
V and Hubby...

Sis V? Is that really you standing there? Chang Li that is not standing that far from where Violet is now asked, her face was full of disbelief because of this new look appearance of Violet. She really is stunning now with her light makeup and the pink dress that is slaying together with.

Oh.. sis. Violet turned now to face Chang Li and Yang Min that are both looking at her now as if she was some ghost. How funny right? [But it's true. How can a beauty exist with this lovely appearance? But oh well, it's possible].

I have seen you two for a while now, where were you both all these while? Violet now walked closer to the other two not standing that far from where she was standing before near the door...

Well, I won't probably say that. You know what I mean, right? [Yeah sure, Violet isn't supposed to ask them question like this one now.. doesn't she remember that they were both available in the Hotel through out? Well, that was not untill her dear hubby stole her away from them. How unfair].

Why sis Chang Li? Violet that didn't quite understand what Chang Li was saying to her now, decided to ask her self for more explanation on this.

Never mind V.. anyways, you're really gorgeous my dear. Chang Li couldn't help keeping her mouth shut in complimenting her Violet look now.. [she sure will stun it with this look appearance of her definitely in the modelling career business assuming if she is willing on going for it] Chang Li thought..

Yeah really.. you're really so pretty.. the light makeup applied on your face definitely matches with your natural beauty.. that's no doubt. I couldn't even almost recognize you from afar untill I heard what Chang Li here called you.. true, that was when I know that this definitely is you. Yang Min that was being really sincere now said to Violet that smiled appreciating the both ladies compliments on her now.

Thanks for the compliment you too. I really do appreciate it. To be sincere talking, I almost couldn't even also recognize my self earlier before. [Author Tina nwuba: Yeah sure].

I wouldn't too dear if I was in these your state now. Chang Li admitted to her.. [Yang Min too nodded in agreement with what Chang Li now said].

You guys are really funny.. anyways, Where are you both heading to now? You guys seems really casual, I like it. Violet said to them both that stared at each other first before turning back to face Violet and also now stare at her.. You guys any problem? Violet asked seeing the weird look that they were both giving each other now. Wait, did she perhaps said something wrong about their both casual out fit wear they are wearing on now.. Oh, I didn't mean any harm. I meant I like you guys casual wear, it's more and really comfy compared with the dress I'm wearing now. [Violet that thought they both misinterpret her now, explained it all to them for their both understandings of what she really mean now when she said that to them.. of course she didn't mean any harm to them, or did she?].

Oh.. not that. Definitely not it. Chang Li that listened to Violet words now said immediately after Violet finished talking now.. [They didn't mean any thing just by staring at both them selves.. they only both looked and stared at each other before facing her is because, firstly they haven't got dressed already, and secondly, it was just now they came back to the hotel from where they went shopping earlier before]. We just came back from shopping out for grocery now. Chang Li said out to Violet.. she hate keeping secrets away from her. [Anyways, it's not as if Violet is a blabber mouth that will go tell everything to Mom Li Yun].

Shopping? You guys went shopping without me? Violet asked now keeping a pitiful face staring at the two that is now a little confused here now.. [we went shopping without her? She should have already know why we went there without her] Chang Li thought inside her head and not minding on saying it out to Violet own hearing..

Oh my.. we apologise for all these sis V. We really thought you'll be really busy preparing for your engagement party today.

Violet thought: [Dude.. it's only an engagement party and nothin else much.. and besides, I was just laying down on the bed almost through out today] Violet mind thinking now.

No worries sister Chang Li, I definitely understand and know where you're going with these. She said assuring them both that it's no big deal actually for the record..

Sure. Sure. Both Yang Min and Chang Li almost replied in the same time. [More like a rhyme together as they both replied at the same time].

Yeah.. anyways, I don't see what you guys bought? Where is it guys? I really am looking forward of what you guys bought. I'm really craving for snacks now. How weird right? She said laughing out a little now at her own self..

Chang Li: [Disbelief] nice thinking of having snacks at this time. She said laughing inside her head now.. but in the real reality, she was just smiling back at Violet that is laughing out now..

Yang Min: Speaking of which.. I think I'm really starving here just by you mentioning the words snacks.. Yang Min thought. Her stomach now is pretty much empty now and she was sure that in no time, it will definitely make sounds now which she would like to know how to prevent it so she will not get to embarrass her self now because of this silly thing that is still about going to happen in anytime soon. She thought.

Oh about that.. I think we must have left it inside the car.. Chang Li replied to Violet questions.. [well, why Violet decided on asking them these questions, is because, they said they are just coming back from the super market or what is it called shopping but she didn't see them hold any bag even though it's one self].

Inside the car? Mm. How sad. Violet said pitifully. She doesn't know what is happening to her now but she's just craving for snacks and snacks alone now.

Don't worry, we'll go get some for you later on. Chang Li said assuring her now.. this her sayings now made Violet face light up now.. her eyes was sparkling now because of the excitement she is feeling now.. [she really is cute and adorable like a little child while in these her state now.]

Thanks sis Chang Li... You're the best! Aren't you the best ever? She said more excitedly than before now.

Sure. I'm definitely your best. I think we'll both be on our way then also. We should probably go dress now. Chang Li said now staring at the casual out fit wears that both her and Yang Min us wearing on them now..

Sure ok. I'll be waiting for you guys then with the snack too. She said reminding them both of the snacks that they just talked about now..

