
-The Last Hello-

As the sun set And the moon Rose way up high in the sky I was just walking home from the casino and I know something my cousins were both lying in their beds not saying anything I said hello they said hello but it was very faint I had a feeling they were sick and all of a sudden soon as I knew it I grabbed one of their hands cold as ice they died again how I didn't know but then I realized something the devil said their time here would be temporary not permanent I merely ran back to the casino until the devil please let them stay here they liked it here they're cold as ice and they and are they even going to be able to come back to devil set said sadly they may or may not be able to come back after being a year in heaven I froze my whole body went stiff and I dropped in front of him I started crying and having an outburst he told me to put myself together even though I couldn't they are my favorite cousins I couldn't just let myself just mourn my death and also sadly they were my only cousins the worst part was whenever I used to talk to them when I was little they used to be so nice and I asked him what happened to my boy cousins they they looked at me sadly and they said well they'd all died in a fire all the men in our family died in a fire because of the 9/11 strike the Twin Towers went up in Flames as they described it and it was horrifying to me but I was little so I didn't really know what they were talking about I thought it was a fairytale on there was going to be a happy ending at the end but no all the men died in the family immediately started crying and said is that why daddy and brother never returned my cousin's sadly shook their heads yes I have to wait a year now cuz I have to go to heaven and I knew there were meeting Lee going to cause trouble on the first day there they made a bad impression and not even 24 hours later they came back to me as extremely happy the devil wondered and he said why are you guys back so early you still have 364 days left they smiled and said we were causing too much as of A disruption so he kicked us out and sent us back here I was extremely happy that day and I thought it would be the last hello but no some days I felt like it was going to be over but then when I realized that my cousins were there with me standing at my side we were happy all the sudden it's now another year past several boys were born not in my family but they made a book after about 23 years Called Paradise Island they only released a short the only no wasted about a day ago so when when we all got our hands on it we were all excited we realize they had a YouTube channel it was for you watched all the scary videos on the Sam and Colby Channel we didn't realize it then but we are Sam and Colby fangirls I was more of a Kobe girl while my cousins were Sam fan even though Sam has a girlfriend that's why I also want the Kobe I mean we're not that far ages apart but I'm also technically to speak dead he's still alive but the devil said I could go back up the Overworld but he said for only a few days and he said I could bring them back with me but I would just have to get them to die somehow and I didn't know how without ruining their channels reputation so I decided to come on a few other videos and I ended up having themselves get killed by Smashing their by having their bodies get smashed under a brick as soon as I knew what they were dragged down to Hell and then all of a sudden they were down in hell with me they said wait what happened I said you were smashed by Brick what we both were some random sociopath that's dropped hundreds of bricks on us from an airplane and it'll all of a sudden as I knew it one of my friend's name name Celeste walked over and then smashed her head in with a brick now she was down in heck with me as well and I didn't know what to do but I just decided to roll with it and I knew she was going to be even more trouble than my cousins and that was only the beginning of me and Celeste Journey we were like a Sam and Colby as you could say but she had red hair and I had brown hair well the devil had me Diet purple and I have no idea why but I liked it and also he said from now on you are going to be my little easy girl but I like Toby and Colby liked it so we ended up dating in secret all the suddenly decided to tell the devil after a year into a relationship and my friend started dating Colby because Katrina had broken up with him because he was dead and they ended up hitting it off in the relationship after 4 years Celeste and Sam got married after 10 years me and Colby got married I mean we were both strict Christians but I didn't tell the devil that I was a Christian neither did Kobe but we decided to start watching some shows together that we liked but then the worst thing happened Celeste when she's working at the casino decided that it was too much to handle so she decided to take her life but that was nothing presently technically you had two lives down in hell so you could technically kill yourself again so but that was only a few suicided not and if you got murdered if you got murdered you'd be easily be able to stand back up you just be really sore I should know I got into a lot of fights at the casino because I either must have a drink by accident or on purpose because the person is being slime bag and then all of a sudden I heard a gunshot Bang I look over and Celeste is on the floor they got shot by gunshot but it wasn't by themself it wasn't a self-inflicted wound it was from their ex Haley the name Haley even though Haley was a guy it was a female name here we despised Celeste and thought I want her to die we didn't know she was going to be in hell cuz we thought she would go to heaven because of all the quote" good thing she did because she helped to raise money for charity but also she had a bunch of things she had behind her back I mean she was a split she got a new girlfriend every single day and me and me and Celeste actually attempted to kill her one day when we were in seventh grade but the sad thing was there's a thing called the swine flu which is considered which is similar to the to today's Coronavirus we both of melee started pretending to cough and we were joking around obviously but and we were just giggling about our fake coughing put me then said why you guys coughing are you sick both of our boyfriends came up to us and asked if we were sick we both replied node and that we are just making fun of the Coronavirus they said well yeah that's killed over millions of people and it's way more deadlier than the flu nowadays because it's worldwide Lee Min and Lee knew that our families weren't safe we have to double if we could head to the Overworld once more he said this is the last time for the rest of the year and it was only in December so it was okay so we headed to the Overworld in her family's for all quarantined thank God they didn't get anything but the scary thing was they were always low on toilet paper because someone always used it so what we did because we were demons we could technically steal and not get caught we could technically touch things and transport it to wherever so I transported a bunch of toilet paper to leave for transport to a bunch of toy in in.


Me Celeste Sam and Colby were all walking through the store teleporting things to her family's house has won all of a sudden random girl ran up to us and said twins I mean me and Celeste look similar but we didn't look identical we merely said oh it's not what you think but we said that at the same time so we sounded like twins the girls immediately squealed and said yes you are and then they mediately tried to get photographs with us but once I got a photo we didn't show up they were confused why we didn't show up and asked why we were in the photo we said it's because we have a special coating on us from the devil or we can appear in any pictures unless they were taken by ourselves and we couldn't save them unless they were taking a nap or and I had to pull the right on me but I only had eight pieces of film left and I wanted to save it for me Sam Colby and Celeste State cuz we were having a double date and I decided Well one picture wouldn't hurt so I took the picture but we all had to hold the camera was a little difficult to get our hand placements right but we ended up ending taking the picture but the good thing was we they didn't we pretended to give it to them but then we immediately stole it back and then all sudden we kept honors free they weren't we teleported home you notice something all the family members were asleep he was lunch time we woke up our families and our parents are obviously shocked that we were alive they asked us how we were alive and we said what we asked the devil and then my mom stopped me you are in hell I said not and I'm technically in the Overworld she let me continue but I completely lost track now and then I finally said got him back on my check will technically the devil lettuce go out for a few hours and we're also going to be redecorating the house while we still have time left so we gotta decorated gotta decorated I repainted my room with a p yellow that it used to be now but keep in mind my room used to be purple and it used to be the most beautiful shade we just never painted my closet courtesy to my dad because I never cleaned out my closet but I didn't want to make my room even more than less than it was already bent now several people had decided hey let's go on a room because she's dead but little did they know I had a bunch of booby traps around in my room so whenever they stepped in the door immediately get jump scared and they would usually either how a heart attack and died or have a heart attack and somehow live and if they stuck around them and if they stuff around the pressure plate The Next Step would be well getting hit in the head with the door or boot it always depended on which the foot they stepped with the leftover beer door right ba bootSorry my next shift as soon signing off elise.
