
Thriving on control; a need for more

Moving her fingers one by one in a full circle, her power felt more alive then it had ever done before.

Brimming underneath her human skin and moving quickly in her blood veins in a way that could only be described as ecstasy.

It was as if renewed by this vigorous desire coursing in her mind, the need for control.

''You called for me?''

Control over him, over the empire and all it's people within.

It felt sudden but this is what she had been working on for years and Acacius had been failing.

A failing dog had no need for a crown, it seems it was high time to take the throne as her own, he left her no choice but to take action.

"You still haven't found that little servant. .''

Unlike her own relaxed figure, merely enjoying the smooth circling of waters around her, she could hear the sharp inhale from Acacius and the tensing of his figure with it.

''An oversight, I have send people to look.''

How dissapointing.


And oh how she disliked lies.

With a wave the clatter of his dagger made it's way around the room, a sound that told Acacius all he needed to know as his knees hitting the ground quickly joined the atmosphere.

She couldn't see him but there was no doubt in her mind that panic was etched across his face by now. Her voice cutting through the air surely didn't help him.

"He killed himself, we hadn't even gotten to the fun part yet.''

''It was inhuman!''

Yawning at the sentiment creeping into his voice, he had always been too sentimental, she doused his flames by forcing him underneath.

Sparks of magic pushing him deeper and deeper into the hot water, so deep and long that it was almost impossible to stay consious. He should be grateful she was such an forgivable person as she let air grace his bursting longs again.

''I dislike you being so weak." She wasn't sure he heard, what with all the coughing and spluttering.

Seconds, maybe even a minute, did she force him underneath but his fair and pale skin was already turning red from the hot burning water. Even his brother had been concerned of how weak he was when it came to hot water and hot weather.

He must be in pain, what with all the cuts and bruises decorating his skin.

With a shaky smile he had recovered from his coughing fit, unlike her own lopsided grin, his drenched figure didn't look half bad.

"Let's get rid of that.'' With a snap, his clothes vanished.

She was pleased with herself, Acacius didn't look very pleased or relieved.

"Now then, I have waited enough. Come here.''

With down ridden eyes, he did and way too slowly for her liking.

Pulling him closer with a mere twitch of her finger, he practically flew in the nook of her neck.

Startled, his hand easily glided to her waist, holding as if scared to fall any deeper.

Her own hadn't kept still either, meticulously tracing over his upper body. Each line and trace she could find was touched, as always he was such a fine example.


With a crash to the knees he did, eyes glazed over as if he barely listened and wasn't being attentive at all.

He was startled out of it as her fingers tapped to the beat of the current going through him, his hands thightening as his breath went listless.

Hitching here and there she couldn't help but close her eyes with a statisfied groan as the pained moans echoed in her ear like music.

* * *


The closing of her eyes only confirmed an already known fact.

She practically reveled in control and the things it did to other people.

It wasn't very fun, with all the hitting of his knees they are going to be sore the day after.

Physical pain aside, it was kinda irritating that June was still stationed outside, ear deep in their conversation. And that while Asani was probably also eyes deep into the happening as if one wasn't enough.

It was a wonder that only Asani was aware of skinning of that caged guy, wich included his death most likely. Another thing that made him wonder, could those little cameras record or include sound.

He better not risk anything and with the current stilling he took his chance.

''Do you really have to do this now?''

''It's not like this hasn't happenend before.''

By the way she relaxed it was obvious she wanted to merely enjoy the silence, no matter how displeased over the specimens death she considered it inadequate as a reason to raise her voice.

She will soon have one.

Leaving his visible unease behind, his eyes filled with loathing and his voice spat out words traces of venom laced upon.

''It's Asani's birthday, your son, if you cared you would remember.''

Another milestone in his journey to another world.

The mention wasn't welcome, nails digged sharply over his face as his neck got caged in the grasp of her free hand, holding him as words got whisphered in his ear

''He was made on a loveless day, how about we make another one?''

Trying to draw away, shock and surprise a real emotion on his face, realisation set in.

Casted spell on Sophie hadn't only reinforced her desires and hidden beliefs but had also minimized things she saw as an restriction. Asani, a product made from a loveless marriage in her point of view, wouldn't have mattered all that much.

Whatever love she still had felt after years of seperation from both her dead husband and son should have been replaced by the relief of having neither!

Reason of asking after her son's health was probably only for the sake of meeting the judgement of certain people around her, as it was a mother's jobs to love her child dearly.

Sophie didn't strike him as a person who ,if she had a choice, would have had a child and stopped her life for it. The pressure around her from the community, the royal lifestyle made it possible for her not too.

Causing her to have little Asani, she thought it was over but he well known that his brother Aliya would never let go of the thight reigns he had placed around her in the nine month period that pregnancy brought.

Breathing in through his nose, fuming for her no matter what he felt beforehand, he used the accumulated hatred for his late brother and voiced out his thoughts.

"You, who are only capable of hurting people so that you can feel, will never be worthy of love."

Soft lips placed themselves on his ear, a slow breath later, words were returned.

''Says the one who looks for love somewhere else."

Action followed as she angrily breathed, the noise too close to his liking as her hand left his neck, interlacing within his auburn hair. No matter how evil one could be she was way too efficient!

''How did yo-!'' Snapping his mouth shut, he closed it firmly. Distance had increased again, making it easy to see his firmly closed mouth, in a way signaling she would never get something out of him. She quickly rose to the occasion with her signature snapped fingers.

"Who was it?

Who touched you, a person I have claimed for myself?''

Must have missed that too.

Chuckling in his awfully timed humor, he choked on the accumulated saliva, body instinctively letting out shortened and panicked breaths causing a snap to be faintly heard once more.

''You have three seconds...one....two....thre-''

It was hard too breath, his own fingers tracing over his neck as he tried to calm down.

Either way he spoke. ''E--eelerana.'' Sophie smirked in a way that could only be descriped as dominance at the extracted information. ''H--Hawkings!''

A surname at wich she gaped slighly. ''Fraternizing with your enemy huh?''

With down cast eyes he watched her, provoking her all the same. ''She was hot."

That on it's own, spurred another dozens shock.


Letting her hands trace over his calf tenderly, enjoying the way his eyes helplessly looked at her gently display, she kept tracing circles upon his naked skin.

Raking with each passing second closer to his upper thights, the higher her hand the louder his breathing until ultimately shifting his eyes away from the slow torture.

Moving, with her hand now clasped on said calf, she got in between his legs. Pleased with the widening of eyes as he hit the border of the bath.

Delighted as afterwards his brown eyes turned half lidded, succumbing to the whimps of his very own desires, the switch leaving her satisfied as the distance shortened.

Brown eyes glaringly bright in the dimmed room, hand softly grabbing hers and kissing them in a manner that was way too soft, way too overwhelming and left her wanting more

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Myst_Rinnontoyacreators' thoughts