
Pain/ Exam Time..

Chan Yun father rushed to see his wife that was now moved out of the emergency room. She was given a VIP room to get her treatment done there ..

What happened.. The man asked his wife that was okay now but still unconscious.. "sighed". First his daughter and now his wife.. why was fate playing with him??

Just as he was still busy accusing fate of this.. he phone ring. He declined the call because it was an unknown number but later decided on picking it up when the call refuse to end...

Tear rolled down his eyes hearing the tragic thing that had happened to his daughter.. he blames him self for raising her up like this.. Fate had made him fatherless.. he cried like a baby in the hospital that other couldn't help but looked at him pitiful..

He went to confirm the dead body and indeed that was his daughter laying in her cold blood..

Now he knew why his wife had earlier collapsed. Which Mom would witness their daughter dead and be alright??

He took custody of his daughter dead body as he laid her to rest... In your next life, I hope you have a better family that won't raise you up in a bad way just like I did.. he said to the tomb where Chan Yun was laid to rest before going away.. tear soak in his eyes as he tried to hold it back.. he was all his fault. He couldn't help but continued to blame himself..


Inside a big bedroom... A man was busy making out with his wife..

"Moaned loudly". Ah!! Faster! She said bouncing her butt up while he pounds rapidly..

His phone ring distracting him from his activity with his wife "Ja di step Mom".

The cops informed him about Ja di but he wasn't touched a bit by this..

Mm.. what is it honey. His wife asked as she stood up to take his full length inside her...

She is dead.. he said without any emotions..

You mean your wife daughter is finally dead? She was so excited hearing this new. Now her plan of her own child owning everything has finally come true..

Aren't you a bit worried? She asked to see his reaction..

What?? I betrayed her filthy Mom because I love you, do you think because I let her stay with him that I love her as my daughter?? She was never and would never be a daughter to me..

His wife was satisfied hearing...

She slightly placed her hand on her stomach that was a little big as she then also made him touch her stomach..  now we'll start afresh with our unborn child.. she smiled Wickedly as she said..

The hungry man continued to stare at the sexy body that was on top of him.. he begin to ride and pound her non stop until she reached her climax and cried out... He repeated this love making multiple times...


Due to the facts that there wasn't any CCTV camera at the lonely road thus no evidence was found as they decided to close the case since the both parents were not fighting hard to know what had killed their daughter..

Soon that same day. CCTV camera where inputed all over that road..


[Author Tina nwuba: Guys this is the end part for Chan Yun and Ja di chapter sadly-_-**. But we move on as we all discover new characters with their different purpose and ambition in the story😉😯.]


It's a great moment spending my spare time with you guys.. I really am honored in being your friend.. Yang Min said smiling... Thank goodness she left Chan Yun squad..

They all had fun talking about the last coming exam that was to be held tommorow. They sure can't wait to finish the exams..

Let's play a game.. how about discussing on what to be now after finishing?

Yeah it'll be fun. Violet smiled saying, she still continues taking bite of the donuts she was holding..

Ok.. then we'll start with the youngest it the group.. Chang Li said turning to Violet..

Huh?? Am not the youngest.. we start with him. Violet argue pointing at Nan nan..

Aren't you guys of the same year.. Chang Li asked confused..


Well.. since you guys are the same years why don't we make this fair. Yang Min said bringing out an old coin..

They all looked at her surprise.. 

I always keep this around for good lucks. She said kissing the coin..

This is how we'll do it.. head is yours Nan and tails is for you Violet.. let's go.. she said out as she then threw the coin to the thin air..

Violet was waiting curiously for the outcome..

Seems like it's tail.. Violet you're the first.. case solved. She said smiling as Violet...

"Sighed" well seems am the lucky person to go first. She said eyeing Nan nan..

I would love to become an actual pro gamer and a hacker.... she smiled as she said dreamily.. but since am in this department.. I'll also like to be an actress also a model but not full time

Whoa!! Chang Li and Yang Min exclaimed the same time..

What? Is it..

Nah. Not that sis V. I also want to become an actress.

Same here! Yang Min yelled out excitedly.. 


But you said you would love to be an actual pro gamer and a hacker? What does that mean? Can you perhaps hack anything or perhaps know how to play video games?? Yang Min curiously threw many questions to Violet that requires answers..

She's a pro in it already. Chang Li laughed out saying..

Whoa!! That's amazing. Yang Min joined her both hands together as she said..

After talking about Violet own they all face to Nan nan..

Well don't ask me.. I just got into this department for fancy -_-??

What do you mean Nan nan?? Violet asked..

