
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

ERROR16291 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Demon beast part 3

"You! I thought I killed you!"

Gorb looked at me with a shocked face. "Wait you can't be him, his body is over there. You are his brother then?"

Don't know where he got that from and I really don't care. I give the root creatures around me a simple command in a calm collected tone "Kill him!"

The root creatures roar as they begin to charge towards him roaring at him. In response Gorb roars as his body turns to stone once again and his hands turn into drills. He runs towards the root creatures and the two sides collided. J could see several of the root creatures get flung into the air while some were pummeled into the ground.

As more of them attacked Gorb, more of them got destroyed. From what I could see they were doing nothing to him "Welp, since over running him in number didn't work then it's time for Plan B."

Plan B was supposed to be used if Plan A, over run him with numbers, didn't work. Plan B was basically "These dumb glowing hands are back! And in more number!" Yelled Gorb as he was getting stabbed by specter hands that were coming from the deltas.

There were fifty deltas and five alphas originally. But due to Gorb being strong and resilient to attackes, he was able to kill most of the deltas and two alphas. So we only had about thirty deltas and three alphas remaining.

So there basically sixty hands stabbing into him as well as three ghost humanoid beings attacking him. Of course just in case this wasn't enough to kill him I made more deltas.


Gorb roared as he ignored the pain and began to mow down my deltas once again. As he mowed down the deltas, the three alphas were walking towards me due to my commands. "I think it's time to make a new creature" I said as the three alphas and nearby roots and flowers began to merge together.

After a couple seconds the new creature I made was finished. It was as tall as a three story building, had four long arms with sharp claws at the tip, had two bulky legs, two tails to keep it balanced, and it had a head that almost looked like a gator but more smooth and less bulky. It also had a ton of flowers in its body.

"I'll call your kind Goliath" I said to my new creation. "Now to give you your skills and power you on."

[Host has given Goliath the following skills]

[Decay Beam, Soul eyes, Digestion, absorption, Mana absorption, and Reaping]

I gave the Goliath Reaping to see if whatever it killed with it, their souls would be given to me. If it doesn't, then the Goliath has a powerful skill.

"Ok your first task is to kill him" I say while pointing towards Gorb, as he just ripped a delta in half and threw it's corpse at two other deltas. Causing their bodies to break.

Listening to my commands the Goliath roared and began to slowly march towards Gorb. Every step it made caused the surface to shake.


Gorb, who was distracted at the moment, began to pick up another delta by piercing it with his drill hands. "Hahaha weak creatures are should only know to bow before the strong and grovel at our-" before he could finish his sentence he felt a hard impact to the left side of his body and could soon see the top parts of the nearby trees. He then realized that something just launched him into the air.

He soon crashed into to ground as quickly as he was launched into the air. It took Gorb a minute or so to get up, but he felt another impact on the right side of his body launching him towards a section of trees, destroying the trees in the process.

"Gah" Gorb said as he tried to get up, but felt really weak for some odd reason. He looked up and finally saw what hit him both times. He could see the Goliath slowly walking towards him. "Dang it" he said as he tried to get up, but for some reason couldn't. He looked to where his hands and feet were and could see several roots holding them down.

He knew instantly who was the one that did this to him. He looked around and finally saw the flower faced man that he was sure that he killed. "This ability is yours isn't it" Gorb said as he looked at the flower face man that was looking at him. The man looked away after hearing Gorbs response.

"I can't die now, I have to get stronger so I can sit on the throne of the Demom Lord" Gorb thought as he spinned his drill hand, trying to tear the roots off. The roots snapped and he quickley moved his drill hand towards the roots that entangled his feet.

The roots that were restricting his feet were now gone and he soon got up. Before he could celebrate he was soon hit by the Goliaths hit launching him up into the air once more. "Damn it I guess I have to use that abi-" he was soon hit by a gray beam that interrupted his train of thought.

The beam pushed him up higher into the sky. Before he could do react to the situation several roots grabbed onto his leg and quickly dragged him back down to the surface. Upon impact with the surface a loud boom was heard followed by a big puff of dirt rising to the air.

Once the smoke cleared Gorb could be seen in the middle of a small crater. One of his arms is seen to be broke off while he lost half his face. This is due to his body now being made of stone.

"Gasp*" Gorb tried to take as much air in as he could. After the big take of air he discovered something that he couldn't believe in his entire life "I'll die if I keep fighting this thing."

He looked and soon saw the Goliath walking towards him menacingly. The Goliath then got on all six and was soon charging towards him at a rapid speed. The sight of something that big heading towards him so quickly made his heart skip a beat.

