
-My true Love-

I mean we started apologizing to the guy at actually going into when I finally got a look at his face his face looked familiar Harrison realized who it was ice cream George it was George not found from YouTube I mean I gave him a hug and said I'm such a big fan of your videos before I could finish she said your friend of my videos I'm a fan of yours you have over 8 million subscribers already have only had your YouTube channel for a month counting the days how long I'd have my YouTube channel and sure enough you was right he said he was one of my subscribers and I didn't believe it so I told him to get out of the phone and show me the I didn't really believe him sure Nuff he was actually subscribe to me notifications turned on and everything I was stunned the dead I've been kind of trying to follow you around but then I realized you're dead he said yeah crazy ex stabbed me in the street I look to see if he was lying he was I said what actually happened side and said don't get mad at clay for this I remember that dreams real name with play I said what did he do to you so she serious voice I pulled him into one of the telephone booths it was okay the coloring was opaque so you couldn't see in to the telephone pole but he nearly grabbed me and kissed me I said in my head what's up with random guys kissing me then I remembered he wasn't a random guy so I guess back I asked him why he said that he's had a crush on me since first grade apparently we went to school together I mean I did look like I was 24 and devil did let me go back when I was a little and make me seem a little but only me sister she had to keep working she had to work double shifts for me but my sister didn't hold a grudge she was not she was never the type to hold a grudge and she did you wouldn't be for long as we started talking and catching up I said maybe we should do this outside of a phone booth he Googled and said yeah so we went up to the bar and I bought him a drink I bought him my famous venus fly trap margarita he said this is good did you come up with this I said yeah my sister realized that was so she immediately ran up to him and said oh my God me and just me and my sister are your biggest fans he realize that we were Twins and I said oh how rude is it heard of us not introduce ourselves I put my hand on my heart I'm Lily and then I pointed to my sister in the Super Bowl Willis has not has the same color eyes I have two different eyes he then he realized the color-changing ring he knows that I want from yellow light blue which meant happy and embarrassed he said hey why are you embarrassed I was shocked that he knew about that I never mentioned it in any of my videos or our videos she said I have the same type of eyes he took out his contacts and showed me get color changing eyes like mine I took out my contacts cuz my original eyes my right one was Brown in my left one was blue so I took out my contacts and we had the same type of ice I was so happy as you can back to my room there's a room connected so in case I wanted anyone to stay over I said well here's my room welcome to my humble abode he said hey where will I be staying cuz I'll be staying here for a while until I can buy one of those houses I said you're going to try to buy one of those houses how many Souls you got he was confused it is like what are so Oso's are like currency to US she always inside understand my side and said well how many Souls do you have his eyes turned pink which means he was blushing and said I only have one thousand eight hundred and that's very little turn regular person debut like wow but not here here that's not impressive that's why I get paid so much but this new guy came in name Felipe he started a tab with us he never paid his tab so today I thought hey I'm not going to give him any more drinks until he pays off his tab he always about my drinks the drink I made so I said hey no Venus flytrap until you pay your tab I noticed like Ruby was standing at the bar I hope the one moment thing that bartenders usually do I said either you pay your tab or I'll have to take your soul I knew he was kept so protected like his life depended on it and it did so he grumbles hang and gave me the money and then I gave him a venus fly trap awesome Night Ranger girl being sick what are you doing here he said well are you stopping by I said really burn in a volcano he said well and then I just remembered he's made of fire I said I'm dumb I didn't look at you right your fire you technically can't die between fire like yeah those but that was what I was about to point out I said I want to be a bartender here said he looked around inside me I said no the guy behind you I said of course you he said I was being a bartender down down there I never really liked how they treated me as confused cuz Grobe always smiled you know sometimes it's hard to understand him he always has a smile and I couldn't tell if it was his niece or daughter but she was really sweet to one time I even have a chat with her I will rock your school to and from school because the one guy was following her my name down there was cat Everyone always greeted me with a smile cuz I always have money unlike some other people never people didn't have money I gave him a little bit I have a bunch of currency cuz the devil always gives me a bunch this one kid named Frisk I can't pay for a hotel room so I've decided to pay for a whole month the person that owned the place said hey can the kid pay for their own room I said they don't have the money and back off do you like my eyes are changing color so they knew something either bad was going to happen or I was going to kill him I think I still have a spare room grab the key and walked us to the room I walked away and came back I took her soul when she wasn't looking not the kid but the hotel owner I took her soul and give it to the devil he said she's made a lot of mistakes and sins in her life she's perfect I smiled look dad hey how come you only take Souls this was the first time I'd ever collect Souls he looked at me and smirked and said they're like a turn see here I said oh that's why I'm working here right right right right so when do I get currency he said well how long have you worked here for I said one month he said he pulled out a few million dollars and gave me 1 million I said what I said Slaton said good anyone over there. Can hear us so we have to be careful of our wording I said wait people are tapping I call he said yeah people do that often to see what I and my little proxies are doing I looked at him confuse proxies he said basically like servants in a way except they're like your employees are friends so yeah I'm there was a proxy

After I explained every thinks his jaw was on the floor and I asked how he died and he was silent for a while but he had an "unfinished bonus"