
The Demon's Pantheon

What if you could use magic? Would your life be great? would it be any better than someone who cant use magic? Would you use that magic to protect others or for you're own gain. In the Holy Glazen Empire people are born every now and then with special powers. Most believe that this is a sign of God's blessing upon the chosen. Those who will lead society to greatness. Maria is one of those chosen by God. After an scaring incident in childhood she begins to question if she should have received these powers. As she grows up she must decide how she will live her life. What is right and what is wrong. No one can tell her only she can discover how she should live her life.

MyNameIsNot · ファンタジー
2 Chs


It feels like I can't breathe. No, that's wrong. I'm just scared to breathe. I feel like if I make any sound, they'll hear me. That I'll be dragged out from my hiding spot, and I'll be... Stop breathing! Stop breathing! Oh my God, what is going on?

Who the hell are these guys? Why do they have Ed with them? They must be bandits or criminals! That's the only thing that makes sense. But then how did the get Ed so quick and why did they grab him. This just doesn't make any sense!


It feels like my head is gonna split open. No matter how hard I try, the idea of death keeps coming back to my head. Am I going to die here today? Is this really how it's all going to end? I don't want to die, theres still so much that I want to do in life.

"Ok kid. Ready to have a nice little talk?"

Hearing the man's deep voice, my body goes stiff. Everything I was thinking about shoots from my mind. Despite being a deep voice, it's so calm and even like a parent trying to comfort a crying child. His previously callous voice is nowhere to be heard. Which only caused my nerves to rise even more. It was as if he had turned into another person—such an ugly voice.

"HEY! Can you hear me?"

"I think you hit him too hard."

"Was I talking to you?"

The men sit in silence for a while. They might be doing something but due to the bush I can only imagine what's going on over there.

"Ey, give me some water."

"Use your own."

"Come on. you're not gonna drink it."

"I don't care. It's mine."

One of the men starts to walk around; a few seconds later, a slap rings through the air. Instinctively I hide my face and close my eyes at the sound. I know I wasn't the one who got slapped but I was still scared that I was about to be slapped. A soft groan crawls over to me, Ed must have been slapped. Most likely by the man with the deep voice.

I'm sorry Ed, but you're just gonna have to tough it out for now. If I get the chance, I promise I will save you! So until the time comes, please be patient. I know you can't hear me, but please have faith in me.

"Can you answer a simple question for me? If you answer honestly, we'll have no problems. But if you try and make things hard for us, then we might have to do some not nice things. Do you understand me?"


Lifting my face at Ed's voice, I feel tears start to well in my eyes. His voice is so weak. It doesn't even sound like him anymore. I can only imagine what's going through his mind right now. Held captive by scary men. I feel like my heart is going to burst and I'm not even in danger right now. I can't imagine what you're going through.

"Good... I'm glad you're so understanding. I don't know what would have happened if you said no. Let's get right into the question. does this look familiar?"

Huh? What is he showing, him? Did Ed steal something, and that's what this is all about. But why would he steal something? The Ed I know would never steal anything, at least I think. Is the Ed I know all just an act? Is he really a part of a crime gang and tried to steal something from them. That can't be it! Ed would never steal anything! He's the kindest kid I know, so he could never steal something.


"I see."

Ed. What the hell is going? Why is all of this happening to you? What did you do?

"Thanks for being honest with me. It makes my job a whole lot easier. That said, you caught me in a bad mood. And this whole thing pisses me off even more. Hare do it."

"Wait! Wait! What? That's not how we do things! You know the rules, this goes against everything we stand for!"

For the first time, the man with the high voice shows actually shows emotion. This entire time it seemed like he was indifferent to everything that was going on. But now his voice was filled with anxiety. Whatever that man wanted him to, it couldn't be anything good.

"Just because it's a rule doesn't make it right. If we follow the rules on this one, think of what will happen in the future. It's better to nip a weed than let it grow."

"That's insane he's just a kid!"

"If you won't do it, then I might have to tell this to Ghost."


"Your choice."

"Get out of my way."

Shit! Shit! Shit! He's going through with it! I have to do something, or Ed might die. I'm the only one left now who can do anything. But what the hell am I supposed to do?

Looking around, I find a small stick lying in the dirt. Quietly reaching over for it, I pick it up without making a sound. With this, I can stab the men. I'll lunge out and stab whoever I see first. Then in the confusion, I grab Ed, and we make a run for it.

All I have to do now is jump out and actually put my plan into action. They don't know I'm here, so I should have the element of surprise. I'll just have to be quick about it. Ok, here I go.

Any second now, I'll jump out and save Ed. In just a second, I'll jump out. Why am I not jumping out? My mind is telling my body to jump out. I can imagine it. So then, why is it not happening? The feeling of the cold earth never leaves my chest. The more I try to move, the harder it gets. Seconds turn into minutes as I lay there unmoving.

I can't hear any movement on the other side of the bush anymore. Why couldn't I move? Ed is just a few meters away in need of help. Yet I'm just laying in the dirt.

Slowly pushing myself up, I get up to my feet. Why can I stand up now? Is it because I know those men are gone? I sure am pathetic, only getting up once I know its safe.

Walking through the bush, I can feel the twigs slapping me in the face. Making no effort to block them, I continue walking forward. Even the bush knows how much of a coward I am and attacking me for it.

A small opening lays on the other side of the bush. Looking around, I find what I'm looking for almost instantly. Laying just a couple meters in front of me is a small body.

Walking up to the body, I feel nothing. It's like someone is guiding my body forward. Maybe its God forcing me forward to see what I did. My body feels empty. Nothing comes out, I know I should be crying, but I can't.

The only part of his body that isn't covered by his clothes is his face. Half in the dirt, his eyes look out across the ground. But they aren't his eyes; they were always so full of vigor. These eyes are dull and looking nowhere. If his eyes were closed, I'd probably think he was just sleeping or passed out. Instead, they're wide open.

Looking to his right, about a meter away is a small mound of straw. Oh. I see... So that's what the man was talking about.

Crouching down closer to Ed's face, I gently place my fingers on his eyelids and drag them down. This doesn't feel like Ed.

"I'm so sorry..."

I can't see anymore; everything is blurry. It's getting harder to breathe. Hot tears start to roll down my face and hit the dirt. Compared to Ed's cold body, these tears feel like they are burning my face.

"Do I really deserve to cry?"

I don't know.