Gorb tried to get up as last time roots were keeping him down. He tried to drill the roots only to realize that he lost one arm and his other drill was broken. He look at the Goliath charging st him with fear in his eyes. The Goliath opened up its mouth and slammed it shut onto Gorb sealing his fate.


[The host has gained 10 souls]

"So I do get souls when my Root creatures use [Reaping] on an enemy creature and kill it. Maybe I should give them all [Reaping]."

I look back at Gorbs dead body and see just a bunch of stones pebbles where he once was at. I look at his remains and suddenly remember my first death.

"You fought well, but not well enough" I then walk towards the camp site and absorb all my Root creatures mana to boost my bodies mana. As I make my way back to the camp I look at my stats to see any changes in my skills and stats.

Name: Red

Race: Decay flower

Title: The Demon of the Forest, Servant of Elizabeth Barnes.

Level: 29 (17/1000 exp)

Soul: 140/500

Strength: 182

Speed: 182

Magic: 238

Defense: 173

Skills: Telepathy, Soul eater, Root mastery (10 Max), absorption (6), Soul eyes (passive) (3), Root duplication, Specter body, Specter hand (2), Root Creature (9), Skill share, Digestion, Petal storm (1), Flower field (2), Healing flower (1), Aroma, Root body, Mana absorption, Fishing (1), weapon creation (1), Fake flesh (1), Reaping (2), Reapers cloak (1), Nature's hand (1), Field of Decay (2), Roots of Decay (1), and Decay beam (3).

Skill abilities:

Telepathy- allows the user to send messages to any nearby creature.

Soul eater- the user is able to send a image of their Soul to eat an enemies soul when the enemy is close to death.

Root mastery (10 Max)- the user is able to control their roots and expand it up to 20 miles and has precise aim and maneuverability.

Absorption (6)- the host is now able to absorb more natural resources and is able to heal quicker with little amount of resources.

Soul eyes (passive) (3)- The user is able to see the outlines of both living and non living things, they can see up to 2 miles and are able to see living beings through walls. The user is able to see mana veins.

Root duplication- the user is able to duplicate their roots and have to wait three minutes to use again.

Specter body- the user is able to turn their Soul into a Specter and travel up to five miles while using it. Only beings with eyes that can see souls can see this.

Specter hands (2)- the user is able to create three Specter hands that can interact with living and non living things. Only beings with eyes that can see souls can see this.

Root creature (8)- the user is able to create a root creature with 6 skill and is able to create them up to the size of a warship.

Skill share- the user is able to give Skills to the target and the user will not lose those skills.

Digestion- the user is able to transform bio substance into Magic by eating them.

Petal storm (1)- The user is able to shoot out petals that is able to cut trees down and is able to make a tornado around the user and is able to be pushed outwards increasing its range. Range of the skill is a mile and a half

Flower field (1)- the user is able to create a field of flowers and use their roots in battle as well as petals.

Healing flower (1)- the user is able to send out flowers that heal their target by absorbing the magic in the air.

Aroma- the user is able to create a smell that brings the target relief or despair.

Root body- the user is able to create a body made of roots that has all of the users skills.

Mana absorption- The user is able to absorb any nearby mana and turn it into the host's own mana. This includes spells or magical auras.

Fishing (1)-Allows user to get double exp when killing and fish like creature

Weapon creation (1)- the user is able to create wepons using nearby objects.

Fake flesh (1)- the user is able to make a body of mana that has the same feeling and look as flesh. This does not use any mana after it is created. If the skill is used on a fake body the user is able to take control of that fake body and have the same effects as it.

Reaping (1)- the user is able to send a spiritual attack by using a body part or an item. If used by an item the attack is doubled. When Reaping hits a for the first time the target will be slowed down upon the second the targets Soul will be absorbed into the users main body.

Reapers cloak (1)- The user creates a cloak around themselves that is able to pass through physical objects be they alive or dead. The user is also able to float while the cloack is in use.

Decay Beam (3)- allows the user to shoot a beam of white light out of their or other flowers pistil, the center of the flower. If the target gets hit they will turn into stone and after thirty minutes will crumble into dust. The user can now fire three shots from a single flower now.

Roots of decay (1)- The user is able to turn their roots into decaying roots that will be destroyed after thirty seconds. If something living is hit by these roots they will slowly crumble into dust

Field of Decay (2)- the user is able to make a field of decaying flowers. If any living being enters this field and stays in it for about ten minutes they will turn into stone and after thirty seconds crumble into dust

Nature's hand (1)- the user is able to summon as many hands as they want and these hands will protect any nearby plant and will attack any being that shows hostility towards plants


"It's nice to see the work you put in florish" I say as I make it back to the camp site and release the princess from her make shift cage. When she got out she bagn to berate me on how I shouldn't have done that and that I should have taken more care of her, for minutes.

God she's annoying.