
Li Yun...

[Author Tina nwuba: I made a mistake on the last words of the Mom Li Yun. I mean she loves shopping a lot!. Now let's all move on with the story💞].

There is no doubt that Mom Li Yun loves shopping a lot!! when I mean a lot!! Violet decided to gift some clothes to the orphanage home that really needs it~~~ like seriously, what was she going to do with all this clothes? [She can't possibly wear all these clothes during a short period of time. It's definitely impossible].

Violet picked a simple dress that got her interest out of all the clothes in there. After rubbing her lotion on her soft skin, she wore the dress [it was a simple plain dress with no much design, kind of unique in it's own way].

She head out of the room with Shin Yu that was already waiting for her to finish up.


There you are sis V~ I thought you weren't planning on coming to dinner. You know what I mean. Chang Li wink her one eye as she said out to Violet. [She definitely know what Chang Li mean. She really is so exhausted but her hubby wouldn't just leave her be].

[Of course she wasn't planning on coming out yet but this Mafia hubby of hers won't just leave her be?].

There is a seat saved for you guys. Li Yun smiled as she said.. she was busy with serving food to everyone's plate~~~ of course Chang Li volunteer to do this instead of her but she totally disagreed... she wanted to do it her self.

Shuu Chang Li dear~~~ haven't you learn of table manner?? Li Yun said out to Chang Li that was still busy having a conversation with V that was seated by her side.

Chang Li:-_-??.

[The whole family looked at her in surprise. She was talking about table manners when she was actually the one who always talk a lot while eating? This really is strange now to them all. They definitely know who their Li Yun is witt out doubt].

Wait a minute~~~ did the words of advise she gave to sis V finally made her become like this?? Chang Li weird thought.

Having making sure that there was food in everyone's plates. Li Yun finally settled down now.


Ahem. V do you like the dress I bought for you earlier. Li Yun suddenly said out. [Chang Li staring at her Mom now].

Chang Li: There we go now~~~ I thought she changed for good. She muttered in a low voice only to her own personal hearings.

Mm. Violet nods in respond. She really did loved the dress a lot and for the reason it was made in her country, she actually love it as her best dress.

Nice nice~~~ Li Yun was happy hearing Violet response. [she had asked her this same question over and over again inside the car?? That even Chang Li got really bored of it].

Dear, you bought her a dress? Grandmother Li was surprised. like when did they go out without her notice? Poor Violet dear. She didn't even let her rest. Grandmother Li said this in a much lower tone.

Yes mother... And it's not just any dress but a wedding dress!! She said out loudly while showing out her teeth to them.

Shin Yu:-_-? Li Shan:-_-? Grandmother Li:-_-? Grandfather Li:-_-? Chang Li: quite a shock, isn't it? She asked inside her mind seeing everyone speechless face expressions. Li Yun was actually the one crazy about the coming marriage during the weeks. It's as if she was, I don't know, the one getting married not sis V. Chang Li laughed out on her thoughts.

When, where, how. Li Shan was finding words to put together..  You didn't even let the poor girl take a rest~~~ Li Shan complained to his wife like he was actually the one who went with her to the boutique.

Stop with your fusing already~~ She was even over the moon to go with me. Li Yun said out hitting Li Shan that was seating next to her.

Violet:-_-? Violet almost choked and spilled out the water she was drinking from her mouth.

Isn't that right my dear. She turned to Violet smiling.

Violet awkwardly stared at Chang Li that also stare at her. Yeah. you're absolutely right Mom. Violet lied.

See!! I knew it! She said out excitedly. Shin Yu just slightly shake his head of his Mom behavior. He really need to hide his wife from his mother before his Mom stress her out for him-_-?.

Dear are you okay? Grandmother Li asked seeing Violet sleepy face.

Yes Grandmother.. just a little sleepy~~~ Violet replied back with a warm smile.

Why don't you let this naughty Grandson of mine escort you back to your room?.

