
The Deal I made With A Stranger

A typical girl living in her busy city life where she meets her prince charming..............nah Meet Cynthia Ave Laurance otherwise known as Cynthia Sphar Castillo, a 17 year old who in her stupidity goes and makes a supposingly 'silly' deal with a stranger which turns her whole life upside down. A 'silly' deal that lead to a 'stranger' barge into her life. And change it..to good ? Or worse ? What new surprises now awaits her in future ? . . . . .

Cold_Coffee_7514 · 都市
3 Chs

Chapter 2- Aren't I right, Mr. Astra ?

After being done with it all, they went out, heading towards their car. Her brothers and Alex were ahead whilst Cynthia was a little behind as she was ogling the cake boxes that she had with her. As she had really loved the chocolate truffle cake and blueberry cheesecake, she even bought some for her to take home and eat as a midnight dessert while binge watching anime.

Unfortunate for her, as she was walking towards their car, a guy rushed towards her, more like sprinted, towards her at full pace. Because she was unaware of her surroundings, she barely managed to move aside and save herself, though the same couldn't be said for her cakes. One of the two boxes had slipped out of her hand and was now lying on the road..... upside down. Immediately picking it up, she opened it, only to find that the topping of the cake had stuck to the lid of the box, completely ruining its looks. Was it edible? Yes. But was it pretty? No.

Since it was still edible, she wasn't that mad at that guy. Finally now, after she was done with her little check-up, she acknowledged the guy who was staring at her, looking as if wanting to say something.

"What are you looking at ?" Annoyance could easily be heard in her tone.

"I- um...am sorry..."

"It's ok don't mind. Though be careful next time."

"Oh thank you ! And yes I sure will be careful next time !"

She continued walking, only to find all three boys staring at her as if they've seen a ghost.

"What are you all staring at ?"

"Did he-?" "He's alive? How?" Alex and Theodore said at the same time.

Even Dominic had a surprised look over his face.

"What? I ain't that cruel. Besides, didn't you see how cute that guy was ! Definitely a golden retriever type. How could you be mad at someone like that ? Poor guy, I feel bad for him. He really was so scared of me."

"So as long as you're cute, you can get away with whatever you want. Damn that's pure discrimination ! Ain't I cute ?" Alex said as put his two index fingers on each of his cheeks, lifting his lips to form a smile.

"Ew no shut up. You are uglier than a monkey who has gone bald."

"Hey that's mean ! Do you even know how many girls are head over heels for me ?"

"I don't know, though one thing I'm sure about is that they must be blind or something."

They both started bickering back and forth, while Dom and Theo just stood aside, talking about their own kind of thing.

"Hey dude, ain't that chick with black hair hot as hell ? God just looking at her is makinge have thoughts of how pretty she would look with me fucking her all night in my bed."

That was enough to make all of the four stop. It was clear that the so called 'chick ' was none other than Cynthia.

'Uhhh there we go.' thought Cynthia

All of their demeanor changed. Without a warning, Theodore went to the guy and grabbed him by his neck. Before anything could be said, the guy's face met the pavement at an alarming rate. For a guy who was goofy and aloof just a second ago, this was a sight that was rarely seen by anyone. It's present only in some situations related to his sister or while doing 'business'. As unexpected as it may be, but out of Dominic and Theodore, the elder one is Theodore.

Before Theo could do anything more than what he already did, Cynthia pulled him back. If looks could kill then that guy would already be six feet under the ground. To hell with looks, this one hit was enough to kill him, luck must be on his side as he still seemed to be alive.

"Don't you fucking dare talk about my sister like that, otherwise I swear that I mess you up so bad that even you mother would think it's unlovable." Said Dominic to the other guy present at the scene. He looked as if he was about to piss how pants.

"Dom, Theo, please go back with Alex. We sure don't want to cause a scene you know. Besides didn't you both promised to not cause any trouble ?"


"Oh come on ! Please !!"

With nothing more being said, with reluctance, both of them went back. She turned back to the guy who now laid on the pavement, unconscious.

"Take him to a hospital, he certainly is not dead, but prolonging it would certainly not be any good."

The other guy immediately obeyed, shoving the guy in the car and drove away.

"Don't you think this is the right timing for you to join this show here, Mr. Astra?"

With this, a guy of around 21 year came up to her.

