
The Deific Mage

With Celestial Witch’s descending, mankind learned dark magic. With disciples all over Woodland, she has gained more devotees. Thousands of years ago, during the great war, she sealed some gifted ones in a dimension. While she had succeeded in sealing even a Mage, he injured her, forcing her to hide. Years have gone by; the gifted ones are still sealed and she is still in seclusion. Whether she is healed or not, that is yet to be discovered but her people are growing stronger. To stop her, another Mage is born. The new Mage is a young visual artist from South West. He comes from a humble background and is oblivious to the ways of the world. However, the ways of the gods are not for man to question. If they chose the young man to free Woodland from evil the witch minions are spreading despite his weak personalities, that is theirs to decide. All in all, Woodland has to be saved, the gifted ones must be freed and the Celestial Witch has to die.

MrKingI · ファンタジー
53 Chs

Chapter 46

The chief found a man in yellow robe standing just by his throne with his hands crossed calmly below his belly. The throne was in a large expense on an alabaster floor. The area had no windows but the white glowing walls provided light. Just behind the throne was a green drape running from the ceiling to the floor. The entrance to the area was from a dim corridor. 

"Chief, what took you so long, were you hiding it?" The man, upon seeing the chief walk towards him with two men behind him asked.

"I told you; I do not have it. My daughter's life could never be a price to pay to hide it." The chief stated.

"That is of little concern to me at the moment. I am made to understand that you have a visitor, I would like to see him." The man smiled, bringing fear on the faces of the messenger and the prophet. The chief tried to hide his, but could still be barely seen.

"What are you talking about?" The chief asked.

"The one your messenger brought. Where is he?" The man's eyebrows rose in little impatience.

"I do not know what you are...." The chief bowed slightly but the prophet leaned closer to his ear and whispered, "He is a true disciple, chief. You may not be able to lie to him." "I will try." The chief lifted a finger in resolve.

"You have never been handled by a disciple of Kasnaya before, haven't you, chief?" The man stroked his right hand with the fingers of the left as he smiled wickedly. The chief felt a sudden flash of pain rush from his toes to the top of his head. This petrified him for a second before looking at the man in fear.

"Master," He went down on one knee while bowing in reverence. "Dear gods, what is happening?" The prophet crossed his fingers on top of his head in resignation. The messenger almost pounced on the man but something seemed to stop him. He did not know what.

"Where is the visitor?" The man asked, completely ignoring the other two. "I will take you to him, master." 

They found the old lady trying to feed Eddie the liquid she had been stirring when they were here a moment ago. Their appearance did not even shift her a little for she continued with her work, without even lifting her head to look at them.

"What is a whole disciple of Kasnaya doing in the middle of nowhere, here?" She asked, still continuing with whatever she was doing.

"The child, you may not be able to help him." The disciple said, sure of himself.

"I know, but neither can you." She put the glass bowl she was carrying on top of the desk. She held the spoon in her hand up.

"Experience has taught me a lot of things. He bears a mark, one I can expel, back in my shrine." The man's eyes moved, unable to settle on a single place.

"Do you have the stick?" The old lady looked at the man with a witty smile. From their exchange, it seemed she was familiar with the man. This surprised the chief but there was nothing he could do for he was now under a spell he could not understand. However, the old woman had been alive since he was born. She could know more than he did. There were several times he sought her wisdom.

"No, but I can help him." The man stated plainly, clearly wanting her not to argue with him. "Okay," she shrugged then looked at him a little mischievously, "I only wish to be by your side when it happens. When what you want to do with him is really happening."

"What are you talking about?" The man's eyes widened in alarm. "You know what I am not talking about, third disciple." She answered, almost immediately, "You will not take him with you until you accept my request."

"Alright. He doesn't have much time. Can we leave now?" It did not matter to him that she wanted to tag along. After all, he had known her for centuries and he knew all he needed to end her was just a flick of a finger away, should she prove to be a trouble maker. He picked Eddie up and once he had balanced him in his right arm, he scooped the old lady by her waist with the other arm and they disappeared.

"Is he gone? With the amulet?" As soon as the two left, the chief had been relieved from his spell. He looked at the two men with horror. They nodded to confirm his fear.

"The prophet," the prophet's worried face lifted to meet the messenger's, "she is going to find him gone."