Sure Grandmother. Violet said before excusing herself from the dinning accompanied by Shin Yu.

What a wonderful match, isn't it? She said dreamily seeing Shin Yu hold Violet on their way.

Chang Li: I wonder when mine will treat me like this~~~ Chang Li said wishing that hers come true.

Ha~~~ I better retire to my room also. I'm not getting any younger.. Grandmother Li said jokingly.

"Laughs out" but Mother, you're way Young to even be called a grandma. You can't be getting that older.

I have a granddaughter and a grandson, so am a grandma and like I said, I'm not getting younger by the day.

This made everyone laugh out~ even the maids that was not that far from them, laughed out at this..  The Li family are always this funny but at the same thing serious.

Grandfather Li escort his wife to their room, she was nagging him to escort her back~~~ she even told her how sweet his grandson was escorting his wife back to their room while holding her hand.

"Sighed". He had no other choice but to obey his wife~~~ he sometimes even fear his wife-_-** funny right?.

Seems like we're the only ones left here~~~ Li Yun said out.

Yeah Mom~~~ and am about also leaving now. See ya!! She quickly finish up before also leaving the large dinning room. It was only Li Yun and Li Shan that was now seated in the dinning.


Should I escort you back? Li Shan asked his wife but seems like she was thinking about something and didn't hear the words he said.

Yun'er~~~ he called out her name before she was able to recover from her thoughts.

Oh~~~ sorry, didn't know you were referring to me. She apologized to her hubby.

Yun'er. He called her name gently. What are you thinking of? He asked because he always knows when something is bothering her.

Nah~~~ it's nothing much. She said out admitting that indeed something was bothering her.

Remember~~~ you can always share it with me. He said holding her hand.

Well... If you insist. She said to him.

She was about telling him but the words wasn't helping at all~~~ it's as if her mouth was sealed. It was sure a memory she didn't want to remember at all.

Li Shan could see the difficulty she was experiencing when trying to tell him.

He placed his hand on her side cheek. If it's that hard to tell.. it's best to keep it to your self, when the time is right, you can then finally let it go. He said encouraging her

Li Yun hugged him tightly. Thanks for understanding. She muttered~~~ She wasn't ready at all to reveal to anyone the painful memory that she had kept secret only to her self. She felt that this wasn't the right time to spill it out. When the time comes, she definitely will.

Come dear... Let's go get you to bed okay~~~ he said helping her up from the dinning.

Girls~~~ Mrs Yu called out. Five maids came running towards her direction.

You know what to do. She said.

Yes Mrs Yu.  They respond at the same time before heading straight to the dinning table to tidy it up.


Feels good~~~ Violet yelled out excitedly as she fell on the soft bed. I'm really so sleepy. She complained.

I'll help you with that. Shin Yu offered her a free helping hand but she looked at him suspiciously~~ what is he up to now? She thought.

Nah~~~ I think I can sleep without your help. Violet smiled awkwardly as she said. She really didn't know what's in that head of his.


What are you doing? Violet asked him.

Is my little Wifey trying to chase me out of our room. He said forming a fake sad pitiful face -_-?? [Author Tina nwuba: The Mafia Boss behaving like this with his little wifey~~~ hmm... So cute!!]

That's not what I mean. She covered her shy face as she answered. What's with the face?~ she asked still covering her face a little with the while soft blanket.

I thought my little wifey was about chasing me out of our room~~~ He answered before climbing the bed and lay beside her. As usual, he let her rest her head on his strong arm~ He do love this position.

Shin Yu used his other hand to wrap on her stomach.

Violet feel good smelling the nice natural scent from him.

Shin Yu continuously pet Violet trying to get her into sleeping since she was pretty much tired.


After 5 minutes...

Shin Yu could tell that she was still not asleep because of the way she was breathing.

Still couldn't sleep? He asked her worriedly.