With a sly smirk, he said, "My, my, such a quick witted girl you are. Can't say I am not impressed." His voice completely matched his face. Deep and husky, and that too commanding tone. His face was literally something out of a kid's story about angels and all.

'Like I just said a kid's fairytale not the Bible'

Except this man here, with jade green eyes, that sparkled with mischief in them, certainly wasn't to be mistaken as an angel. If anything, he could be called an angel who had fallen from grace or in short, Lucifer himself in flesh and blood.

Any one, even a fool could tell just about who this man was. The tattoo of his neck gave it all away. Though she got to see only the tip of it when he was adjusting his tie back. It wasn't hard to tell that this man belonged to one of the top mafias there were- The Rubrum Astra, simply meaning, 'The red star.'

He continued on ,"It has been a while since someone has piqued my interest like this, even knowing my identity, you sure don't seem fazed by it, neither are you showing any kind of fear. Though surely he wasn't wrong about what he said about fuc-"

"Be careful of how you finish that sentence of yours."

"Oh pardon me then. I'll just get straight to the point then. Can I would like to have the honour of you being my date for the upcoming ball ?"

'What...what the hell is this guy thinking ? Has he no brain cells? Is he stupid?' thought Cynthia.

Staring at him, a million thoughts ran in her mind. ' Yep! With the amount of confidence with which he said that, it is certain that this man is dumb. But then again, who am I to refuse this man. A gorgeous beauty standing in front of me, and that too asking me out, that too for just one date and the biggest and the most attractive thing of all..... him being in a mafia that is considered in one of the top ones!!!!! Aghhhh! Just thinking about it turns me on. But hey, there must a price na ? After all I ain't cheap you know.'

"Why would I say yes to such a thing ? What is in it for me ?" She was right for this one. For all may know she could even get in trouble or something even worse could happen. This was the mafia ball after all. Not just any other random ordinary ball. This was something that happened once every six months, where all mafias from all around the country would gather. It was a place for everyone to establish new relationships amongst each other. It is a ball hosted by different top mafias, coming together and showcasing their power and wealth. One can say it was a ground for the apex predators to meet.

"You sure there isn't anything for you in it ? Think about it again, if you agree to this, you'll have the most wonderful and handsome man as your date and the trouble of you having to deal with all the invitations of the others will stop to," he knelt to the ground on his one knee and gently kissed the back of her. Remaining in that position he looked directly in her eyes, this time, with a dangerous look, and a glint of bloodlust in them. He proceeded, "because trust me darling, no one here would ever dare to even look at what's mine."

'Fuck he's hot !!'

That look in his eyes was enough to send shivers down her spine. Plus the words spoken by him led to a whole bunch of butterflies fluttering in her stomach. That face of him combined with the words along with that voice of his was enough to make Cynthia think about how the things that she believed only happened in books, were now happening to her.

'Damn I think I read way too many books for my own good.'

Only some real idiot would agree to something so ridiculous. But you know what-" she looked directly in the eyes of the man who now stood to his full length, towering over her at least a good foot. She pulled his tie, bringing them both face to face. "I am that stupid bitch. I agree Mr. Astra. Though even if a single guy, no matter who he is, approaches me, I'll accept him as my date. So now what do you think?"

"Oh darling I know something like that would never happen and if an idiot even thinks about something like that, I'll personally make sure that his head will be the only part of his body that'll reach you for that stupid proposal."

'Holy---- Yep I dreaming ! Yup that can be the only reason that this is happening to me....ahhh no CC..

calm down. Yep we got to calm down. Take deep and slow breath.'

"I guess we have gotten ourselves a deal then ? Well this isn't exactly a deal, but I would like to call it one." saying that she extended her hand towards him for him to shake and seal the deal.

He shook her hand, showing him agreeing to this, "Deal."

Only now had she realized something really important, "Wait ! Your name?"

"Seriously you are asking me now ? Hahahaha you really are stupid, well anyways it's-" he walked towards her, leaning towards her ," Luciano.....Luciano Marcel Knox." With this he left her, standing there, with shock mixed with a bit of horror on her face. After all who wouldn't be like this after realizing that they have just made a deal, with any random person, but with the second in command and the heir of the mafia, the said 'Crown Prince of Rubrum Astra'.

"Fuck I'm dead."