
The Death's Wolves

Mother and Father left him to die. Earth rejected him. Faith brought the trouble. Blood is his natural scent. The twin planet called Glow became his new home. His second chance. His second chance at happiness. However, the hurt doesn’t want to give him a break. His faith in the world dies, taking away that second chance, when he is banished from his new home and thrown back to Earth. However he didn't return one hundred percent alone. The Assassin, Wolf. Has traveled behind him, with one murderous agenda. One word. Execution. With the help of some new friends, can Colt survive his return to Earth? Or will he fall victim to the sharp teeth of the white haired wolf chasing him in the dark shadows.

Autumn_Ridgen · 都市
11 Chs


''You can't do this!'' He shouted. '' I belong on Glow just like everyone else! I shouldn't be forced to leave, this wasn't just my fault!'' He hissed, the power of his voice traveling all through the castle main halls, as the fire in his heart stormed together in his chest. The beating powerful seconds of his still beating heart, bled with powerful sorrow, as pieces of his shattered wings, laid motionless on the carpet floor beneath him. The pain was slow at first, but only grew stronger, and caused much more pain to him, and his back, as the rest of his glass shattered into a million pieces. He no longer had the gift he was given, he no longer had any seal to prove to others he was apart of their species. Apart of his bloodline. He was being banished today, so he knew the reason why his gift was taken back. He also knew what would happen to him afterwards. After the council made up their minds, and banished him to Earth. He'd no longer have any line to the Glass, nor would he have anything to show to others, where'd he came from. He came from Glow. The second universe, hidden from Earth, and hidden from humans, and everything around it. Glow is a peaceful land, home to every single mythical creature. It'd had once been his home, just as everyone else's. How he loved it there, ever since his eyes first laid upon the beautiful land.

That first time, was when he was just six years old. An abandoned child. left to die, in the streets of New York, with streaming rain and lit up thunder and lighting, to frighten him, and make him feel fear for the first time. He remembered that very day, just like it was playing on repeat every moment of everyday. The fear to be sent back to that awful place, stabbed at him at every second that passed by. Now at eighteen years of age, because of one tiny mistake, his fears were being unleashed right in front of him, and powerless to change their minds, he knew their was no fighting them. He knew the consequences of his staying, and he knew the consequences of him going. The outcome wasn't going to be good for either of them. Glow is a beautiful home to everyone, but even beautiful things have their limits. And evil was Glows. No evil creature could ever think to step foot on Glow, not unless they wanted it to be destroyed. For the skies are made of glass, as the lands itself, made of glass and bits of crystal. One foot of darkness, and Glow's glass would surely shatter into pieces, just like his wings had.

Glow had its limits, as did everything else. He knew this was for the best, but that tiny bit of fear still stabbing into him, made him want to argue, fight back. convince him he deserved better, convince them he wasn't the only one at fault here, they needed to know he wasn't just the only one to be blamed. Opal Rose had a part in the situation. It wasn't just all his fault. He knew it, and so did everyone else. She was apart of everything else as well. But why were they only destroying him? None of it made any sense. She deserved to share his fate, she deserved banishment all the same...

But no, his wings were gone, his power taken, and with that, his happiness shattered at his feet, adding to the shattered pieces of broken wing landing at the foot of his heel. All around him, every single breath of air he took, every single stare and slow blink he took, there were the pieces. The pieces of the glass wings he'd treasured so dearly in his youth, ripped away from him, all because of some misunderstanding. The misunderstanding that he'd caused evil to the land. Glow's people, thought of him as a criminal, as the type who wanted Glow to be destroyed, and because of that, in their eyes, he was deemed the enemy.

Glow lost one of its own that day, as Earth gained a heartbroken demon, carrying in his veins slippery evil, and pained memories. Colt Raven, welcome back to Earth.