
The Demon's Princess

A world in need summons a group of heroes to defend them. Fortunately for these desperate souls, they summoned the best of the best

Goreleech · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

The Demon's Princess: Girl Issues and getting back out there.


DAY 27.


GOLD: 326,674


Tyler woke to the feel of rias clinging to his side with both her arms around him with an almost desperate feel to it and her face was buried into his chest. He smiled at this as he stroked her soft hair.

"Morign Rias."

She smiled as her blue eyed opened.

"Good morning. I needed this."

He sighed and hugged her tightly.

"You matter."


Metalica woke then with a yawn.

"Morning you two. Tyler? DO SOMETHING with that heat okay? it;s freakin SWELTERING in there."

He looked at the sprite curiously and she sighed.

"Your SOUL is like a VOLCANO for that girl. Get over yourself, and let it blow for fuck's sake."

"Ugh. We've been over this, Metalica. I love Seria. NOT her-"

"Say her name dammit."

"NOT RIAS. I love Seria. NOT RIAS."

The sprite winced then.

"Damn. The volcano just scorched me."

Rias had a serene expression on her face as she looked at Metalica.

"IS there hope?"

"Oh absolutely. THIS idiot has a plan. Problem is, well, seems he's TRYING to make an impact."

Rias was visibly confused by this revelation...before she gasped


Tyler let out a heavy sigh now and Metalica looked at him exasperated.

"Don't you give me that shit. Did you REALLY THINK leading her along like that until the wedding, WHENEVER the fuck it will be, was NOT CRUEL OR EVIL? Come on. You know better then that."

Rias had a new smile of hope on her face as she pieced something together.

"He;ll give her the wedding of her dreams...and go from there. Okay."

Tyler glared at her VICIOUSLY and she held his gaze with a smile.

"I SWEAR I won't say a thing."

He sighed with relief before laying flat.

"Well. Kinda."

"I'll let it go."

"Thanks Rias. Like I said. You DO mean something to me."

"I get it. I'm not the primary."

He sighed at that and Metalica just patted him.

"It would have come out sooner or later Tyler. And I AM your bonded Sprite. Soooo kinda like a guide to your soul."

"Ya coulda tol me that at the get go, Metalica."

"I THOUGHT it;d be kinda of obvious when hey, I AM LIVING INSIDE YOUR SOUL."


The trio got out bed and had breakfast together and Rias rested her head on his shoulder.

"Can...we keep cuddling Tyler? Please?"

"Ugh. Fine."

She deflated from relief and smiled.

"I hate being alone."

"You are NOT alone."

"I needed that."

The trio headed to the meeting hall and Asuna smiled as they took their seats.

"morning. we the Knights loading up on food and supplies for the trip. Belfast has Javelin helping her with the figures."

Tyler nodded as he unrolled the map and Strand tapped the road from Dunkrick.

"We'll head back the way we came until this spot here."

She tapped the snow covered section before tracing the second path at the fork.

"Then take this one down the mountain. It'll put us up there for three days in the cold. But we'll have fresh equipment and it is VERY high quality. we should be fine."

"Plus we have the mountaineers to help. Mina, have Sanya dust off her Orussian snow skills."

"Already did."


Strand smiled before tracing a finger along a road running along the edgre of a grand canyon.

"This is the Border between Macedona and the Draken controlled country of Hangilt. Its a desert country with sandstorms reputed to be able to tear the flesh from your very bones. Thankfully we'll be on the safe side of the canyon. That will be a slog due to the desert's heat."

"We;ll travel at night then."

"That be the only way to pass without killing yourself. And ice spells. PLENTY of ice spells."

Tyler chuckled.


"four per person. Got it."

"and see about ice enchanted blankets or something like it for the girls with thicker hair."

"OOOH clever! Will do."

Strand chuckled before she ran her finger to the coast.

"The Pharn Coast. it runs along the eastern edge of the Queendom and end at the western. There be a number of fishing villages, towns, port cities, and the like we'll be passing through. The climate is termperate with sea weather. So be ready for random thunderstorms and occasional hurricanes."

Tyler chuckled at that before the road curved up to reach Berun.

"We'll swing north to return to Berun. All told without any issues is two weeks on the trail."

"We'll need fresh shoes on the horses too."

Asuna chuckled.

"They were replaced when we got here."

"Alright. Today is a build day. Tomorrow morning we ride."

