
The First Day Of School


There were a girl name Sarah and she is obsessed with the boy named Eddie she stalked that guy every morning every recess and every lunch she take pictures of him everyday until the school dismissed she follow the boy every single day but the boy haven't noticed that but one day a girl name Pauline came to Eddie and ask:"Hey Eddie can You and I Date?" Eddie replied:"Sure Why Not" and Pauline is so happy about it but not for Sarah she heard everything,She was in the back of the tree listening to Pauline and Eddie and then that night when Pauline was just walking home she heard a strange noise near the bush and tree's the bush keeps shaking and shaking then she went and look at it but nothings there she take a look at the other bush and saw 2 cute kittens,While Pauline is a kind hearted person she's going to feed the kittens some food,When she was about to open her bag suddenly someone stabbed her in the back and she screamed but the killer put a towel on Pauline's mouth so she couldn't scream then suddenly Pauline recognized the killer it was Sarah and Pauline ask:"WHATS WRONG WITH YOU? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!?!" Sarah replied:"Its your fault for stealing my Boyfriend" Pauline Replied:"I DONT EVEN KNOW HIM AND I DONT EVEN KNOW YOU HAD A BOYFRIEND!" Sarah Replied:"EDDIE IS MY BOYFRIEND AND YOU STOLE HIM FROM ME" Pauline Replied:"YOU GUYS AREN'T EVEN DATING AND HE WILL NEVER BE YOURS" Sarah Replied :"OHH YOU'LL SEE" *Stabbed Pauline with a knife* Pauline Shouted:"STOP PLEASE IT HURTS STOP!!!" Sarah continuing stabbing Pauline while saying "EDDIE IS MINE EDDIE IS MINE EDDIE IS MINE!!!!!!!" then after Stabbing Pauline 20X Sarah went home and change clothes and went to sleep then its Tuesday in the morning Eddie was cooking for his breakfast and when he opened the TV he was shoked

News Reporter:There was a report that a girl have been killed in Subang City named Pauline she was stabbed 20X in her back

*Eddie close the tv*

Eddie cant move properly and break the plate after what he watched Eddie was freaking out and make him sick then Eddie's Mom saw him

Eddie's Mom said:"HEY SON ARE YOU OK? YOU SHOULDN'T GO TO SCHOOL IM WORRIED ABOUT YOU" Eddie Replied:"Its ok Mom i feel fine its just an headache nothing to worry about beside i dont want to miss school i promise to you that i will be the top 1 honor student" Eddie's Mom replied:"if that what you want im just here to support you do your best out there and if something wrong happend just call me ok"Eddie replied:"Ok mom love you see you later"Eddie's Mom Replied:"Love you to Son have a great day" Eddie replied:"Thx mom *smiling*" Eddie's Mom POV:"Hope he will be ok"


Eddie:"Hey Miya how are you?"

Miya replied:"Im Ok,How about you?"

Eddie replied:"I kinda feel sick but im ok"

Miya replied:"Go to the nurse i think your not fine you look pale white"

Eddie replied:"No no no im fine i got scared after watching the news"

Miya replied:"Ohh you watched the news too? Im scared about that to Pauline got stab 20X and its creeping me out"


Eddie "Well its time for class we should go before we get detention"

Miya replied "Sure,Ok lets go"


Miya:"Hey Sarah have you hear the news yet?"

Sarah replied:"Yes i watch it and its terrifying as hell"

Miya ask:"After class wanna eat lunch together?"

Sarah replied:"Sure"

Miya:"BTW Eddie's coming with us"

Sarah replied:"Really? >///<"

Miya ask:"Yep,Why are you blushing? 😏"

Sarah replied:"Nothing😑"

Miya replied:"Whatever you say😆"


Miya and Sarah:"Yes Teacher sorry"]


Miya:"Well thats humiliating"


Miya:"Hey Sarah"

Sarah replied:"Oh hey Miya"

Miya ask:"What are you doing?"

Sarah replied:"Just eating my sandwich and reading manga"

Miya replied:"Oh,Ok"

Sarah ask:"How about you? What are you doing?"

Miya replied:"Oh just hanging around looking something interesting"

Sarah replied:"Oh,Ok"

Miya:"Welp Gonna Go"

Sarah replied:"Ok bye"

Miya replied:"Bye"

Sarah's POV:"Hmm what should i do to make Eddie Notice me"


Teacher:"Good Morning class"

Everyone:"Good Morning Teacher ******"

Teacher:"We have nothing to do so do what everything you want but dont be noisy

Everyone:"Ok Teacher😃"

Miya:"Hey Sarah so what are you planning for lunch"

Sarah:"What do you mean?"


Miya replied:"Stop acting that i didnt know😏"


Sarah:"I dont know what your talking about hehe😅"

Miya:"You have a crush on Eddie right?"

Sarah's POV:Ohh thats what she mean i thought she figured it out😓"

Sarah:"Ok ok i admit it i have a crush on Eddie"

Miya:"So i was right all along"

Sarah:"You got me😅"

Miya:"Its obvious your always blushing when we talked about Eddie"


Miya:"Well see you later at lunch"





Miya:"Sarah,Lets go"

Sarah:"Sure,Heheheh >///<"

Miya:"Your blushing again😏"

Sarah:"Shut up😑"

Eddie:"Hey guys"

Miya:"Hey Eddie:

Sarah:"He-hhh-eyy Ed-dd-ii-i-ee

Eddie:"Sarah are you okay?"

Sarah:"Umm yes yes im fine >///<"

Eddie:"Your very red you sure your ok are you sick or something?"

Sarah:"Yeah yeah im fine hehehe"

Miya:"lets stop the chitchat and lets eat"

Sarah and Eddie:"Sure"


Sarah:"Pulls out a blanket and some food"

Eddie:"Puts some fruits"

Miya:"Puts some Junk foods"

Miya and Eddie talking

Sarah's POV :"They look like a cute couple and Miya is my best friend i wouldn't kill her cause she is the only friend i have"

Miya:"Sarah what are you thinking?😏"


Miya:"you sure"

Sarah:"Yep nothing hehehe"

Miya:"Eat this"

Sarah:"No thanks im full"

Miya:"Oh you sure?You only ate a borito and pizza"

Sarah:"Its Ok"

Miya:"Well if you insist"

Miya and Eddie:"Eats all the food"

Miya:"Well thats all we had to head back its almost time"

Sarah and Eddie:"Sure lets go"

Miya,Sarah and Eddie:"Cleans the place"


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Im just testing if you guys want part 2 let me know in the comment if you guys enjoyed it thank you for reading

Yokatocreators' thoughts