resources.

Soul eyes (passive) (3)- The user is able to see the outlines of both living and non living things, they can see up to 2 miles and are able to see living beings through walls. The user is able to see mana veins.

Root duplication- the user is able to duplicate their roots and have to wait three minutes to use again.

Specter body- the user is able to turn their Soul into a Specter and travel up to five miles while using it. Only beings with eyes that can see souls can see this.

Specter hands (1)- the user is able to create two Specter hands that can interact with living and non living things. Only beings with eyes that can see souls can see this.

Root creature (8)- the user is able to create a root creature with 6 skill and is able to create them up to the size of a warship.

Skill share- the user is able to give Skills to the target and the user will not lose those skills.

Digestion- the user is able to transform bio substance into Magic by eating them.

Petal storm (1)- The user is able to shoot out petals that is able to cut trees down and is able to make a tornado around the user and is able to be pushed outwards increasing its range. Range of the skill is a mile and a half

Flower field (1)- the user is able to create a field of flowers and use their roots in battle as well as petals.

Healing flower (1)- the user is able to send out flowers that heal their target by absorbing the magic in the air.

Aroma- the user is able to create a smell that brings the target relief or despair.

Root body- the user is able to create a body made of roots that has all of the users skills.

Mana absorption- The user is able to absorb any nearby mana and turn it into the host's own mana. This includes spells or magical auras.

Fishing (1)-Allows user to get double exp when killing and fish like creature

Weapon creation (1)- the user is able to create weapons using nearby objects.

Fake flesh (1)- the user is able to make a body of mana that has the same feeling and look as flesh. This does not use any mana after it is created. If the skill is used on a fake body the user is able to take control of that fake body and have the same effects as it.

Reaping (1)- the user is able to send a spiritual attack by using a body part or an item. If used by an item the attack is doubled. When Reaping hits a for the first time the target will be slowed down upon the second the targets Soul will be absorbed into the users main body.

Reapers cloak (1)- The user creates a cloak around themselves that is able to pass through physical objects be they alive or dead. The user is also able to float while the cloak is in use.

Merry Christmas.

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