They nodded and the Berserker smiled.


The friends scattered to their tasks and Tyler smiled as he saw the three wagons filled with the Knight's supplies.

"It'll be nice to be on the road again."

Belfast came over to him then.

"You were off schedule this morning."

He sighed and they went to a corner out of the way where he explained what happened. The silver haired quartermaster sighed as she heard of his soul from Metalica.

"I see. The Lady Seria should be informed."

"She should. AFTER the wedding."

"I understand your reason. yet to drag this out like you intend to is EVIL AND CRUEL. That girl loves you. Rias I am talking about. She loves you to the point she has forsaken EVERYONE else. either you contact Lady Seria and inform her of this development, or I will."

Tyler just sighed as he leaned on a wall.

"I DON'T love Rias, Belfast. I've told you this, I' ve told HER THIS, I DON'T WANT HER. I have Seria."

Metalica sighed as she appeared.

"You're aying that because you can;t feel your own soul. YES you DO want her. And it HURTS when you say otherwise. Dude. ADMIT IT. It won't kill you."

He sighed.

"Oh for god's sakes ENOUGH. I have nothing to admit. I love Seria. NOT Rias. We're not going to keep arguing about this."

Belfast looked him in the eye.

"Break it off with Rias then."


That reminder made her sigh.

"You have and I was there for it. Several times now. But she PINES."

"I am not doing this. No. I told her RIGHT at the get go she had no chance. I don't want her. SERIA doesn't want this either. I am engaged to Seria. I love Seria. I am WITH SERIA. Rias is just gonna have to get over it and accept this. Okay Rias?"

The redhead came over with a saddened expression and faced the unflinching Berserker.

"Okay. I'll....try to move on."

"I hate that I have to go this far, but enough is enough."

Rias hung her head as a single tear fell.

"I'm sorry I fell in love with you, Tyler."

He sighed at that piteous mew.

"I'm flattered and touched that you did. But I am in love with another girl, I can;t give you what you seek."

Rias shivered at this reminder and looked at him with small tears in her eyes.

"We're still friends, right?"

"The very best."

She smiled through her tears.

"I...can live with that."

Metalica leaned in Belfast's ear.

"His soul is BAWLING right now. Like I'M about to cry right now."

"His heart?"

"Has steeled itself to do what he has to. His heart BURNS for Seria, his soul has Rias on a freakin pedestal like a goddess and him her most devote worshipper."

"Oh my. He cannot feel his soul?"

"No. If he DID, this entire scenario would be reversed."

"Do you love me, Tyler?"

Rias' tiny, heartfelt mew made them all look at her and she had tears of nerves in her blue eyes as she asked the question. Tyler looked her in the eye.

"I do love you, Rias. As my very best friend, most cherished icon, example on what a leader is supposed to be, and my closest friend."

She smiled at this revelation and hugged him.

"I love you too. As a lover, BEST FRIEND, and someone I can depend for ANYTHING."

He smiled at that and patted her on the shoulder.

"Come on."

She sniffed and let him go. Metalica shivered.


Belfast looked at her and she shivered.

"His soul just cracked. Like a piece broke off and went with HER. His heart's just fine."

Tyler sighed.

"Are we done here?"

Rias wiped her eyes nodding.

"Yeah. I'm okay."

Belfast nodded and Metalica looked at him.

"I hope you're happy, Tyler. You just turned your back on your soul."

"I AM happy, Metalica. I have Seria."

"Romantic aside, you don't have to clamshell the hell out of everything you know."

He sighed and just walked out of the nook. Rias watched him go and Belfast came to her.

"I am here."

"I used my power to touch his soul, Belfast."

"And how did it feel?"

Rias smiled as she brushed her hair out of her face.

"Amazing. He loves me with all his soul while his heart is fixated on Seria. Like i said. I'm not the primary. But I AM the favorite. There is no way in hell it doesn't surface sooner or later. Not with THAT soulburn. I'm patient. I'll wait my turn."

Tyler sighed as he walked from the nook. Why is it that every damn time me an Rias spend FIVE FUCKING MINUTES together drama ensues? Seriously! Waifu or not I have TOLD HER I DON'T WANT HER and she STILL keeps trying. stubborn, I'll give her that.

"Oh. Dear."

Belfast came hurrying over and smiled sweetly.

"I STILL expect you to inform the LAdy Seria of this development. OR I WILL."

