
Ferocious hubby. Sensitive Zhang!.

What a romantic and at the same time... Ferocious hubby!. The b*stard inside the cold room should better know what's coming for him. That's if he's not dead already.

Min Feng and Zhang both entered the cold room before Shin Yu. [Zhang: Oh my gosh!. Hehehehe. I love this moment. He saw the dude laying helplessly on the floor. The room was so cold. It's a miracle that he's still being alive now.

Turn it off. He ordered Min Feng that immediately went to switch the whole thing off. They can't possibly stay in the room with the cooler own. They can't freeze to death like this guy here. The bastard whole face was already pale. His lips dried. He didn't even have the energy to get up at all. 

Zhang the talkative... Informed Shin Yu all of what this dude said last night. This only made the situation worst because Shin Yu got more ferocious than he was before. The Aura he was emitting now was even more cold than the freezer itself!.

Switch it on. [Zhang: Wait what!!?. Did I just heard right?. Switch what on?. But they're also inside here in the cold room. What is Shin Yu planning on doing]. Zhang didn't make a move because of the thoughts inside of his head. It was Min Feng that went to switch it on by himself.

Zhang definitely was right. After switching it back on, they all remained inside the room with the guy that have already almost freezed to death. Only minutes from now.. he is sure likely to pass out. 

I'm so cold in here!!. Zhang complained to himself because he dare not to say that out loud. Zhang saw Min Feng about informing Shin Yu of another important thing he missed to tell him. Zhang started giving eyes sign to Min Feng. He should not inform Shin Yu about that also. That's would make the situation they're all in even worst!. Especially for him because his body is sensitive to cold. He can't handle this for long. He just hope that he doesn't pass out and embarrass himself here.

Just as he expected... Min Feng also informed Shin Yu about the b*stard also bringing in a Gun inside the Hotel. 

"His face was more than dark itself!". Punish the securities for that. Increase it to the highest. Shin Yu said almost calmly... But sure there was threat and angered hidden inside that calm voice... Or should I say behind the voice.

Zhang almost fainted when he heard Shin Yu order to increase cold temperature to the highest. I'm doomed!!!. His face was already pale. To him, it just seems like he was the one getting punished for what that b*stard did. At this rate he's in... He's sure that he wouldn't get to even last for minutes!.

[Zhang: Min Feng!!! I promise not to stop teasing you. Like ever!!!!. He yelled this inside his head as he stared daggers at Min Feng that isn't even aware of any of these].


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See you in my next update.Read my other books. Ongoing- "The cold prince stubborn wife". 

Ongoing- "Reborn of the Demon Empress". By Tina Nwuba. Love you all💞. Now ongoing "Spellbound To You Demon". In Webnovel app. Pls add to your shelf in Webnovel.

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