Sure.. and the snacks. Definitely wouldn't forget such a thing like that. Chang Li assured V that believe everything that she said now..

Cool.. that's really great! Sis. Violet exclaimed a little loud now.

Definitely. See you soon then. Chang Li said to Violet as both her and Yang Min now made their way to their own room to get changed to their various wear now.

Ok.. I'm waiting ok?. She said this out a little loud seeing that both Chang Li and Yang Min both have gotten a little further distance from where she is standing now..

Sure!. [Giggled]. And soon both Chang Li and Yang Min backs wasn't now visible to Violet view. 

[Violet should have followed them back to her own apartment but she really isn't sure of her next step to take..]. How my hubby arrived there already? Or is he still waiting for me inside our room? 

Huh? Violet feel her cell phone beep now on her hand, without wasting much time, she raised the cell phone now to her face for her to view it perfectly.. and soon, her cell phone started ringing.. she smiled and at the same time blushed real hard when she saw the ID caller of their person that she is missing already and talking about just now... "My hubby 💖".

Without hesitation, Violet now answered the phone call from her hubby now. Hubby., She said out as soon as she answered the call.. [Naughty Shin Yu that is in the other end of the phone call now, smiled widely after hearing his little wifey sweet voice again now calling on him "Hubby".mm that's nice. Be thought.

Where are you now darling? Are you done? Shin Yu that can't even spend a moment alone without his little wifey asked now as if he is ready to fly and get to where she is now. [Author Tina nwuba: I definitely envy this kind of love. I'm a fan of this. I live for this-_-**].

Oh. Too bad. [She giggled a little]. I don't know the floor I am at now. It's really so confusing. Violet admitted to her hubby. [She will have to go ask the staffs of the floor where she's at now.. how funny right?].

Huh? You don't know the floor you're at now? Shin Yu that suddenly became worried asked.. what if she gets lost and someone then drag her into their room she have their way with his little Wifey? [All these weird thoughts coming out from Shin Yu head because of his worried for his little wifey].

Hang on.. don't move an inch from where you are now. I'm coming. Shin Yu that is being impatient now said out hurriedly handing up the phone call now..

Hello. Hubby? Are you there? Violet now is confused not hearing anything from the person on that is in the other end of the phone call, she then brought down her left hand that is holding the cell phone closed to her ear now.. huh? "Disconnected?" Violet was all surprised seeing that her hubby had already ended the phone call.. so soon? But he did say she shouldn't move an inch and that he is coming? How the hell would he know where I'm located right now? Violet that is in disbelief of her Hubby thought now.. [There's no how he will know where she is now] she thought..

[It's not possible, or could it be that he has super powers to know where I am now? She thought before she shake her head slightly to wave off and out these weird thoughts and stuffs that is inside of her head now]. I guess I'll have to wait here without moving an inch just like he said on the phone. She thought. [Well, she definitely is not going to stand in damn one place without moving an inch.. would she?] She thought.


After hanging up the phone call with his little wifey, Shin Yu hurriedly came out of their room, he is using the tracking device to trail where she is now with his phone. Thank goodness that the necklace that he did gift her is handy.. he kind of have put a tracking device on it. [The other gift that he first gave to her with tracking device on it, she lost it but he knew where it was but decided not to bother with bringing it back home because he is sure that his little wifey will actually suspect him for sure. She isn't that dumb not to know. So he bought for her a new soft silver necklace.. after wearing it on for her on her neck, he told her never to take it off and to always think of him when ever she sees it-_-**].

I'm coming my little wifey. He thought now walking speedily as if someone was chasing him.. [but to be honestly speaking, who would dare to chase a Demon CEO like him!!?, Maybe that person is ready to journey to hell then]. [Author Tina nwuba: Damn. That means I really won't look for his trouble. I don't want to journey to hell any time soon-_-**].


Inside the hotel.. Li Yun and Ji ah could be seen walking side to side with each other. Just as Li Yun said to her earlier before... They're both going to meet Grandpa Li now in his him as they are both sure he haven't gotten to see what is happening outside the hotel.

Do you think that this plan of yours would actually do work out? Ji ah said to her bestie Li Yun that is about taking to action and executing this crazy plan of hers.. like what was she thinking when she said that some while ago outside the hotel? Ji ah thought now waiting for non other than Li Yun on this.

It sure would definitely work out will as I planned earlier.. all these people came a the way from their different home town and cities just for them to witness this grand engagement party, of course, then I'll be gladly delighted in showing them the inner of the engagement party since there's no way in the world they all could enter Inside and watch it for them self. She further explained to Ji ah that actually did nod her head now multiple times as she said.. [this actually do makes all sense now] Ji ah thought now agreeing to her bestie crazy plan idea. [Anyways, it's actually many couple wish to be shown inside of a billboard while they wed or do their engagement party but for these both particular couples, Shin Yu and Violet.. they could just make this happen with just a flick of the finger].


[Author Tina nwuba: Hope you guys like my story. Don't forget to tell me what you think about it. See you all in my next update]

© Copyright Tina Nwuba.

Facebook page: Author Tina-nwuba

Love you all my amazing readers 💞🌌💞. See you in my next update 😚🌌💞. Read my other books

Ongoing- "The cold prince stubborn wife".

Ongoing- "Reborn of the Demon Empress".by Tina Nwuba. Love you all💞.