He sighed ad she walked away before he could reply.

"Gods DAMMIT."

The mentally exhausted warrior walked away and grabbed a flask of whiskey from a nearby shop for 30 gold and took a HUGE relaxing swig.

"Oh crap."

Asuna walked over as he put the top on and he looked at her curiously.


"Ugh. Go easy on the relaxer, okay? Some bad memories there."

"Oh damn. Sure. Sorry Asuna."

She smiled at that geninueness.

"I guess I knew something YOU didn't. And there's a baggie of mints there in case you go overboard with the smell."

"Ha. I see you been there too."

"Yeah. Mother likes her red wine."

"Yeesh. How we lookin?"

"We're set. Just quality of life at this point."

The pair walked along the stalls now seeking holes as Tyler slid the flask into his coat.

"Hey Asuna,"


"I ask you somethng?"

She looked at him curiously now.


"In my world, SAO is listed under harem anime as well as isekai,"

She smirked at this.

"Interesting. He DOES have a following. Yet I am his WIFE for a REASON."

"HOW did you get them to GIVE UP?"

She blinked at this before she sighed.

"Well. I really didn't. I more or less just tolerated them. Kirito made it VERY CLEAR he was not interested and all accepted it. Well. Sinon was difficult due to her past tramua and Kirito's everything. I dunno what the show showed, but we'd get into LITERAL screaming matches in the middle of school or the street or a resturante once when she went too far. That last one broke the camel's back and Kirito went off on her. Kinda BADLY too. She ran out in tears and that was the last time she ever TRULY flirted with him. I felt bad for her, but she was getting desperate. Kirito and I are in love. He had no interest in her, and he made it perfectly clear on NUMEROUS occasions. After a point, it was HER FAULT for still trying."

Tyler sighed as he got them some fried raptor on a stick for 40 gold.

"Thank you."

"Sure Asuna. Reason I ask is Rias is more or less Sinon right now."

"I'm aware. I'm not blind. YOU like her."

"Course I do. Rias was MY waifu back in teh other world. Here I have Seria as my fiance. And Rias wants in."

Asuna nodded as they wandered through the stalls now munching on their snack.

"I've HEARD YOU telling her off and how COLD you were to Shiro when she stepped over a line. I get she means a lot to you, but, and this is just my take. She;s gone WAAAAY too far. She is WAY too comfortable with her position and the fact you haven;t ACTUALLY responded in kind. Sinon tried to steal a hug from Kirito in public and that set it off. SHE will just POP IN and hug you and cuddle and you know. I think, it's time you cut her off entirely and make her STAY away from you."

He sighed at that as the sticks were tossed in cans.

"I WANT TO, but at the same time, i DON'T want to."

"Kirito said the same thing. She means a lot to you."

He smiled at this.

"Yeah. She does."

"There is NOTHING wrong with that. So long as you SET A LINE and make sure she DOESN'T cross it."

He smiled at this as he made a choice in his heart.

"A clear line. Thanks Asuna."

The redheaded wife smiled warmly at the berserker.

"Your're welcome, Tyler. Kinda cool having YOU come to ME for advice."

"try it from my end. I just had to ask the wife of my other best friend for ADVICE in keeping overlyaggressive chicks at bay."

"You win."

The pair laughed at the absurdity as Kirito walked out of a show and saw them walking.

"If I were insecure, I'd say you were out on a date Asuna."

The redhead chuckled as she hugged her husband.

"If you WEREN'T insecure, Kirito, you'dda not said that."

Tyler chuckled.

"Thanks a lot Asuna. Yo Kirito."

"I know."

"She's a keeper."

The pair brofisted and Tyler headed off for the Tip with a refreshed heart. Rias pulls this again, I'll tell her flatout either drop it, or be kicked from the Knights. Tyler sighed at the choice he now had to make for the sake of the peace of the Knights, and his engagement to Seria. As he walked by a sweets' shop,


Asia appeared with a pounce for a hug and he chuckled at this sweethearted surprise.

"Oh hey Asia. Raiding the sweetshop?"

She smiled.

"Uh-huh! They have chocolate up here!"

He patted his adorable friend.

"You're too damn cute sometimes Asia."


"Ugh. Okay. You have your crown of Queen of cute back."

"Yay! Shiro's fun."

"Ha. So what's up?"

Asia hugged him hard.

