
Day 1 of training of new hunters

-One year later since the of B/f/n's death-

Y/n's pov- this is day 1 of the training to be an hunter to hope that one day I'm going to be able to hunt down walker or worse titans. Plus not just that but knowing that Carl will be with me, right besides me. I still miss b/f/n ever since his death, but at least I know is that I'm going to be able to see him again one day. But at least some people is still here for me, my dad, Mr and Mrs Grimes, Carl and Daryl.

Carl's POV- Seeing Y/n still going though over B/f/n's death, I had help her in any way possible both mentally and physically, but it's like Y/n had given up on herself. Not to mention that Y/n always went B/f/n's grave every single day. Where I so want to tell her but I didn't have the courage to tell her how I truly feel for her. Maybe today is the day. As I got into the uniform, after I got into the uniform I went to meet y/n see her all happy, makes me happy.

Y/n POV- When I seen Carl in his new uniform, but know that Carl and I are signed to be partners. Until Carl had said to me that "there something I need to tell ya y/n." I had said back "ok when," and Carl reply back with "maybe after training."

-Soon later after training-

Levi's POV- I had felt so bad knowing my daughter is struggling I don't what I can do at this point. But seeing her with Carl makes me more and more happy everyday. I walk up to Carl and said "if you and my daughter decide to get together well I'll give you permission to date my daughter," as Carl reply back with "thank you mr..." I cut him off with "you can drop the mr thing."

- after the talk with Levi -

Carl's POV- As I start to walk to my future girlfriend. I kinda felt nervous where I was about to lose it. When I met up with y/n at that point I just ready to tell her how I feel about her. I had said to her is that "y/n the thing that that I had wanted to tell ya before, is that ever since we had met I'd really like you so much." It went much better then I thought instead of her telling me her feelings she just kiss me on the lips.