
Engagement party day!! - Prankstars.

Sure Nan. She said patting him on the shoulder before going[He really likes being close to her sometimes. Infact, she's full of educational advises]. He checked the time on his gold wrist watch "7:30" he quickly walk over to where his car was parked Inside the Mansion. Ji Min had earlier called and informed him to come early today to the company. He guess, there's much work to still do at the company [that's what he thought] no need in bringing any clothes with me, I can just buy some new ones over there[He said to him... He is referring to when he get to the Li hotel~~ of course Violet did inform him about it and even if she didn't, he did is going to find out from his Mom] he know that his Mom can't keep her mouth shut over things like that. With out spending much time inside the Mansion, he drove out [Nan nan is even planning on getting the apartment of his. This way, it will more easy for him going to the company everyday] [the company is pretty far from the house]. Maybe it's because they relocated from their old Mansion to here.


He arrived at the company after 30 minutes of driving. [Exactly 8am sharp that is clocking now] I better walk faster up the building. He said getting out from the car~~~ he is pretty sure that his brother is probably in the office now~ [like usual, he was still being admired by all the office staffs in the company] he entered the elevator. Some of the staffs inside the elevator did shift to the side for him to enter in with them. [Staff 1]: He is do dreamy... Just like boss~~ she whispered to her friend that was looking at Nan nan while also day dreaming about him. What she will give to be his lover~~~ she thought to her self as she still continue staring at his gorgeous face with even moving an inch from staring at him.

[Click] they all turned back to see that their other female staff took a picture Nan nan. Nan nan that was all focused on just getting to his brother office, didn't know what was going on beside him. Soon the elevator stopped at the floor they all aimed for. Nan nan journey him self going to his brother office. Please send it to me!!. No me first!! I first you all!!! They all dragged trying to collect the picture of Nan nan to their own phones. The female staff that even took the picture decided to run for her life because of the way they all drag over the picture but they weren't giving up so soon. They too followed her running after her to get the picture.


Nan nan got inside the office and as expected, Ji Min was indeed there and seems like he was working out with some pile of files that was on his table. Nan nan first went over to his own table set for him~~~ he switched on the computer system before going over to meet his brother CEO. I'm here brother. He said distracting Ji Min from what he was doing now. Mm. You're here. He said before passing him over the pile of files.

[Gulped]. Oh boy... How did he expect me to finish with that??. He thought after seeing the pile of files that Ji Min pass over to him. Wait what? He opened his eyes wide after seeing what the file was all about. This?? He said looking at Ji Min in disbelief of this. Did he just actually trust him with this so well?? He thought. You sure can handle it I know. He said seeing the disbelief look written all over Nan nan face now.

[Really?? But he just started working in the company just yesterday] he thought. Seeing your performance yesterday, I sure think I can trust you with much important files from now on and even my schedule will be later on shared with you. he said to Nan nan that was speechless now. [Nan nan was starting to feel emotional with all the praise he received now from his big brother]. He just felt like giving him a hug now~~~ at least that's just how his mind think. Really?? He couldn't help it but ask this time around.

Yes~~ he answered him to clear up all the doubts that he was sure that is in his head now. [He tried hard by keeping his straight face. Seeing his little brother reaction over his compliment sure made his day today]. Ok~~~ I won't let you down brother [of course he will have to do his best now not to mess up with the files]. He carried the files given to him by Ji Min back to his own desk. [Smiles]. He finally let it out seeing Nan nan wasn't staring at his direction now. His little brother sure looks really cute with that expression face of his. He also wonder how his little sister face would be if she was perhaps still alive in this world.


Hurry up Xiu Ya... You don't wanna Miss your flight!! Hui qing had already helped Xiu Ya park up but seems like she's taking too long inside the bathroom. I'm coming. I'll be out in some seconds. Xiu ya yelled out to her from inside the bathroom [Earlier, it was even Hui qing that wake her up from her sleep. She tried by telling her that she isn't going to arrive there late and need some more minutes sleep but her dear bestie Hui qing was just too nagging for her. She finally gave up standing up from the bed as per Hui qing plan. She walked over to their bathroom inside the room with her sleepy eyes. Lazily brush her teeth before entering the shower. And that was when her sleepiness that is clearly written in her face now vanished because of the water she was standing under].