"Seria's sweet and she loves you too! Having many people that love you isn't a bad thing. Having many people that love you and you try to push them away is. Be happy you have so many people now that LOVE THE FUCK OUT OF YOU, and, this is just my advice, try to open up to them a little more instead of shutting everyone else out for ONE PERSON. Okay?"

He chuckled at this.

"Her name was Hestia right?"

Asia squeaked.

"How'd ya know?"

"She has a habit of sticking her nose in. and this one is kinda her sermon."

"Huh. She said you needed some SERIOUS advice and to repeat those words exactly. I got a blessing from her for doing it too."

"Thanks Asia. I guess.....I just need to talk to Seria."

"Yup! Don't worry. I'm not that into you."


He slid her an extra 500 gold.

"Go crazy."

She had a new look of excitement and ran back into the sweetshop where Shiro, Unicorn, Koneko and Xenovia were waiting. Tyler walked for the lift with a chuckle.

"The cuteness brigade. Thanks Hestia."

The Berserker headed to his chambers where he took the orb out and Mylissia appeared with a smirk.

"I know that look. Do I need to get a spike?"

"Nah. The spell only works at night."

"Ah. Sweetie!"


Seria bounced into view and Tyler smiled at her.

"Hey Seria."

She chuckled....and stepped OUT OF THE HOLOGRAM AS AN ACTUAL PERSON to hug him.


He just hugged her.

"This point nothing can surprise me."

She giggled before sitting beside him on the couch.

"So what happened?"

He explained everything. Metalica, Rias, Asuna's advice, Hestia's interference, and his own ultimatium. Seria rested her head on his leg as she digested the news.

"So you're going to tell Rias either to drop the harem thing, or be kicked from the Bloodoath."

"That's the size of it."

"And yet, you REALLY don't want to. Either kick her out OR even PUT her in that position. She means a lot you."

He nodded with a look of strain on his face.

"Yeah. Before I met you, if you asked me, I'dda said SHE was the one I loved most."

Seria smiled.

"Are yuo after my PERMISSION or my SUPPORT?"

"I don;t even know. What I DO KNOW, is I am TIRED of the drama. She once called me out for AVOIDING her, and yet nearly every time we hang out, some shitshow starts. and yet when I DISTANCE myself from her, I'M teh bad guy. Asuna is the only one that seems ti see it as it is thank gods."

Seria chuckled as she took her fiance's hand.

"What does your HEART say Tyler?"

He sighed.

"Give her the ultimatium with a spiked door."

"Your mind?"

"Keep her in the party for her POTENT magic. She is an EXTREMELY powerful mage and is a HIGHLY skilled leader. We NEED her in the Knights."

"And your Soul?"

"It wants to fuck the LIFE outta her with a RING on her finger."


"Yeah. Yet YOU'RE the one I fell in love with AND COMMITTED TO."

Seria smiled.

"THAT. That right there is your issue. YOU'VE MADE A COMMITMENT. And since you NEVER go back on your word and am a VERY honorable man in your own extreme way, anything outside that commitement is just not an option."

He blinked at this epphiany and sighed as the pieces fit...and a knot in his head relaxed from the clicking.

"Okay. So I don't want to break my commitment to you, Seria. Where do we go from here?"

He felt a weight lift off his shoulders and the princess smiled.

"NOW what to you want with RIAS?"

He sighed.

"Part a me wants to have YOU and HER in the same bed. The OTHER wants to stay loyal to you."

"If I were to give you my permission?"

"it still wouldn't sit right with me."

"THAT'S your old world talking. You're in OUR world."

He looked her in the eye.

"What do YOU want from this?"

She blinked. Then smiled.

"I want YOU to MYSELF. And NO ONE ELSE. But, YOU have your own desires too. Part of a relationship is COMPROMISE."

"Your lessons ARE progressing. I can hear your teacher saying that."

"Mother taught me well!"

He chuckled and Seria regained her train of thought.

"Would I be happy with you just picking up random ladies for your harem? Absolutely not. I HATE those types of collectors and ladytakers. BUT, if it's a situation like RIAS that is so in love with you she's been pining for you for WEEKS now? I'd be happy to snuggle her too. Because I know she loves you EVERY BIT AS MUCH AS I DO."

Tyler sighed.

"I don't want a harem."

"A HAREM is 4 to five PLUS. If it's JUST RIAS? It's just a threeway."


