
They met him again

Same time after a minute the second ruthless billionaire arrived with his car to the University.

[Girl 1: OMG!!! Today is gonna be interesting].

[Girl 2: Whoa!!!].

[Girl 3: I definitely can't wait to watch today's fun].

He got of from his car and headed to the building followed by Ji nan. All attention of the crowd was given to him.

He stopped, he turned back to Ji nan,he asked. The office.

Ji nan quickly got in front and led his big bro the way to Mr Gun's office.

Please have mercy...... I wasn't really myself that day. It was him that is at fault. Mr Gun knelt down and pleaded to the boss that was sitting high and mighty on his chair.

Jan Cha was in shock and surprise as to how his father also joined in pleading and begging this dude on his behalf.

He was done with it. Father, why are you begging this freak, huh. Just deal with him. Jan Cha raged.

S... Shut u... Up. How dare you Jan Cha. Mr Jan raged his anger to his son.

Freak. The thunderous voice spoke out. Mr Jan. How do you deal with your son. The voice said out and was with anger.

A.. am so sorry about this. He pleaded.

And how do you intend to show it. Shin yu asked with a smirk on his face.

Mr Jan suddenly got up to his feet and punched his son hard on his face. Jan Cha was left shocked of his father's movement on him.

F.. father. He stammered while touch his lip that was now covered with little stain of blood.

Shut up!!! Mr Jan yelled out to his son.

Mr Gun just knelt down on the floor and was shaking nonstop.

You!!! Shin yu pointed to Mr Gun.

M..me. Yes sir. He answered.

Expell him from this University now. Shin yu ordered without care in his face.

Chang li and Violet just stood behind Shin yu and was amazed to the sudden change in Shin yu as he got here.

Big bro has never behaved like this for a while. The only time his like is was when someone messes with him.

Which means. Omo, no way. Chang li thought as she smiled.

Am leaving him for today, cause am in a good mood. You know me. Shin Yu said bringing out his cold aura that made them all to shiver in fear.

Y.. yes I know. Mr Jan answered.

Jan Cha just seemed to understand that the man that is seated in front of them is not one to be messed him. Which means that he is doomed.

Just then the office door of Mr Gun office opened and soon a person with just the same aura as Shin yu himself walked together with Ji nan. Causing the two men kneeling down gasped in fear and shiver a little.

The second fearful billionaire after Shin yu is here. Which means they are DOOMED.

What has my son gotten me into. Mr Jan thought as he thought of what to do to him after all this ends.

Meanwhile as soon as Ji Min stepped in, Violet and Chang li eyes opened up. It was the same handsome guy that helped them escaped from Yi Yuan the other time. They were sure happy to see him again.

They were both hoping to meet him again to thank him for actually saving them from that bad man