
the demon cyborg

parth_jha · ファンタジー
2 Chs


There was a boy named Kyle. He was 16 years old and lived on the 27th barber street with his family .

He studied in Belgrave Turing high school .

He only had one best friends in his school named Jackson storm . He belonged to a rich family . Kyle and Jackson's fathers were best friends from college .

Kyle and jackson were one of most brilliant and intelligent students in the school . When they were on the way of school , they saw a man who had killed a whole group of people mercilessly.

They ran from there so that the man could not see them . On the way to home they both were very upset about the scene they saw .

But then suddenly the man came in front of them and attacked them . They were very frightened by his scary and terrifying smile . They noticed that his body was made of metals and machines . He was a cyborg

They somehow escaped him and went home . Both Kyle and jackson's parents didn't believe in their story as they thought that they were making some senseless and imaginative story . Kyle and jackson talked to each other that that their parents didn't believed them . Kyle's parents came in Kyle's room and asked him to sleep .

At midnight 12 , Kyle heard some noises and woke up of the bed to check out . He saw that

his whole neighbourhood was burned in flames . He was terrified to see that there were bombs and missiles that caused this havoc . Just then Kyle's father came and took him to the kitchen . His family was hiding under the table . Suddenly a missile clashed leaving their building into rubble .

When Kyle gained conciousness , he tried to stand but was not able to . He saw that his one leg and both hand were teared apart from his body . He realised that his whole family was dead .But somehow he was alive . He cried in pain and sorrow . It was 2 days since the havoc took place .

After some time a person came and took Kyle with him .

The name of the man was Rook Gusenu(Dr. Gusenu) . He was a biological scientist who was working on the cyborg project .

He knew that Kyle didn't have enough time as he was in a critical condition . So he operated a surgery and copied kyle's memory into a drive . Dr. Gusenu made Kyle a cyborg and inserted the drive inside the Kyle's new machined body . The cyborg was acting as Kyle . Dr. Gusenu's project became succesfull . Kyle was shocked that he was alive . He thanked Dr. Gusenu for saving his life .

After some time , when Kyle got familiar with his new cyborg body , he asked Dr. Gusenu about the wrecked havoc of his town . Dr. Gusenu told Kyle that "before giving you the cyborg body , I made a prototype of the cyborg body and used it on my my son . He couldn't controll himself and became ronin . He also forgot his memory and destroyed towns" . Kyle was thinking that maybe the man which attacked him and Jackson and the one Dr. Gusenu is talking about are same because that man had machined parts .

He talked to Dr. Gusenu about his thinking . After talking to Dr. Gusenu , Kyle totally believed and was confirmed that the man who attacked him and the one Dr. Gusenu is talking about are same .

Kyle took an oath with Dr. Gusenu to eliminate the ronin cyborg who killed his freind , his family and his town .

But still Dr. Gusenu believed that he could change his son's mindset .

Kyle changed his name from Kyle to GENOS to hide his identity .

to be continued.....