He sighed at this and Seria smiled.

"whatever you choose, I'll be here. I love you, Tyler."

"I love you too, Seria."

He settled down on the couch searching his soul as the pair relaxed.

"Oh for god's sake just SAY IT JACKASS."

Metalica appeared out of his chest in exasperation and he looked at her.

"How long have yuo been there?"

"Idiot I never left. YOU'RE MY HOUSE, remember?"

"Oh yeah."

"Ugh. Just do it."

He sighed deeply and looked at Seria a little nervously now.

"I'd....like to include Rias."

Seria smiled sweetly and hugged him.

"Okay. YOU'RE MY husband. NO MARRYING anybody else. Until I say so."

He deflated from utter relief as he felt her love in her hug and he held her tightly.

"I love you, Seria."

she smiled.

"I love you too, Tyler."

when he loosened his grip she looked into his eyes and he smiled at her. She blushed as she saw his idea.

"Remember. we can't go TOO far!"

He chuckled as they leaned in.

"I'll be sure to remember that, my WIFE."

She closed her eyes with a smile.

"I'll keep reminding you, my HUSBAND."

Their lips made contact for their first kiss and a bolt of electricity tore through them both from one heart to the other. Seria's lips were soft, lucious, and loving while his were kind and daring. Their first kiss lasted for hurs or but a moment before they pulled bac breathless from the sheer intensity of the moment and Tyler smiled.

"I love you, Seria."

She smiled proudly.

"I love you too, Tyler. I get another?"

He laughed as he kissed her again and they got into a REALLY intense makeout session that saw the princess pinned to the couch.


He lifted up off her with a smile and she deflated from relief.

"Phew. The Mistress always says a true keeper is the one that LISTENS when you say stop."

"Love you too."

"I'm okay with it. Really."

He laid beside her.


"Yeah. I'll be your First Wife. She'll just be there."

"Ha. Metalica went to find her."


There was a knock on the door and Rias poked her head in.


Seria smiled as she sat up.

"Rias. WE need to CHAT."

The redhead looked RIGHT at Tyler with a new glare and he shrugged.

"I don't keep secrets from my wife."


Rias sighed at that before she went into the Silent Sphere for their discussion/negotiatiom/Rias' surrender. Tyler just laid on the couch as Metalica appeared on his chest.


"The volcano?"

"Is letting off steam. I got my own sauna now."


The sphere dropped and Rias sat beside him on the couch with Seria.


The redhead's voice was full of unknown emotion.

"NOW you decide to allow me into your relationship? AFTER all the bickering, drama and heartache? NOW you decide to flipflop?"

He sighed.

"I made a commitment to Seria. I was TRYING TO KEEP IT."

Rias shivered at this.

"What the hell changed?"

Seria smiled

"He doesn't want to hurt you. OR LOSE YOU."

"ME or my power?"


She looked at him as he answered.

"BOTH? Not one or the other?"

"Nope. All a you, or nothing."

That made her chuckle.

"Nice pickup line."

Then she looked at him with nervous hope.

"So....it's happening?"

He smiled as he hugged her.

"It's happening. We'll be together too, Rias."

She deflated from relief and Seria smirked.

"remember Rias, dear. He is MINE. YOU get the remains."

Ruas had tears of joy in her eyes as she smiled at her.

"I can live with that."

Tyler smiled as Seria hugged him too and he was pinned between the most beautiful colors of red and blue. Rias settled on his chest beside Seria and the blue haired princess smirked.

"Mother is going to be impressed."

Tyler stroked her hair soothingly.

"The OTHERS are gonna be PISSED."

Metalica shrugged from her spot on his neck.

"Nah. It was KINDA obvious you'd agree."

"And how so?"

"Since you'd fold like dead bark whenever she cried."

"Oh dammit."

He sighed at this and Seria smiled.

"It';s part of the culture here."

"Yeah you've told me that already."

Rias chuckled.

"Don't worry. I know my place."

Tyler smiled.

"And this is a secret. Until AFTER."

They nodded vehemently. Seria looked at Rias.

"Break this, and be put to death."

"I will not break this oath. I swear on my House."

The princess nodded and rested her head back on his chest and Tyler kissed her.

"I love you, Seria."

She smiled and Rias smiled happily.

"I love you Tyler."

He looked at the redhead....

"I...love you too....Rias."

