
I'll help bath you. Free of charge!.

How it all started... Previously!...


Inside the bedroom... Violet was sleeping beside Shin Yu on the large bed. It didn't take long before she there after woke up from her sleep.

"Huh?. It's morning already?. I can't feel my body. Violet thought. She turned to her side and saw that Shin Yu was still asleep beside her on the bed". "How cute". She muttered before the making use of her hand to pet on his head.

Violet stayed in this particular position of staring at her hubby for about a minute plus. "She deeply sighed before saying... I need to go to the bathroom". 

Not wanting of her to wake him up, she decided to to extremely careful while at it... So as not to make any sounds when getting up from the bed. [But unfortunately for her, she almost fell immediately her both feet touched the ground]. 

"Whoa!". This exclamation suddenly slipped out from her mouth, that even she didn't noticed of it. Violet shut her both eyes as she awaits her body to hit on the ground already.

"Huh?". What's happening? Why am I not falling again?. Violet thought, before she then opened up her eyes.

To be sure that she wasn't hallucinating now, she turned to the figure behind her.

Violet face widened in surprise when she saw the hand supporting her waist. "Are you okay darlin?". Shin Yu asked Violet that was still wondering on her he got up from the bed this fast. 

"How was he so fast to get over to where she was?. Was he monitoring her before without her notice?".

Wasn't he still asleep a moment before now?. Or was he only pretending?. Violet still can't believe this because of how fast Shin Yu was. It was like he already expected this to happen to her.

Em... Sure. You can let go of me now. Huh?. She turned to face Shin Yu that didn't act according to her wish. The way that Shin Yu smirked at her made her shivered to the core. "What is he planning this time around?". She thought. 

She definitely knows her hubby... When he ever smirked like this, it only means one thing. "Does he have a mischievous plan inside this his unpredictable head?".

"If I leave you darling... He moved his face so closely to her nape. You're definitely going to fall... And you don't want that to happen". He whispered to her.

What's happening?. I can't feel my legs with him doing this!. Her face was already beyond red. Her both legs were shaking even though that Shin Yu still held her waist to support her. "She also felt many butterflies happening inside her stomach".

It's like she was losing control of over her body. Her mind was getting blur... She couldn't even think straight at this moment. This body of hers seems to be acting on its own will.

Y... You're teasing me. Even her voice was weak as she said this to Shin Yu. This her sweet low voice really did something to Shin Yu... Because all he thinks now is to devour and make love to her over and over again!.

[But he can't ever possibly do that to her now. He knows how much pain she is now and it was all because of him]. 

"Gosh!. I can't think straight!". Shin Yu didn't act up to Violet demands... And he also can't continue holding her like this in this position for long because he was already losing control of himself.

And hell!... He does knows what would happen if he perhaps loses control of himself. "He would only end up being on top of V again!".

Shin Yu gently placed her to sit back on the bed. To him, this way was actually more better. Before he gets to hold her closely to his body again, he must have to clear up his head that is about rebelling against him.

Huh?. I want to go to the bathroom. Violet said out after seeing her hubby settled her back on the bed. "I can't walk... Can you carry me over there please?". Violet couldn't hold in her shyness this moment. With the help of her hand, she make use of it to cover up her face away from Shin Yu gaze.

She just felt like her face was really about exploding because of how hot it is.

Shin Yu couldn't help but to pet on her head. "My little wifey is so cute!. How can I possibly decline any of your request when I actually live for that?". 

"Whoa". He carried her easily in his strong arms as if it was perhaps nothing. "Shall we go then darling?... I'll help bath you also. Free of charge!". His whole face beamed with joy after he declared this to her. Anyways... He definitely knows that she can't possibly decline to him at this moment... When he did drain all of her energies last night. 

Violet of course didn't mind this mischievous hubby of her... She will let him bath her as he likes. Actually it was all because she still couldn't feel her legs... Infact the whole of her body looks like it sudden went numb!.


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© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