You better be!! You really don't want to miss your flight or are you perhaps planning on staying with me here for another whole year? She yelled this words to Xiu Ya that came out of the bathroom room now. Happy now? See, I'm finally out. Thanks to you my most nagging bestie. Xiu Ya said to Hui qing that was putting her both hands on her waist now. Yeah yeah... And you'll definitely thank me later on for it~ well, go on now. She said pointing the outfits that she pick out her friend for Xiu Ya[A blue jean trouser together with yellow shirt short sleeve top].

Sure. Xiu Ya didn't waste any time going to get the clothes that is laying on the bed. She entered their little dressing room to change up to the clothes she is with. Soon after, she came out of there dressed with the clothes her bestie pick out for her~~~ [It surely does fit. Hui qing sure has a taste when it comes to dressing codes].

Perfect!!. I'm thinking now is the time pumpkin~~~ Hui qing said seeing her coming out from the dressing room. Yup sure... But I think that I still have to eat first before going~~~~ she said hearing her stomach make growling sounds. Well hurry up then... Don't better be a cry baby when you miss your flight back home. She said teasing Xiu Ya that quickly when over to their kitchen to heat up the meal leftovers of yesterday inside the microwave.


Finally~~~ she said bringing it out from the microwave seeing that it has been heated up enough already. Aren't you going to eat with me? Xiu Ya that is eating noticed that Hui qing wasn't eating the meal with her so she decided to ask her. Nope... Don't worry about me first... Fill up your Stomach first. I'll make my self something when I get back. She said assuring her worried bestie that continue with her meal now [Well she could just wipe her self a little something after she is back from the airport] Hui qing thought to herself smiling at her bestie that do care for her. Well, she also do care for her too [They care and also do look out for each other].

I'm done. She announced to Hui qing that is busy with her phone now. Great!! Finally, let's go~~ she said putting her phone inside her pocket [Hui qing didn't care at all. She was still wearing her night wear of yesterday]. Come on... Don't be a lazy head there. Hui qing helped Xiu Ya with her bag~~ actually, she refused when Xiu Ya wanted to carry the bag her self.

Sure Mom. Xiu ya jokingly said to Hui qing. "She sure is right!. Hui qing is definitely acting like a Mom!".

You better stop your teasing now child~~~ or I'll stop you from going to the airport now. She jokingly warned Xiu Ya. Sure~~~ I'll do that what you say my best Mom in the whole wide whole!! [Both of them laugh out at the same time after hearing Xiu Ya words]. They arrived at the road and boarded a cab straight to the airport. Hui qing was persisted in seeing her off in the airport so she definitely did tagged along without even minding Xiu Ya words at all.


Here you go. She gave the cab driver the dollar payment before he drove out from the airport. Here~~~ Xiu Ya said passing dollars to Hui qing that paid for their fare. You sure know I'm not going to collect it right? Just save your time. It's really nothing to me here ok. She said to Xiu Ya that insist on giving her the money. She finally gave up seeing that Hui qing isn't moving an inch in collecting the money she was giving to her. You my stubborn bestie [She slightly shake her head seeing her bestie stubborn behavior in collecting the money she was offering to her]. I sure am... And don't get me wrong. I really am going to miss you my dear pumpkin [She said sadly with a pitiful face expression].

Aww... come here~~ Xiu Ya gave her a big warm hug. She too didn't want to leave her bestie present for even a second but she really also do have to go visit her Grandma. Bye my pumpkin. See you in a month time. She said breaking the hug before giving her a goodbye kiss on her both cheeks. Same here~~~ and I'll also do miss you too. She said to her.

I think we have done enough now. Your flight is just in some minutes, you really don't want to miss that now? [She teased her in the middle of them exchanging their goodbye words to each other,]. Sure... I wouldn't want to miss it when I'm actually being here no. Ok then bye!! Don't forget to eat healthy ok!!? She said out to her before running inside the airport to where her flight plane is now. Sure. Hui qing smiled seeing her bestie run to the airport building~~~ she turned her back seeing that the slim figure of Xiu Ya is no longer visible to her seeing. Looks like I'll be somewhat bored for some time now... She said on her way[Hui qing too is on her break till next month same with Xiu Ya her bestie that just left for holidays in her hometown]. 

