
Xi Feng and Nan nan...

What. Cat got your tongue?. Xi Feng teased Nan nan that didn't say nothing... It's as if his cat really did got his tongue just as Xi Feng had said. Because he couldn't say a word. 

He just stared at her as if she was some ghost in the dark. He was thinking whether this was really happening to him. First of all last night he had a bad with Xi Feng and not only that, he also had a bad day with Ji min. And now this morning it's Xi Feng again!?. Like seriously!?. Did she happened to put a tracker on him because he doesn't understand this at all. 

Anyways since you're not responding back to me, then I'll take that as a "yes". After all I don't have anything doing this moment. Xi Feng said not minding speechless Nan nan that couldn't say nothing yet. 

After she said this, Xi Feng dragged Nan nan along with her to the elevator. Nan nan could only watch at her in disbelief. Not even able to form a word. Today surely is the worst day of his entire life!. No doubt about that!. 

What the hell did I do?!. "Waah! Waah!". What did I do... A year dropped down on Nan nan cheek. But not only that... A thought popped into his head when he came to realize something. 

But wait a Damn minute here!. He didn't bring his car along. Does that mean!. Oh my!. That I'll have to share a cab with her?. Nan nan thought to himself. He tried releasing hand from Xi Feng hold but she was way too strong for him... It just felt as if she was crushing his bones and that do hurt like hell!.

What should I do now?. What should I do?. Is this really happening!?. Nan Nan still was finding all these hard to believe at all.  He even shut his both eyes before opening them back to me sure... But what he did saw was still the same thing. Xi Feng was dragging him along with her to the elevator not that far ahead from where they are.

Fate what have I done to you!. He yelled inside his head after they entered the elevator. At this rate Nan nan knew that there was no turning back.

There's no turning back because Xi Feng wouldn't just assist him down the elevator just to see him off. That's really hilarious if that was the case here. But if that was so... Nan nan wished for it to come true.

What even made her decide to assist him?. Did she planned to lure him out and then kill and dump his body in the forest?. Different thoughts played throughout inside Nan nan head, that even Nan nan didn't know the one to believe. He could only watch out till the end of today. "Yes... That's what I will do and I must be really wary of her!". She can be a snake sometimes. Nan nan decided. He can't lose his guard at a moment like this one.

What if she really was planning to do something to him according to his thoughts?!.

Nan nan was staring at Xi Feng with his suspicious eyes. He still doesn't trust her assistant help. What if she really was trying to do something to him?. Nan nan thought. Still not giving up in being wary of her. 

Damn!. I can't read through her head. She's pretty good at hiding stuffs.


This went on... Nan nan just allowed Xi Feng to drag him along to God who knows where. When there got out from the Hotel... She finally halted.

This her sudden stop gave Nan nan a great hope!. What if she just decided to assist him out from the hotel and nothin else!?.

Finally!. She must have decided to head back in. Nan nan was over excited now... His pale face was shining and he wore a wide happy smile. His day wasn't ruined after all. "Yes!". He was over excited inside his mind. He can't risk expressing his over excited face appearance out before Xi Feng changes her mind.

Ok then... See ya!". Whoa!. Nan nan was about running off when Xi Feng suddenly held him back by his hand. His almost lost his balance if not for Xi Feng support.

"How embarrassed he would have been if his butt touches the ground... And with everyone staring at him".

Hey!. What are your doing!?. Nan nan said out to Xi Feng that didn't even move an inch from him. What she did was only staring at him.

"I'm not with my wallet so you'll have to pay for me. I'm coming with you to wherever you're going". She wickedly smirked after she said this. This made her felt really wickedly happy but as for Nan nan... His face was back to being pale and dull. His thoughts started playing right into his head again.

What. Let's get going already. "Taxi!". Xi Feng called out at the cab driver that stopped the car.

"Oh no! She called a taxi already!". Nan nan just felt like fainting already. Oh my day really is doomed!. Nan nan muttered bitterly. "Whoa". In no time he saw himself beside the taxi car. How the hell did she do that?!.


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© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