This was actually what my Mom always wanted to study but ended up not being successful in it so "sighed" I decided to enter into it to make her happy..

Aww.. how sweet of you Nan nan.. Violet hit his head a little as she said.. 

Well I can just become a model and at the same time help run the company..

Slice!! This way you'll be really admired by you workers then.. Violet teased him.. am I right, am I right.. she said laughing out.. Nan nan just used one of his hand to push away Violet face that was not that far from his..

Anyways.. good luck to us all.. Chang Li said as She then brought out one of her hand.. but Violet Ji Nan and Yang Min also placed their one hand on Chang Li's own..

We shall be best friends forever.. Chang Li said..

Yeah.. Violet smiled saying.. at the count of three. One, Two, Three..

Best friends forever.. they all recited the same time..


Ha!! Finally get to have my best roomie all to my self now. Chang Li said dragging Violet into the room..

You sure are sis V. 

Tomorrow is going to be a one of a kind tough day. She said as she sat down on the bed folding her both legs together..

Nah.. not for me. Violet said shaking her head indicating it wasn't going to be that tough for her..

I hope so. Chang Li said as she lay back flat on the large bed.

Yeah.. we just have to sleep tight and wait for the great moment tomorrow ok. She said before she rest her head on Chang Li shoulder.. she have such a great bond with Chang Li..

You're right sis V.. I need to take a good rest now. Chang Li admitted as she then shut her both eyes and let the night take over her...


Bright morning~~~~

[Student 1: Ha!! This has been the day we were all waiting for.]

[Student 2 : Hmm.. I can't believe this day is finally here.. we all get to write our last exam].

[Student 3 : "Sigh" I really hope we pass].

[Student 1 : What do you mean hope?? We are sure to pass.. that means except you if you perhaps want to fail?]

[Student 3 : Huh? -_-??].

[Student 1 & 2 : They both laughed out loud at the joke]..

[Student 3 : Hahaha.. you guys are sure funny. Hmph].

[Student 2 : Don't be mad ok.. just consider this.. finishing joke..].. The three couldn't help but laugh out loud at this..


[Freshman 1 : Isn't this great.. "sigh" they get to finish school for good. And here I am at the beginner stage. I sure do envy them.. aww...].

[Freshman 2 : Yeah.. such a sweet moment for them. She said dreamily]..

[Freshman : "sigh" really wished I was in there shoes now.. well we just have to work hard like everyone else to get there].. 

The freshman, second year and other really envied the final year students that was about finishing.. some even wished they were the one finishing now.


The large hall for the exam was well arranged with computers on each set of sits...

Good.. put that over there.. Mrs Lee directed them..

The class hall was now ready for the students to go take their exams now..

Every students decide where to seat on by their self.. Violet, Chang Li, Nan nan and Yang Min all sat in a roll close to each other..

It took only a few minutes for all the students to settle down.. some of them were anxious while some were looking forward.. just like Violet. She was anxious of any kind.. she just put on a confident face..

I love that we're all close to each other.. Yang Min said excitedly.. the only people she had ever seat with are both Chan Yun and Ja di. 

The supervisor of the hall came in as they all welcomed him into their hall..

After five minutes of his arrival...

Begin. And good luck students. 

Everybody system was then switched on as they begin their exam..

It's show time. Violet "slightly smirked". As she then begins typing fast. In no time she hacked her own system..

So easy!! She thought.  She used the computer to check the information of the students writing the exam as she then came across their Ji Nan's own information..

She saw the supervisor coming forward but she was a pro in this.. she just quickly switched it back to the exam question and answer page..

"Phew" Violet sighed as he left the back seat to the front..

"Click".. awesome. And just like that she was done.. she automatically answered the questions in the system without a single sweat..


Chang Li, Ji Nan with Yang Min just focused on their own systems.. well some questions seems clear to them but they waited on Violet to see the crazy plan she got in her head..

The three were just staring at their systems when they saw what shocked them..

Chang Li:-_-??

Yang Min:-_-??

Ji Nan:-_-??

They surprisedly clean their eyes s little to check if they were seeing correctly.. and indeed, they all were.. the answers to the questions were all filled in and answered. It haven't even been up to 10minutes after the exam started.. how??

They all were still in shock and disbelief at Violet amazing hacking skills..


[Author Tina nwuba: more updates daily guys💁. Thanks for reading my book the demon CEO little wife 💁. Please read and don't forget to rate and review 💁]

© Copyright Tina nwuba 💁😉.

See you guys in tomorrow update my amazing readers.

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The Demon CEO little wife is written and created by me, Tina nwuba 😉💁. © Copyright Tina nwuba 💁.