
The day of studying in Hogwarts

Author: Lazy cat on the keyboard youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Albert never had any big ambitions and always considered himself a "salty fish," but after being reborn with a system cheat, he's determined to become a winner in life. Just as Albert plans to become a goal-oriented "salty fish," an owl delivers a Hogwarts invitation letter, revealing that he has actually transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is contemplating how to be a dream-driven "salty fish" in the magical realm. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · 書籍·文学
319 Chs

Chapter 219: Coincidences and Necessities

After returning to Hogwarts from Hogsmeade, Fred and the others were not content with going back so obediently. They suggested going with Hagrid to see his newly acquired pet, Norbert. However, their proposal was swiftly rejected by Hagrid. The groundskeeper decided to personally escort Albert and the others back to Hogwarts to prevent any further mischief.

"Don't let me catch you sneaking off to Hogsmeade again, or I'll report it to Professor McGonagall," Hagrid left them with this warning before turning away.

"Do you think next time we go to Hogsmeade, we should use the Disillusionment Charm?" Lee Jordan muttered quietly, watching Hagrid's departing figure.

But Lee Jordan felt a bit unsure, as he still hadn't mastered the Disillusionment Charm, a more complicated spell. If they wanted to use it, they would need Albert's help.

"I guess that's a good idea," George said regretfully. They had made a rare trip to Hogsmeade and yet returned without fully enjoying it.

"But where do you plan to put this?" Fred asked, referring to the bag of salt he was carrying.

"The Room of Requirement."

"I figured as much."

"I suggest we go to the kitchen now and see if there's something we can roast. Later, we can use the fireplace in the common room to cook," Albert took out the butterbeer barrel from his pocket and handed it to Fred, reminding him, "Remember to dispel the charm before opening the barrel."

"I don't know how to dispel charms," Fred said as he took the butterbeer barrel. Indeed, he didn't know, even the simplest charm would be too difficult for a second-year student.

"Then wait for me to come back," Albert took the Marauder's Map that Fred handed to him when they passed through the entrance hall, preparing to part ways with the others.

"What if there's nothing to eat in the kitchen?" Lee Jordan suddenly asked.

"Then we'll go to the edge of the Black Lake and catch a fish," Albert replied without hesitation.

"How do you catch them? Are you planning to go fishing at this time?" Fred looked at Albert with disbelief. They had just returned from Hogsmeade, freezing from the cold and wind.

"No, fishing is a hobby, and I don't usually fish in winter. We can try the Summoning Charm," Albert noticed the strange expressions on Fred and the others' faces, then he realized something and mumbled, "Oh, I almost forgot, British people rarely eat freshwater fish."

"Aren't you British yourself?" All three of them couldn't help but want to tease him. "Or are you trying to say that you actually eat freshwater fish?"

"You'll see. Remember to bring some food with you," Albert smiled and walked away.

Non-Asians, who couldn't use chopsticks, rarely ate freshwater fish with many bones. Well, it was just that they couldn't eat it, as knives and forks were pretty useless when dealing with fish bones.

Thinking of this, Albert shook his head helplessly. This was what happened when there were few people and plenty of resources. If there were many people and few resources, they wouldn't even have freshwater fish to eat.

"Most students must have gone to Hogsmeade by now."

Upon reaching the eighth floor, Albert cautiously used the Marauder's Map to observe the situation on the floor and saw a familiar name.

Professor Rowena Smith?

Albert was momentarily stunned, murmuring, "Coincidence, or is... she planning to go to the Room of Requirement?"

Upon arriving at the Room of Requirement, Albert found that he couldn't enter, and the door remained closed.

"Is there someone inside after all?" Albert gazed at the entrance of the Room of Requirement and decided to head to the Gryffindor common room instead.

"Professor Tralawney? Or is it Professor Smith?"

"Last year, Professor Brode also seemed to know about the Room of Requirement... The latter possibility is more likely. So... what is Professor Smith doing in there? What kind of secrets are hidden inside?"

What secrets does the Room of Requirement hold?

"Ravenclaw's treasure trove of knowledge?" Albert felt that he might have guessed the answer.

After all, both Professor Smith and Professor Brode were from Ravenclaw. If they had discovered the Room of Requirement and found its secrets, it wouldn't be difficult for them to enter Ravenclaw's treasure trove of knowledge.

"The password, do you want to go in or not?" The Fat Lady was getting impatient, glaring at Albert.

"Oh, sorry, the password is 'treacle tart,'" Albert said sheepishly after noticing the Fat Lady's displeased expression. Once the entrance to the Gryffindor common room opened, he quickly entered. Inside, there were only first and second-year students who couldn't go to Hogsmeade. Some were doing homework, while others chatted and played games.

Albert returned the bag of salt to the dormitory. When he came back to the common room, he found that Fred and the others had returned and brought sausages, meat pies, potato chips, and a small bottle of pre-cut beef from the kitchen. As for the shrunken butterbeer barrel he bought for a Galleon, they placed it on the table by the fireplace.

"Look, we've got some great stuff from the kitchen," Fred cheerfully lifted the string of beef and placed it on the fireplace to roast.

"Thread the other food on skewers too," Albert pulled out his wand and waved it at the bamboo skewers, doubling their quantity.

George and the others quickly helped thread the food on the skewers.

Albert waved his wand again, restoring the butterbeer barrel to its original size, and then conjured up some cups, filling them all with butterbeer. Finally, Shannon and Angelina, who had been drawn to this side of the room, couldn't hold back any longer.

"Where did you guys get this huge barrel of beer?"

"We got a little help from a thief," Fred winked at Angelina, teasingly.

"Barbecuing with beer, you really know how to enjoy yourselves!" Shannon took the butterbeer offered by Albert and couldn't help but marvel.

"Thanks," Angelina also took the butterbeer Fred handed her and took a sip.

"This taste feels a bit strange; I still prefer the taste of cola and soda," Shannon muttered in a low voice after taking a sip of the butterbeer.

"I couldn't get used to it at first either," Albert distributed the butterbeer to Fred and the others, raising his cup to clink with them.

The scent of roasted meat and sausages started wafting from the fireplace, leaving a few lower-year students in awe as they watched. They couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Unfortunately, they hadn't been invited.

"Eating barbecue in winter feels great," Albert picked up the cooked beef, took a bite, and found that the seasonings from his house-elf were somewhat bland. "It would be even better if we could skewer some vegetables."

"You have so many requests," George muttered.

"If we could heat up the butterbeer, that would be even better," Fred looked at Albert and asked, "Can't you do that?"

"I'm not all-powerful," Albert rolled his eyes helplessly.

"I was just asking casually," Fred said with a smile. "Maybe you really can do it?"

Nobody knew just how many types of magic Albert had mastered; after all, in their eyes, this guy seemed to know quite a lot.

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(End of this chapter)