[Laughs out]. What am I even thinking about like this? I can't believe that I have my family house to go to and here I am talking about being bored. She said laughing at her self now. I better listen to my inspiration music now. Seems like tomorrow I'll be in my way to my family house. She said bringing out her ear piece together with her cellphone that is inside her PJs trouser pocket. now... It's time for my best don't to do it's work actually [She entered her MusiX app to select her best song] [Running up that hill]. This is actually her best song. She played the song putting her ear piece in her ear, she definitely did entered the inspiration world as she listened to her best ever song. [Author Tina nwuba: That's my favorite song💞].

Inside the airport...

Xiu ya finally made her way inside of the airport. She just have to locate to the place where her flight back home is.

Yes!~~ here is my flight back home~~ she said out excitedly after spotting the plane flight back to her home town. I'm coming Grandma. She said with her determined face before goin to get her seat.


Great job here dear. Li Yun said complimenting the work they done in the there. It's more than any thing have ever seen before. Yeah... And thanks to you, you sure did outdid your self. She said giving the credit to Li Yun that did most of the works[Or should I say almost all the work]. Thanks dear. I wonder what those both men are up to now she said to Ji ah referring to both Ji ho and Li Shan [Ji ah had earlier told her about her hubby. Saying that she did tell him to have fun with his buddy] [Well, they all are besties and they don't hide anything from them selves]. Why don't we go check it out our selves? Ji ah suggested to Li Yun [Li Yun even had told her earlier before that she is about going to get Violet prepared now but Ji ah advised her not to yet and that she is already aware of her own engagement party, they sure are going to come their own] her words to Li Yun is what made her not to go disturb Violet yet [Her dear friend is just too nagging] Ji ah thought to herself.


Yeah. I'm even exhausted with all the works have done here. She said admitting to Ji ah. You don't mean that??~ Ji ah said in disbelief [Author Tina nwuba: you guys must have being wondering why Ji ah is surprised by Li Yun words. The thing is that, Li Yun never admit to ever get tired to anyone. Infact, no one have even witness her this tired just like she is now] [Ji ah even stopped her self from asking her bestie if she is perhaps pregnant now] that's what she thought at least. Yeah yeah, I mean it... My body ache a little bit. But anyways it's ok, not that serious. She assured her. Now let's go see what they are both up to. She said to Ji ah.

Anyways~~ where do you think that they might be now? Ji ah asked as she both know that the both of them actually doesn't know the actual location that they might be now. We'll just have a walk while still searching for them.   

Great thinking. I actually do need that also. She said accompanying her bestie around inside the hotel [Ji ah admired her friend family hotel. It's just too amazing. She thought]. anyways, they have theirs. But wouldn't lie about this, she is sure that this Li hotel is little more bigger than theirs. [Well, this is the first time of her visiting this Li hotel.. Yeah, she usually visit the Li hotel for vacation but that was the old Li hotel that they visited then unlike the new one now she is in].


Huh? Some one is preventing her from moving on the bed. She tried to turn to face her front to him but he was holding her firm with his strong arm that is wrapped around her waist from behind. Sleep more my pumpkin. I won't let you wake up now. The sweet familiar voice said to her ear from behind. Shin Yu used his arm wrapped around Violet waist, bringing her more closely to him. I~~ I want to turn to you. Violet said to him what she wanted of him now. Without much difficulty, Shin Yu was able to turn Violet to face him now. They stared at each other for a while. You're beautiful darling~~~ Shin Yu said finally breaking the silence between them both.

And you're handsome baby. She smiled saying to him. [At first when she Started calling him "Baby"~~ she found it really weird calling a full grown up s baby but as time went by, she finally adjusted to it. She even love calling him this rather than by his own actual name]. Shin Yu use his finger and poke on her nose [How he love doin this to her]. You're starting to tease me now. Violet said hitting him on his chest a little. Ouch~~~ he held his chest with his one hand pretending that his wife did injured him just by the hit on his chest.


