

"He signed"before heading into the Mansion.

Aiya..... welcome home son,it been a while and you haven't even visited me,"Ji ah said".

Have been busy with the Company, I will try to visit more often,"He signed before replying".

Oh no, don't visit, well I guess it's my luck that I won't be around for a while,"Ji nan thought happily".

Well.....that's good,am okay with it,"Ji ah said before gesturing him to sit".


Ji nan was already eating when he saw his big brother staring at him,he choked on his food and started coughing endlessly.

Aiya....take water,"Worried Ji ah passed to him a glass of water".

Aiya....eat slowly more,"Grandmother Ji said worriedly".

Okay Grandmother.....I am okay now,"Ji nan Nan said but a few drops of tear flowed down from his eyes to his cheek.

Silly boy,"Ji min thought".

"He signed heavily". How can he be so clumsy and immature like a girl.

Eat more Min'er, I personally prepared thus for you,to celebrate your 24th birthday,I know that you don't like us celebrating your.....

It's okay.....do whatever you want,I leave it to you,"Ji min said with a straight face".

Okay okay.....so family let's celebrate,"Ji ah happily exclaimed".

Hmph.... since when do you like your birthday being celebrated?"Ji Nan thought to himself".

They all started digging through their plates.

25 minutes of driving, Li yun finally arrived at the Ji Mansion.

Good day Madam Li,"The maids paid their respect to Li yun".

Hmm....seems like they know me well,"Li yun thought".

Do......,"Li yun words were interupted by one of the maids reply".

Don't worry Madam Li,We were already aware of your arrival,we were informed by Madam Ji."One of the maids said before gesturing her into the Mansion.

She was led into the Mansion by the maid.

It was already past 11am.

Ji min was done eating,he excused himself to his room in the Mansion.

Hmm...I wonder what's taking Li yun so Long to arrive yet."Ji ah signed and said". She was already feeling bored without her now.

Omo.....is it my dear Li yun,"Grandmother Ji was surprised and asked".

Yes Grandmother,"Ji ah excitedly answered". 

Nice, I hope she comes soon,I can't wait to see her again after such a long time,"Grandmother Ji said".

Yes.....me either,"Ji ah said".

Ji nan, are you done preparing for your new school tomorrow,"Grandfather Ji suddenly asked".

Of course Grandfather,"Ji Nan answered".

Ji nan was studying in the states and decided to finish in China because it would be boring and less fun without his family there with him, unlike his big brother.

Okay....I will be excused now,"Ji wan excused himself and head to his office like room".

What's taking Li....

Ji ah!!!"Ji ah words was cut off by the sudden yell of her name".

Omo....thanks goodness you're here,"Ji ah jumped off from her seat to give Li yun a big warm hug".

I can't breathe,"Li yun said trying to catch her breath before Ji ah finally let go".

Li yun greeted Grandmother Ji.

Aiya...my dear, How have you been. I dare not say,but we are deeply sorry for leaving and going away all this years without informing you,our deep apologies,"Grandmother Ji signed heavily and said".

She spread out her hands out for Li yun to come give her a hug.