
Does Mom perhaps have a twin?.

They immediately opened up the door for Chang Li almost at exact speed rate and also exact time.

Chang Li what are you doin here this late in the night?. Li Yun asked Chang Li that looks really relieved seeing that her both parents are awake!. Since they're both awake they should be able to tell her something about the thing in her mind.

Oh... Mom I needed to get an answer from the both of you. This made Li Yun and Li Shan confused. Answer from them?. Of what exactly?. Li Yun together with Li Shan thought of this.

But before their thoughts gets wild, they really looked dumbstruck after seeing the picture of a young guy in Chang Li cellphone and not only that, that same particular person is similar to their own very son!? How is that even possible!?. Li Shan was really stunned because of this. He didn't say a word.

On the other hand, Li Yun was battling with thoughts inside of her head. She just hope let's this be what she's thinking of now.

Honey are you alright?. Li Shan asked Li Yun that seems a little lost in her thoughts. Li Yun didn't say a word to them... She just gestured her hand for the both to follow her in. Li Yun just lead them the way to the bedroom.

She don't know why but she feel that this definitely is the time to inform somebody about her mystery past before her marriage to her husband. 


Arriving inside the bedroom, Li Yun again gestured for the both to seat on the bed while she herself seat on the sofa close to the bed. It's time to unveil to them her past that happened some years back.

Is anything bothering you Yun'er? Li Shan now is worried seeing how serious his wife face appearance looks like. It's like she's about telling something to them but was still finding out on how to put it and also begin with it.

Dad. I think that she's about telling us both something important. Chang Li said out to her Dad. This made her Mom nod in agreement of what Chang Li just said to Li Shan that finally keep it down.

Chang Li on the other hand is very attentive to what her Mom is about saying. This is the moment she have been waiting for ever since she saw the picture of her brother look alike. Who knows maybe and just maybe her Mom might know something about it? 

Does her Mom perhaps have a twin sister?. Chang Li just is too curious that she can't wait for her Mom to begin with the story already.

Li Yun deeply sighed after seeing the two relaxed faces. She just hoped that they both don't blame her for this she's about revealing to them after all the years of concealing it.


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© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
