
Measure me not





The dull and heavy thumping sounds did not stop even though the path had closed behind them. The creatures kept beating on the door trying to pry it open or break it down.

The noises filled the chamber on the other side of the door, keeping the party from relishing the temporary reprieve they had been granted after so long.

"No...more..." one of the panting barbarians that appeared to be the youngest threw his curved blade onto the floor and fell to his knees, "I can't...go on," he mumbled under his breath but everyone could hear him clearly in the silence.

Hao Xuan thought about saying a word or two to the teen to try and lift his spirits but examining the chamber was of a higher priority right now. He walked past the barbarians that had settled down in the short corridor right next to the door and entered the chamber on the other side.

It was a relatively small circular room with a radius of 15 meters.