
The demon's virgin

In a world where the innocent are branded as guilty and thugs are hailed as saints, Kaki's life in Georgia is an unending nightmare. Orphaned, mistreated, and seen as a cursed child, he faces relentless suffering. But everything changes one fateful spring day when Kaki, after taking out his own life is unexpectedly reborn as a demon in the depths of hell. Now, he's faced with a new life full of enigmatic mysteries, demons and their virgins, journeys through parallel realities, and even the unexpected spark of romance with Lucifer's daughter. Join Kaki on a riveting journey as he grapples with the 'how,' 'who,' and 'why' of his reincarnation in this dark, thrilling tale of second chances and self-discovery. Update every week !

Elidson_Habakuk · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Lava again ?

Upon hearing those words, the look of amazement on Kaki's face vanished, revealing a horrified expression.

"These sons of bitches are eating human flesh!"

He couldn't believe what he had just heard.

"Hey! Kaki! Are you okay?"

Surse asked, noticing Kaki's reaction.

"Yes... y-yes... I'm...okay..." Kaki stammered, horrified.

"It's human meat, damn it! I'm a cannibal! It's horrific, but it's so delicious, but it's human flesh! I need to go throw up! No! If I do that, they might suspect I'm human. Moreover, it probably won't harm me if I finish my meal. It's so good!"

Kaki's mind couldn't make a decision. He had a choice: eat human flesh to avoid being exposed or refrain from eating and risk exposure.

Kaki might have chosen not to eat, but he didn't know what they would do to him. After all, they were demons, and this was hell.

Even though a dead goat doesn't fear the knife, Kaki wasn't willing to take that risk.

He had just committed suicide and was settling into hell, his new home.So no, he wasn't going to seek out more problems.

"KAKI !" Mumtilu shouted.

"Huh ?" Kaki responded, lost in his thoughts.

"What's wrong, anyway?" Surse asked.

"It's just... it's too delicious, actually... the human meat..."

Kaki replied, reluctantly returning to eating.

He didn't really have much of a choice, but deep down, Kaki knew he would have continued eating even if he wasn't forced to.

"I'm delighted that you're enjoying it that much," Surse added, smiling.

"Yeah, but still, he's reacting strangely," Mumtilu said, looking annoyed.

"He's a child!" Surse said, a little irritated, turning her gaze towards Mumtilu.

"He's a demon!" Mumtilu retorted, slamming the table with his left hand and turning his face back to Surse.

Mumtilu was obviously jealous that Surse had complimented Kaki, and despite the look he gave when she told him he was eating human flesh and Surse was angry because Mumtilu was jealous of a child he himself had adopted.

Now the two lovers were exchanging angry glances, but Kaki, on the other hand, felt something he had felt throughout his previous life: guilt.

Everyone blamed him for his parents' deaths, said he was a cursed child, and it was his fault he suffered.

Others at school even said it was because of his curse that extraterrestrials didn't dare to visit Earth.

He had always been accused of everything and nothing, so what was happening now brought his thoughts back to the past.

"Can you please tell me where the shower is? I'm going to take a shower and then go to bed, if you don't mind..."

Kaki said, lowering his head, his voice trembling, and his eyes beginning to fill with tears.

"What? Why? What about your food?" Surse exclaimed, turning back to Kaki, surprised.

"I... I'm not hungry anymore... I'm full..." Kaki replied, getting up from his seat, still with his head bowed.

"Kid, are you sure you're okay?" Mumtilu asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes... I... I'm fine... Where should I leave this?" he said, picking up his plate.

"Leave it here, I'll take care of it later," Surse replied.

"Where is the bathroom, please?" Kaki added.

"Go that way, the bathroom is just to your right,"

Mumtilu replied, pointing his finger towards the room with the torture instruments.

"Thank you," Kaki said, bowing deeply to both of them and started to head towards the bathroom.

"Do children usually react this strangely?" Surse asked.

"How am I supposed to know? I've never had a kid!"

Mumtilu retorted, clearly annoyed by Surse's question.


Moments later, Kaki found himself standing in front of two doors made of red wood. The one on the left was for the toilet, and the second, to the right, was the shower, it was clearly marked above the door.

He pushed the door to the right, revealing a room of at least 10 square meters; it seemed like a normal bathroom at first glance, aside from its reddish hue. But well, red was everywhere here, so it wasn't anything new.

He removed his clothes and stepped under the shower, turning on the faucet.

"What the fuck!!!"

Kaki yelled, jumping out of the shower.

"Damn it, those bastards! What the hell is this?"

Kaki muttered, watching lava flow out of the shower's faucet.

"Lava again?

In hell, do we shower with lava?"

Exclaimed Kaki.

A few moments passed, and Kaki stood there, observing the lava flow.

"I don't really have much of a choice..."

Kaki resolved to reach out his hand into the lava to see what it would do to him because, after all, the lava hadn't touched him, so he didn't know if it would hurt or not.

"Okay, I'm left-handed... okay, the right hand in this case, hoping the lava doesn't burn me..."

Kaki said, moving his hand toward the lava.

He tightly shut his eyes and clenched his teeth, as if he could contain the pain if the lava were to burn him.

To Kaki's surprise, the lava this time did not sear his skin; rather, it felt akin to a tepid bath. Opening one eye, then the other, he was taken aback by the absence of searing pain.

"What?" he uttered, a faint smile gracing his lips.

Opting to immerse himself in the soothing warmth, Kaki lingered in a cascade of thoughts while standing beneath the shower. The weight of guilt seemed to compound with every passing moment.

"Maybe a good night's rest will make things better," he murmured, twisting off the tap and stepping out of the shower.

Draping himself with a towel hanging to the left of the mirror opposite the shower, he meticulously dried himself, clothed himself, and quietly exited the bathroom, still ensnared in contemplation.

He then made his way towards Mumtilu, who was in the midst of a meal.

"Which direction leads to my bedroom, or do I even have one?"

Kaki inquired, his countenance betraying no emotion.

"What kind of question is that?!" Mumtilu retorted.

However, Mumtilu's response was met only with silence as Kaki stood there, offering no further words.

"Directly opposite the bathroom, there stand three doors; the one situated at the far end is designated for you..."

Mumtilu uttered, heaving a sigh, a faint trace of melancholy softening his otherwise stony demeanor.

"Kaki, are you alright?" Surse poked her head out from the kitchen.

"I'm fine," Kaki responded, heading toward his room, without even acknowledging Surse's gaze.

Upon reaching the threshold of his room, he gently opened the door, casting a lingering glance behind before quietly shutting it.

"Your demeanor seems to affect them, doesn't it?"

a soft voice whispered from behind him.


Guys you remember when I've told you I was sick ? Well now I'm recovering so next week Imma drop a chapter that'll be fire !

If you have ideas about the story, don't be shy and comment it and if you like my novel, then add it to your library !

See youuuu !