She smiled happily and Seria nodded encouragingly. Metalica whistled.

"Damn. That volcano erupted. Annnd now his heart's on fire. with BOTH OF YOU locked inside it."

The ladies smiled at this and Tyler sighed as he held them tightly to his chest.

"We'll make it work."

They smiled and Rias looked at him.

"Sorry. For a lot."

"It's fine. Like I said. That first one SUCKS."

"Yeah. it does. The SECOND, is where it's at."


Seria smiled.

"I'll be gone most of the time, Rias. Don;t you DARE go annnny farther then I have. Are we clear?"

"Perfectly. I want to enjoy this."

Tyler smiled at that wish.

"Me too."

The trio relaxed with their sprite friend for a while before Seria squeaked.

"Oh yeah. I need to get back. I have lessons in an hour."

They chuckled and Tyler kissed her lovingly.

"I'll see you soon, my wife. I love you."

"I love you too, my husband. NO ONE ELSE."

"I have a few little sisters i want you to meet."


she returned to the orb and Rias smiled happily at the warrior as he held her.

"Thank you."

"I'm still not sure if this was a good idea or not, Rias. But for now? you're welcome."

She smiled.

"I'll just say Seria reamed me."

"She did."


The pair cuddled a little longer on the couch before Metalica smiled.

"Soooo, it's dinnertime. And Asuna has a report."

The pair chuckled and they headed to the meeting room. Asuna smiled as Akeno and Belfast took Rias aside for a VERY indepth report.

"Looks like a choice was made."

"Yeah. I have no idea if it was the right one or not. so for the time being, the matter's dead."

"Alright. I'm here too."

"I appreciate it, Asuna."

He sat at the table and Asuna slid a paper over.

"we're ready for the trip tomorrow. we spent an extra 150k on extra supplies. The wagons were refitted with better wheels and suspensions for 300k and the horses' tack uograded for an extra 250k. All told we spent 700k."

He nodded.

"That from the Bloodoath leaves us with?"

Belfast returned wirh her report.

"We have 4,183,653. ALl supplies are secure in the wagons."

"Alright. Levels?"

Asuna looked at her paper.

"Across the board for the rank and file is level 5. We have some level 6s. A few level 7s and you're the only level nine. Kirito and Bell hit 7 while we were shopping."

"Good. we ride once we're fed and people."

They nodded and Mina looked at him.


"We'll go carefully. We're still nearly 2 miles off the ground you know."

She chuckled at that fact and Akeno looked at him.

"I'm glad you figured something out."

"ME too Sparky."

"I hate you."

He chuckled at that that one as Rias smiled. Then the Berserker nodded.

"This next leg will take us through the wintery mountain. Watch your temperature. If you need to warm up say so and we will light a fire. If you LOSE FEELING, same answer. Let's no one lose a toe."

They chuckled at that one and he smiled.

"Day's yours fo rest and once overs. Break."

The friends split and Belfast took him aside.

"An arrangement was made."

He looked at her.

"It doesn't exist."

"NO it does NOT. Was it mutual?"

"I'm still not sure I made the right call here. But it was."

"Very well. I will keep watch."

He nodded and headed up to his chambers. Metalica smiled as she popped out when the door shut.

"Your soul's really comfy now. Like that perfect sweetspot between hot and cool. I like it."

He patted the tiny sprite and she glared at him.



He flopped on the couch and the sprite grew to human size for a snuggle. he stroked her iron colored hair admiringly and she smiled.

"Vaeric knows I'm going with you."

"Any issues?"

"Nah. I roam a lot too so."

"That's a relief. Any new threads in the city?"

"None that concern you. Mostly stuff like murders, court plots, and the usual trade wars."

"Glad that one idiot was one idiot."


He smiled as their dinner appeared....and Rias walked in sheepishly.

"I join?"


She smiled in mild relief as she sat beside him and they enjoyed a quiet meal together before they settled onto the bed. Rias naked as was her way and Metalica snuggled on his other side in her human form. Tyler sighed with a smile as Rias rested her head on his chest.

"Not so bad now, is it?"

"The cuddles is nice, having you for my best friend is great, the threeway relationship I'm not so sure about yet,"

"Give it a chance, please?"

"I am, Rias. Just nervous."

"I get it. Good night Tyler. I love you."

"Good night, Rias. I...love you too. Night Metalica."

"Night yuo two idiots."