
The Daughter of the Ambassador

In a world divided by political intrigue and hidden powers, Rima Crown, the daughter of a high-ranking figure in the Lion Crown kingdom, finds herself on the run in the hostile city of Toleito. Betrayed by her old friend Sophia, Rima must evade capture by the relentless Colonel Leonidas Valerius and the military forces of the Fence Republic. As she navigates the treacherous streets, Rima crosses paths with Haytham, a mysterious traveler with his own secrets. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to Elysium, a legendary place known for its academy that teaches the ancient art of Aura—unlocking hidden supernatural abilities. Along the way, they encounter Ava and Arieh, twins with their own reasons for seeking Elysium. As the group bands together, they must outwit their pursuers and uncover the secrets that lie within the academy. Their adventure is a high-stakes race against time, filled with danger, deception, and the quest for truth. In a world where trust is scarce and every step could be their last, Rima and her companions must rely on their wits and newfound alliances to survive and achieve their goals. Join Rima, Haytham, Ava, and Arieh as they navigate a world of shadows, unravel hidden mysteries, and discover the true power that lies within them in this thrilling tale of courage, friendship, and the search for identity.

HaytamB · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Chapter 10

As Sophia bid her farewell, Rima couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal. She needed to act quickly, but the question remained: who else had Sophia informed about her presence in the city?

In a hidden room deep within a military facility, Colonel Leonidas Valerius received an urgent message. It was Sophia Berths, a reliable informant from a prestigious family.

"Colonel Valerius," Sophia began nervously, "I have important information regarding a person of interest. Rima Crown, the daughter of a high-ranking figure in the Lion Crown kingdom, is in Toleito."

Colonel Valerius's eyes narrowed as he listened. Rima Crown was a name that had been on their watchlist for some time, and now, she had surfaced in the very city where they held sway.

"Tell me everything, Sophia," the colonel demanded.

As Sophia relayed the details of her encounter with Rima, Colonel Valerius's mind raced. The Lion Crown kingdom had been a thorn in the Republic Fence's side for years, and if they could capture Rima Crown, it could be a significant victory.

Within hours, the military went into action. Troops were dispatched throughout the city, checkpoints were set up, and patrols were intensified. The hunt for Rima Crown was on, and the net was closing in.

Meanwhile, within the shadowy world of intelligence networks, Haytham received a coded message and a photograph. He recognized the beautiful face immediately, which surprised him. It was from a trusted contact who had discovered disturbing news.

"Rima Crown," the message read, "her presence in Toleito has been confirmed. Sophia Berths, a school colleague, has alerted the military. Urgent action required."

Haytham's heart sank as he read the message. Kelly's—or better said Rima's—safety was now in jeopardy, and the delicate balance they had maintained was at risk of crumbling. He knew he had to find her before the military did.

Haytham wasted no time. He gathered his resources and set out to locate Rima, hoping that he could reach her before their pursuers did. The stakes were higher than ever, and their enigmatic journey had taken an even more perilous turn.

That evening, as Rima sat at her small wooden desk, a sense of frustration washed over her. The pieces of the puzzle remained scattered, and the truth continued to elude her grasp. She needed information, allies, a lead—anything that would bring her closer to unraveling the enigma that had engulfed her family. And she had been recognized.

A discreet knock at her door interrupted her thoughts. Rima's heart skipped a beat. She had been cautious about revealing her identity, and the innkeeper was one of the few who knew her as "Kelly Minsk." Who could be seeking her out now?

"Who is it?" she asked, her voice steady but cautious.

A hushed voice replied from the other side of the door, "A friend, seeking answers."

Rima's pulse quickened, and she slowly unlocked the door, keeping one hand on the concealed dagger beneath her cloak. The door creaked open to reveal a figure shrouded in shadows.

The newcomer stepped into the room, and Rima's breath caught as the dim light revealed his face. It was Haytham, the enigmatic traveler she had met on the train.

Haytham closed the door behind him and removed the hood that had concealed his features. "I've been searching for you, Kelly."

Rima's mind raced. What could have brought Haytham here? Was he friend or foe?

Before she could speak, Haytham continued, his voice earnest. "I apologize for the secrecy, but I couldn't risk speaking openly. I've been following you, and I believe we share a common goal—a desire for the truth."

Rima regarded him with a mixture of surprise and caution. "The truth about what?"

Haytham's gaze held hers, unwavering. "The truth about what is happening in this country, your family, and the political machinations that have torn the Fence Republic apart. I have information, Kelly, information that may shed light on the mysteries you seek to unravel."

Rima's heart raced. She had been navigating the city alone, trying to piece together the puzzle, and now, unexpectedly, a potential ally had emerged. But could she trust him? Could she trust anyone in this city of secrets?

"What do you want in return?" she asked, her voice tinged with skepticism.

Haytham's expression remained resolute. "I seek the truth, just as you do. I believe that together, we can uncover the secrets hidden within these ancient streets."

Their shared determination was palpable, a flicker of hope in a world where trust was a rare commodity. Rima knew that she couldn't navigate the enigmatic journey ahead alone, and Haytham might be the ally she needed to bring her closer to the answers she sought.

"Why should I trust you?" Rima's voice was firm, but there was a hint of curiosity.

Haytham took a step closer, his eyes reflecting sincerity. "You shouldn't trust me blindly, Kelly. But consider this: we both have something to lose and much more to gain. If we combine our efforts, we stand a better chance of discovering the truth and staying ahead of those who wish to silence us."

Rima studied him for a moment, weighing her options. She had always been cautious, but the dire circumstances forced her to reconsider. Perhaps this was an opportunity, a chance to find the answers she desperately needed.

"Alright, Haytham," she finally said, her voice resolute. "Let's work together. But know this: if you betray me, you'll regret it."

Haytham nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Understood. Now, we need to move quickly. The military is closing in, and we don't have much time."

As they prepared to leave, Rima couldn't help but feel a surge of determination. For the first time in a long while, she felt that she wasn't entirely alone in her quest. With Haytham by her side, she had a glimmer of hope in this treacherous journey.

They slipped out of The Hidden Haven under the cover of night, their steps quiet and purposeful. The city of Toleito lay before them, a maze of secrets and dangers. But together, they would navigate its labyrinthine streets, seeking the truth that had eluded them for so long. The path ahead was fraught with peril, but Rima's resolve was unshaken. She would uncover the truth, no matter the cost.