
Part II, Chapter I - A new adventure

The video started to go static when it transitioned from a black screen to a black and white video of a man wearing a waist coat over a long-sleeve polo and bow tie. But his head was out of frame and we could only see his torso.

"William, I know you know my face" he continued "Why not show my face you may ask? It would make things boring for Sherlock"

"How thoughtful" said Sherlock.

"I'm still watching, William. I am not yet done, let's continue our little routine shall we? Solve the murder"

The video ended and the replay icon popped up.

"What murder?" asked I, before a sudden scream came from the next room followed by a gunshot. Sherlock ran to where it was heard, I pulled my blind wife following him. His neighbors watched as he kicked the door open. Infront of us was the lifeless body of a male on the ground, a gunshot on the right side of his head and his blood spilling out, a gun on his right hand. It looked like he had commited suicide.

The cops arrived a minute later. Officer Heinz with them.

"You're still here?" I asked him.

"Fuck off"

"Where's your boss?"

"On his way, ate too much pizza"

"Do you remember his name?" asked my wife

"That's a different story" I claimed

"You always refer to him as 'Boss' but never his name"

"There is a dead man on the floor!"

"His name is Agatha" said Officer Heinz.

"Excuse me?"

"His name is Agatha Outlaw"

"My mother wanted a daughter" said Agatha, my former boss, upon arrival, panting. "I need water!"

"You have saliva. Drink it!" sassed Jane.

"You guys have spouted too much nonsense that I have already found the first clue!" interrupted Sherlock. "It was not suicide!"

"How?" asked Agatha.

"It's quite obvious" said my wife. "Who the fuck screams before shooting themself?"

"Yes, thank you! See that? Even a blind woman can 'See' it" teased Sherlock. Making quotation marks with his fingers upon saying "See"

"Don't insult my wife!" I interrupted

"Will everybody please shut up? There is a crime scene!"

"Well, I can see that!" said Officer Heinz

"Officer, don't say another word, you'll remove everyone's brain cells. Now, nobody speak, or think, or breathe, or continue living. My paranoid companion's blind wife is right! Who screams before commiting suicide? Plus, look at the environment!"

"Yes" I interrupted "And look at his unzipped jacket on the hanger. The left side is lower than the left, which means-"

"Upon placing it there" interrupted my wife "He started with his left hand! He was left-handed!"

"Are you two capable of not interrupting for one second?" asked Sherlock.

"Are you capable of making deductions without putting your fingertips together? Do you have to pose?"

"How could you know that? You're blind!"

"My wife read, what you call, your damn 'Reminiscenes of John Watson' before the fucking incident!" I interrupted. "Are we here to insult each other?"

"I don't know, you tell me!"

"Crime-fucking-scene!" reminded my wife

"I am covering my ears!" Yelled Sherlock, covering his ears "But I have to say it because you can't see it!"

"Bark bark bark!" Borked my dog Emily, still being cuddled by my wife.

"Everybody please SHUT UP!" Yelled Agatha, annoyed and angry, causing everybody to go silent. "Jane, William, I know you no longer work for me. I understand that you resigned out of trauma, and you, Sherlock Holmes or whoever the fuck you really are, I know you are one high-functioning sociopath! But let me be the one to remind you where we are and what is lying infront of us. There is a dead man on the floor and you're acting like arrogant 12 year-old gamers taking over Noobmaster69. Whatever the fuck you're doing now, you're not being detectives, you're being drama queens!"

Sherlock, Jane and I stood in silence.

"He's right" I broke the silence "We should act as one"

"Avengers assemble!" cheered Agatha. Gesturing everybody to leave us to do what we must.

Sherlock examined the body, I examined the furniture and the window, everytime I found something I brought it to Jane and she rubbed her fingers all over it to feel what only she can deduce. Everything confirmed that it was a murder made to look like suicide. The gun was on his right hand and the bullet wound was on the right side of his head. The paper which he used to take notes layed on the table with the pen on the left side, and his cup holder modified to be on the left side of his chair. We then tried looking for the possible ways the killer entered the room, but there was no such luck.

"Just like old times" I whispered.

"I found this in his pocket" said Sherlock, holding out a small coin. At first glance it was an ordinary coin, but ordinary it was not.

"What's a coin gotta do with anything?" I asked

"It's a hollow spy coin"

"What's a hollow spy coin?"

Sherlock paused for a moment upon hearing my question.

"Are you serious?" he asked

"Did you know" interrupted Jane "Before we resigned, he was given a nickname which was 'Defective'?"

"Are you sure it was a nickname and not a title?"

"Just tell me what the fuck a hollow spy coin is!" I interrupted

"Sorry, i'm not Google" Sherlock twisted the coin to open it "This one hollow coin, however, feels different" he pulled out a very small folded paper.

"I don't need to Google anymore, I just found out what it is upon watching you"

"Of course you don't need Google, you have a wife" said Sherlock, unfolding the paper and pausing upon reading it.

"Nobody makes jokes about my wife but me!

What's in the note?"

Sherlock was about to speak when we heard a loud female scream coming from the room on the other side. It was not just any scream, she screamed and stopped instantly with the sound of gurgling. We rushed to the other room and found her dead wearing a metal collar and bleeding from her neck. Her eyes were still open. I examined the body only to find, etched and bleeding on her arm, was "Let's have more fun -Cupcake"

"What the devil!?" cursed Sherlock Holmes, still holding the note. I snatched it from him. Written on it was:

"If you don't remember who you were within one week, Leela dies"

Signed Moriarty.

I know updates are kinda slow. I just need to decide where I want this to go.

FranceBautistacreators' thoughts