
The day I met my Scarlet Lily

Synopsis:- After a freak nuclear blast. The adults have reposed and the kids have been mutated. What would you do now? Will you live your life peacefully or wage a war?? Will you protect others or yourself?? Follow Oliver as he tramples through the wastelands to search for a place to call his home. It was the year 2035 on the island of Norwik in the middle of the Pacific ocean a freak nuclear accident had taken place the island has been contaminated, the adults have been reposed and the only survivor’s members are kids below 14 years old who have been mutated to possess uncanny powers. The world that they know is gone and in its place is a world full of savage monsters and terrifying people. After 10 years of pain and suffering, the first head clan was formed to govern the lucky troop that escaped from being lab rats. The residents were overwhelmed with joy little did they know that this was just the beginning of even more pain. Within a year of establishing the clan, the whole island was split into two. The Red hawks of the south and the Night blaze of the north fought with each other for the difference in their resources The south was less contaminated and relatively safer than the north which was highly contaminated and filled with monsters. To protect his sister, his friends, and his land Oliver decides to fight back against the night blaze.

suzy02 · SF
11 Chs

Chapter 8: The Depths of Terror

She trembled in terror, her desperate screams stifled by the restraints that held her captive. With futile kicks of her legs, she fought against the inevitable. The laser beam sliced through her delicate hand, evoking a muffled cry of pain. Anger surged within me as her tear-filled eyes met mine, a heartbreaking reflection of the torment we endured.

The doctors, taken aback by her distress, seemed to realize her value. "We need her," the deranged doctor declared, his chilling words piercing the air. Aunt Carol, tears streaming down her face, seemed to sob in silent solidarity. Could it be that she was on our side? The doctor confirmed her significance, boasting of her rapid healing within a mere thirty seconds. Healing? How was such a miraculous recovery possible? These questions swirled in my mind, haunting my thoughts.

Then, the attention shifted to me. Desperate to escape the impending pain, I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping for a miracle. But a shadow cast over me, a foreboding presence. It was the major, whose intervention had previously stirred curiosity. "No more hurting anyone," she pleaded, a plea that seemed to ignite a sadistic pleasure in the psycho doctor. He gleefully pressed a button, triggering a beam of searing rays that assaulted my hand. The pain was excruciating, pushing me to the brink of agony and despair. Yet, to my astonishment, the pain receded, replaced by a subtle itch. I dared to open my eyes, witnessing the miraculous healing of my wound. It was a bewildering sight—a momentary brush with death, now transformed into a baffling revival.

Whispers and murmurs filled the air as the psychopathic doctors exchanged their sinister thoughts. "Marvelous," they uttered, their focus shifting to me. "He is the most potential one," they declared, leaving me bewildered and fearful of their intentions. Potential for what? Their cryptic words hung in the air, their true meaning eluding my young mind.

Alice and Theo were next in line, their innocence shielding them from the impending horror. However, the piercing sound of another gunshot shattered the silence, unleashing Alice's primal screams. Like Hana and me, they too experienced swift healing, their pain swiftly vanquished. It became apparent that we were the targets of their twisted experiments, marked as their subjects of interest.

Upon the conclusion of our torment, we were finally released from our restraints. A bold voice proclaimed, "That's it for today." Rushing to Hana's side, I held her close, unleashing a torrent of cries that echoed through the room. The major, compassionate amidst the chaos, brought us water and helped revive Hana. With delicate care, we carried her to her designated space, laying her down to rest.

As we left the room in a somber silence, a chilling sight greeted us. Numerous children were being transported elsewhere, their fates uncertain. My heart burned with anger and despair as I witnessed a lifeless girl being packed away, destined for further torture. The staff callously labeled them as weaklings, to be subjected to even more harrowing experiments in another laboratory. The horrors seemed never-ending, extending even to the deceased.

Deeply disturbed by this grotesque reality, we retreated to our individual rooms. The weight of our shared nightmare bore heavily upon me, fueling a desperate longing for escape. All I yearned for was liberation from this harrowing ordeal, praying for a glimmer of hope to pierce through the darkness that consumed us.

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