Violet:-_-? How did he guessed that I wasn't yet asleep? Yeah yeah. She knew she was having a hard time with getting to sleep. But didn't expect him to know, like how does he always do that?.

Em~~~ what are you doing? Violet asked cuz she was surprised of what he did.

Trying to put you to sleep. He replied straight. He helped placed her head so that it's resting on his strong chest.

Violet:[her face was really red now~~~ any how one could actually picture it.]

You can wrap your hand on me. He suggested to her.

Violet smiled hearing this. She soon slowly let her one hand be on his chest~~~ she felt really relaxed like this laying on his chest~~~ in no time she soon fell asleep.

"Slightly smiled"~~~ He feel satisfied that he finally made her have some sleep. He pet her back for some while before he finally also slept off.


Morning time soon came~ like always.

"Yawns" ha. Feels good and new again. She said happily as she stretched her hand. She actually was feeling good and really energetic now~~~ yesterday for her was a horror.

I guess am gonna stay at the Mansion for a week before the hotel~~~ she smiled saying this~~~ at least she would be with her sis Chang Li through out her staying.

Li Yun of course had earlier suggested that Violet stay through out with them until the day they finally went to the hotel~~~  She keeps bragging about this that even grandfather Li had no other choice but to even approve of it before even before informing his grandson. Li Yun just wins in every of her wishes. 

Violet scanned the room with her eyes but no sign of Shin Yu~~~ of course, he was really busy this time of the month~~~ he had to deal with many clients~~~ also like Chang Li mentioned to her recently~~~ He was preparing for the party anniversary they were going to celebrate at the hotel.. they do this every year only.

She jumped of from the bed before heading to the bathroom room~~~ after making sure that she was all cleaned, she came out and changed her clothes.


"Knocks"~~~ she gently hit the door before entering inside the room~~~ sis Chang Li, are you still asleep? Violet asked Chang Li that lay on tge bed.

Of course I was.. but now you ruined it~~~ you killer joy. She joked~~~ she was having her weird happy dream like always of her and Ji Min together~~~ but seemed like some one was not letting her enjoy that dream to the end today.

How? Or were you perhaps dreaming of some one? Violet jokingly asked.

Seems like someone got in the good side of sleeping today? Chang Li said out seeing Violet shine bright glowing face~~~ and also the energy in her.

Yeah~~~ I really did sleep like a baby~~ Violet smiled saying~~~ I could even carry blocks if you could say!! Violet was just in a very happy mood today.

Where is your hubby sis V? Chang Li suddenly asked her.

Probably at the company now. He didn't even say goodbye to me before even going. Violet complained like a kid.. but why do you ask sis Chang Li~~ any problem?.

I guess not~~~ I was wishing he was around so he could probably come take you away.

Violet: Huh? Really~~ you can't possibly want to get rid of me.. she sad while expressing a pitiful face like a kid.

"Sigh" hmm... So cute. How can I possibly want to get rid of my cute little bunny~~ so bad thinking of me. Chang Li said to Violet with her bright smiling face.

Yeah~ I even thought so [This made the both of them laugh out loud].

You have finally done it sis V~~ Chang Li admitted..

Done what actually sis Chang Li?. Violet asked acting all innocent.

You finally have succeeded in getting me off from my bed~~she shake her head while saying this.

I sure have. Violet said without feeling guilty.

I guess I'll have to also have my payback at you. Chang Li joked.


Please my dear amazing readers, let's get "The Demon CEO little wife" far to the top by rating and commenting for your Author 💞 in my book review section.[Author Tina nwuba: Hope you guys like my story. Don't forget to tell me what you think about it. See you all in my next update]

© Copyright Tina Nwuba.

Facebook page: Author Tina-nwuba

Love you all my amazing readers 💞🌌💞. See you in my next update 😚🌌💞. Read my other books

Ongoing- "The cold prince stubborn wife".

Ongoing- "Reborn of the Demon Empress". By Tina Nwuba. Love you all💞.
