
I have a boyfriend so back off!!!...

"What made me even hide the phone?. It just makes it seems like I was doin something bad!".

Oh good heavens... Maybe I'm still a little upset that she didn't take me along with her. Chang Li said. Her voice showed how disappointed that she was because of this.

"Whatever... It's not like it can be changed back". Yang Min didn't mind again, she turned her body so that her stomach was laying flat on the bed. She focused back her gaze on the cell phone in her hand. 

"Whatever you are, I'm definitely sure you're a ghost that trapped me. Why can't I get over you already?. I don't believe I'm saying this but this really is creepy to me!". 


Chang Li shut the door behind her after coming out from the apartment. She headed straight to the elevator. "Huh?. Why is the door about shutting?. Oh sh*t!. That means someone just entered".

Without thinking much about this, Chang Li ran straight to prevent the elevator door from shutting. She can't possibly wait for it to arrive at its destination without her in it.

[Phew]. She sighed in relief after she successfully made it in the elevator. Chang Li didn't even mind to turn to see who was behind her. 

Her mind was only focused now on getting to her Mom and Dad that are both probably in their room, maybe even waiting for her arrival over there.


Just some seconds inside the elevator...

Chang Li was busy with her phone when suddenly, she felt the warmth present of someone behind her. The person's body was so close to her that it was touching her back. 

"What's this!?. I should just ignore whatever this is". She thought. But she had enough of the nonsense when that person behind rest the head at the side of her right ear.

In a swift moment, Chang Li turned and gave a hard sounding slap to that person. "I have a boyfriend so back off!!!". She added. 

Her body was hot tempered now but all that suddenly came to an end because her tempered body was now like that of a tamed bunny!.

Her both eyes widened in shock... Her body also suddenly became stiffed!. It was as if time stopped with counting because everything inside there suddenly froze. 

"J.. Ji min!?. Is this you?". Chang Li make use of her hand to clean up her eyes to be sure that she was dreaming of this moment... And that everything is just an illusion.

But as she opened her eyes, it was still the same as it was when she shut her eyes. "This is real!!!". She thought. 

I'm so sorry... I didn't know that it was you. Hmm. I'm sorry. [Chang Li thought: Sh*t!. What should I do?. He seems to be ignoring me?. Why was he even inside the elevator just the moment I was also about making use of it?. Is fate perhaps toying with me today?!].

Chang Li was still lost in her thoughts when suddenly she felt someone held her. The body of that person felt really warm that Chang Li couldn't help it but also cuddled him the same way he was being with her.

I'm so... Chang Li couldn't finish her words completely because she got interrupted by someone. 

"I like what you just did... Its cute". Ji min said before hugging her more closely to his body.

[Chang Li thought: What does he mean by that?. I slapped him hard by accident and here he is saying that he liked that?. As of this moment, Chang Li began with her thinking that maybe, and just maybe, her slap on his face played with his functioning brain. How can he say this?].

"Em... I didn't mean to. Hmph!. How can you say that?". Chang Li didn't yet understand the true meaning behind the words of Ji min.

Ji min chuckled a little before saying. "You didn't know that it was me... You probably thought that it was someone else that you hit... I like what you said also". Ji min Mafia character type of like an hour ago, suddenly changed to the one of a little cub in Chang Li's present.

Oh... She muttered before hugging him more. She finally understand what he meant by that. But still she was feeling guilty of the slap she gave to him right on his left cheek. "Why didn't he complained". Chang Li muttered. 

Of course I'm in pain dear... Look at what you did to me. My cheek hurts like hell. 

[Chang Li was extremely speechless by the sudden change of Ji min]. I'll keep on saying this, but you and my big bro definitely would win a great award one day for you both acting skills. She thought.

"You have to take care of me today". After Ji min said this, he bend his back so that his head was resting on Chang Li's chest. 

Chang Li first thought of why she got inside of the elevator in the first place... She was going to meet her Mom and Dad for more information about that stranger... "Oh well... I guess today isn't over yet. Seems like I have to deal with my boyfriend situation first". She thought. A wide smile appeared on her face at the thought of it.


Sure dear. Where are you planning on going anyways?. Em... I think you can let go now. Chang Li tried by pushing Ji min head away from her chest... But dear this boyfriend of hers is just as cunning and mischievous like Shin Yu. [She always saw Shin Yu behaves exactly this way when he was always with V].

"Fine! You can stay this way but not for long. We can't stay like this before the elevator... Opens". Chang Li was already too late because the elevator door suddenly opened up.


Please my dear amazing readers, let's get "The Demon CEO little wife" far to the top by rating and commenting for your Author 💞 in my book review section.[Author Tina nwuba: Hope you guys like my story. Don't forget to tell me what you think about it. See you all in my next update]. Facebook page: Author Tina-nwuba.

© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
