
Chapter 1: The Death of Monica

"Mom please don't leave me."

"Listen to me Elena."

"Mom we have to get someone to help you first." Elena said in-between tears.

"Help, someone help!." Then Monica grabbed her face and forced her to look at her.

"My little angel. Take this, this is a piece of cloth from the person the person that did this to me. I believe with the spells that I have thought you, you will be able to find him and take revenge. Take this potion and this book. These two things were passed unto me by my mother, and it was passed unto her by her mother. And it has been going on like that for generations, it has been the family's greatest secret. I must warn, if another person finds out about this, there will be crisis. You might even die in the process. I warn sternly, not even your best friend must know. I will end here now. You will soon understand what i am saying. I love you so much Elena, my beloved daughter." Monica said. Then two drop of tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Mom I can try to revive you." Elena said.

"No!. That would drain you to much. I am on the verge of dying. You might even die in the process of trying to save me. And I will never let that happen. You haven't even started enjoying this life. And you want to die trying to save me?. IMPOSSIBLE!." Monica said with the last energy in her. Elena's tears dropped on Monica's hand.

"Don't cry. I love you." Monica said, said cleaning the tears of her cheek.

"Please mom don't leave me." Elena said in-between tears. Then slowly she felt the life leaving her mother. "Mom can you hear me?." She said shaking her mother vigorously. "Mom please nooooo...." She screamed.


Dropping flowers, consoling me isn't what i want. She wants to kill deadly. She wants too kill him. She is so bitter very bitter, knowing nothing more but hatred, and revenge. A blood thirsty revenge. To kill the bitch that killed her mother. Oh someone better warn him. Someone better telll him that the battle isn't over, the battle that killed my 'mother'. Someone better tell him that the witch he killed has a daughter and that daughter is coming after his life." Elena said to no one in particular. Then one of her niece came to her and help her on the shoulder, and said:

"You need to take it easy. I mean you tried your best to save her life."

"Let go of me!." Elena screamed and pushed her hands of her. "I am going to revenge my mother. I.. watched my mother die in my arms, and i did nothing. I felt the life go out of her, yet I just watched her die. I am the cause of her death." Elena said and wept.

"No Elena don't say that. You tried your best. There was nothing you could do about it. You and I know that once someone is on the verge of death there is nothing we can do to stop it." Then she hugged her. Elena then rested her head on her shoulder. Like she had found a pillar to rest on.
