
Go find your Hubby!!...

Sure it's possible my dear, she will just have to wear the pink one in the engagement party. And then after like 3 hours, she can then change it to the yellow dress. That's definitely going to work out. Li Yun was really satisfied with her suggestion now. 

[Oh my!. V thought]. How is she supposed to change dresses?  It really would be stressful to her.

Of course it's goin to work out but, I don't think. Chang Li couldn't put together the words to describe this to her Mom. Some times her Mom can be stubborn just like Shin Yu.

Meanwhile while they both where still discussing, Violet stared at the both dresses and indeed for her, she like the pink one the best. But she also likes the yellow dress but it was the pink dress that caught all her attention.

Violet collected the dress from the bed where it was placing before showing it off to her Mom Li Yun.

Mom. I think I'll go with this one. Violet smile saying to Li Yun that was still arguing with her daughter.

Nice nice. That's a nice decision dear. I even had my eyes on the pink dress my self. She admitted to her dear V. Indeed now you look it well, the pink one was the best among the two dresses. 

V sure is smart when it comes to picking this time around.

Nice picking V. Chang Li tap her on the shoulder as she said. The both dresses indeed is magnificent!. But the pink is perfecto!. The both dresses just looks really similar to the ones in the Barbie cartoons.

Thanks sis Chang Li, and I think you'll probably need this. She said passing the other yellow outfit to her sis Chang Li~. perfect V. Thanks. She said after collecting the dress from her hand. [Author Tina Nwuba: Yang Yang... Don't be hurt at all okay😁].

They all stayed inside Li Yun own room before deciding to head back to theirs. Li Yun really did entertained them all with her never ending words. 

At some points they didn't even get to hear almost half of her words. What they only just did was just to nod their heads in acknowledgement of what she was saying.

Catch up with you later bride. Chang Li said out to V that was heading to her room.

"Giggles" I'll be back any time soon. She said this because Chang Li was saying her goodbye as if she was perhaps not going to still meet with them soon.

Nah. I don't think so. Go find your Hubby!! Chang Li smiled after saying this. This made Violet to blush really hard. She just waved her hand to them both before running into her own hotel room.


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See you in my next update.Read my other books. Ongoing- "The cold prince stubborn wife". 

Ongoing- "Reborn of the Demon Empress". By Tina Nwuba. Love you all💞. Now ongoing "Spellbound To You Demon". In Webnovel app. Pls add to your shelf in Webnovel.

© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
