
First day trouble 2

The Li corporation company


Li shin was sitting on his office chair facing through the glass and seeing the large city. He sure misses his little wifey....

He then turned to study the files submitted to him when Min Feng entered....

Boss..... There seems to be a problem. Min Feng said to him, he was finding it hard to say it out.

Shin yu looked at before ordering him to speak up.

Boss, as I was on duty carrying out your order to check on little Madam... On the mention of his wife, he immediately stopped what he was doing and paid all his attention...

What happened... He asked impatiently.

I heard someone was forcefully trying to hit on little Madam and almost took advantage of her when suddenly someone intersect and punched the pervert hard and that Madam should bring one of her guardian tomorrow if not she would be expelled....

On hearing this, Shin Yu tighten the grip of his hand and he was filled with rage...

How dare he hit on her.... Looks like someone is looking for a dead wish. Shin Yu said with a smirk..

Go investigate him. He ordered Min Feng.

Okay boss. Min Feng turned back and took his leave shutting the door behind.


Chang li was busy preparing dinner for both of them when suddenly she recollected what had happened earlier today, she stopped what she was doing to go check on Violet she must have been scared.

Sis V..... Sis V. She called again when she heard no reply, she began to panic and started searching the whole house.

Sis..... She stopped on her track when she opened their room, Violet was sleeping quietly.

She placed her hand on her chest. Phew, thank goodness

She gently closed the door and head back to the kitchen....

I need to inform big bro about this, Chang li said to herself as she brought out her cellphone. She can't allow Violet to be expelled from the University,just like that.

Brother something ha.....

I understand, don't worry, I would be there tomorrow. He said before hanging up.

Huh... How did he already know what I was trying to say. Is he a stalker or what, love in the air. Chang li jokingly said with a smile.


Ji Nan was walking back and forth in his living room. Oh no, what have I gotten myself into, I know I should I hit him but not too hard.... How would mom react to this?

"Sighed" think Ji nan, you don't want to be expelled from school do you?

Ji nan was in his state of thinking whether to tell his Mom or not when his phone rang.

Oh no... Not now. He picked up his phone.

Nan, hope you're not hurt.... Aiya, are you okay. Ji ah on the other line of the phone seemed to be panicking a little.

Mom.. any problem, why are you acting like this? Ji Nan asked worriedly.

How can you ask this when you got into a fight on the first day of your resumption? Ji ah scolded her son.

Huh.Ji Nan checked his body well for any hidden camera. How do you know mom, did you put a tracker on me?

Don't ask me,am mad at you now, what if you had gotten hurt huh?

Am okay Mom.

You were asked for one of your guidance right, no worries mom would send someone for you.

Ji ah honey, I need you here. Ji ho called out his wife.

Goodbye son.

Mom... "Sigh".

Thank goodness I didn't have to tell you myself. Ji nan said with a smile, wait.. she would send someone to me. I guess who it will be. I need a little game and snack to chill. He said as he head to his room