I definitely know that act~~~ you're probably pretending now~~~ Violet said as she was sure he isn't hurt at her [Infact there was a time he made her fall for his trick] she sure isn't going to fall for this one. She thought still staring at her hubby that now also placed the other hand on his chest. Huh? Violet seeing his serious face in this became really alarmed of the situation. Hey baby~~~ are you really not ok? She asked~~ worried was already written all over her face now as she ask him this. But Shin Yu didn't reply to her worried question~~~ he just continued holding on his chest while rolling a little on the bed. Violet was more than panicked now seeing him in pain like this.  I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you like this~~~ she said to her hubby that is still shaking placing his both hands on his chest.

Baby? Violet called him gently with a low tone seeing him fall unconscious all of a sudden. Baby!!. She yelled it out this time around hearing no response from him or even sense of consciousness. Help!! Help!! She yelled out, not sure of what to do now[Cry] she was crying like a baby now while she still call for help seeing her hubby is unconscious. It's all my fault~ I'm sorry baby. Please wake up... She lay her head on his chest still crying uncontrollable. "How can this happen to her?!". 

Please wake up hubby!!! Violet cried out uncontrollably... She can't let this happen. Waah!! Waah!!. Hubby!.

Don't worry darling... I will wake up for your sake. Shin Yu that was pretending to be unconscious all this while when Violet cried said to her. Violet: Huh? She raised her head up from his chest to face her hubby only to see him smiling at her. You really do love me mm little wifey~~ he said as he is feeling really touched of how she cried for him not to go yet.

Ouch!!. Shin Yu groaned out in pain because of the way that Violet hit him hard on his chest.

I hate you, I hate you... Violet said in a low voice tone while hitting his chest hard [She tried to yell out this at him but it just seems like she lost her voice to do so because. Maybe it's because of the way she cried a lot for him now. You made me cry. I hate you. Violet was now sobbing endlessly, it was out of Shin Yu control now [Why the hell did he do such a trick on his little wifey?] He thought blaming him self for it now.


Shin Yu is hurt now seeing his wife all swallowed face. he hugged her embracing Violet that is still hitting him to his chest.. I'm sorry.. I didn't intend on making you cry like this darling. He said Petting her back trying his best to stop her from crying but it was only getting much worst than before. He was lost of words on what to actually do now. [Fuck... what the hell have I done?]. He cursed seeing that petting his little wifey actually got worse. what made him play this type of risky prank with her?. What should I do?? What should I do now?? His mind was thinking rapidly now on what to do to stop hid little wifey from crying. [It was just a prank he tried on her but he didn't know that it will turn out to like this??]. [Gosh.. I'm never going to tell anyone I did this]~~~ he said clearing his voice before he begin. [He really can't believe him self that he is about doin this now].

Starts singing:

My love for you is forever,

I know you and see you everyday.

I ache whenever I see you cry,

You're my love, I wish to always see that smile of yours,

My everything, my world, my soulmate,

I'm nothin without you,

Our love is forever and ever. [With that he finished singing~~~ Violet was now calm after witnessing what she didn't ever expected. Her Mafia hubby singing to please her??][Author Tina nwuba: This short lyrics is created by me~~~ actually I can also write lyrics for music 💞]. You know I still hate you right?. She said laughing and crying at the same time on his chest while he still cuddled her. Embracing her more closer to him[He sure would never try this prank again with his little wifey]. "What made him to even try such a thing on her?".


Please my dear amazing readers, let's get "The Demon CEO little wife" far to the top by rating and commenting for your Author 💞 in my book review section.[Author Tina nwuba: Hope you guys like my story. Don't forget to tell me what you think about it. See you all in my next update]. Facebook page: Author Tina-nwuba.

See you in my next update.Read my other books. Ongoing- "The cold prince stubborn wife". 

Ongoing- "Reborn of the Demon Empress". By Tina Nwuba. Love you all💞. Now ongoing "Spellbound To You Demon". In Webnovel app. Pls add to your shelf in Webnovel.

© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
