
Bouncing back from adversity

Blinking away his sleep, Dawn stayed silent. Ears picking up even the smallest sound, the smallest step that would come any moment now.

He was never left alone for long.

And how he hated it when he was proven right not long after.

Dawn heard the familair crack of the door opening and then the metal of his cell door scraping on the floor.

It was the butler, it could be no one else because only he was allowed access.

"His lordschip has asked for you. I was told that you need to hurry up.

You know what happens if you don't, he seems to be rather mad because of a proposal being denied.

Even breaking glasses didn't seem to ease his mind."

With a twirl of clothes the butler left.

It didn't take long before Dawn found himself in front of the door.

Hesitant his hand reached it, he paused, it felt like he had stood here a hundred times before. Waiting with his hand around the handle. Hands,his hands long and slender, where fragile, shaking and covered with scrapes.

Scrapes that continued and hid underneath the gold glimmering chains connected to each other. Bruises, cuts and even knife wounds where evrywhere and the longer he waited, safely behind the door, the more brutal he would be.

With shivers and trembles he openend the door, slowly he began to speak. The quaver in his voice noticeabl to even himself. "E-excuse me.."

Strong, dextrous hands reached out of the darkness, promptly grabbing his golden kissed hair, as strongly as he was grabbed he was even more harshly trown to the other side. Barely missing the glass shards that innocently glistened on the floor.

"Didn't I tell you to come as soon as possible!!?"

"But I did come---"

"Do not talk back to me!! You worthless piece of shit!!"

Dawn watched with freight as a foot hovered right above his head, with a hiss he only just managed to protect his face with his chained hands. And another, and another.

Whimpers and yelps left his dry, trembling mouth. He was mercilessly getting stamped on, it didn't help that the glass shards where now painfully digging into his skin. Eyes above him burned with anger, the deranged smirk left Dawn feeling even more freightened.

It was only a little later that he got pulled up, shakles grazing his wrist as he was forced to stare into his captive's eyes.

Anger, cold and yet a sky blue.

Gorgeous eyes tainted. "Why don't we play a game."

Dread filled into his stomach as he was dragged and roughly shoved onto the desk.

He wasn't allowed to move without confirmation, so he stayed silent albeit with shakes and whimpers. Mindless minutes passed, preparing but failing miserable once more. As soon as a silky blindfold found it's way over his eyes he flinched upright, only to get slammed right back with a painful thud.

Startled and dizzy, he got only more uncomfortable and unsure as two burkly fingers traced over his back, the moment they dissapeared he could only guess what was to come.

He tried, tried to prepare but he let loose the moment a message sounded in his mind.

It echoed around so briefly and yet it seemed forever before the message truly ended, truly sank into his consiousness.

They would get him out of here, he would be free.

Just a few more hours.

It was the only thing he thought of as a whip kept landing on his back, scratching upon his back again and again.

Pained yelps kept leaving his breathless mouth, hands clenched thightly for support as he counted the seconds.


He has lost count one too many times.

He just....he only wanted to be safe



but it was clear that would never be the case as the butler came in, annoucing the time for dinner.

Sagged against the table the moment the whip found it's way onto the wall Dawn waited until the restraining magic in the air would dissapear. He was a vmpire but he couldn't heal himself.

Clenching his jaw he slumped to the ground, unaware of the eyes strained upon him as he tried to keep himself from crying out, sweat covered every inch of his face and black spots appeared left and right in his vision, the silken blindfold had loosened down, until it layed innocently on his neck.

Disorientated he patted the floor, looking for the piece of bread he heard dropped.

He didn't dare look up aware what would be waiting for him. Condescending eyes remindig him of his place.

Knibbling on the small piece of bread, he felt his stomach twisting by the human food. But it has been days since he had eaten, he needed something. Anything.

Time passed and once more he found himself paralyzed after waking up. He couldn't upon his eyes, couldn't scream he could only once more wait.

Limbo state he called it, the moment after sleep and the moment before screaming because of the bad night terrors.

It was just seconds after what felt like hours that his eyes finally snapped open, his pounding heart send him on edge as a brief scream left his mouth until he calmed, tried to calm, himself.

It took a few moment to go back to reality, to realise where he was.

It wasn't a hard, cold floor he was sleeping on but a warm, soft bed.

There wasn't total darkness around, no the candle flickered on the table not far away.

It had become a habit to light one every time he went to sleep, darkness scared him.

He had even begged for them, for the very same flicker of small relief.

For light in the darkness he had found himself in.

Focused and trying so very hard to not send himself into a frenzy he hadn't noticed the elf silently standing besides the door.

That was until he spoke and with tired,bagged eyes he turned to stare at him.

"You where screaming again."

This took ages but i'm glad it's done.

And we finally can get started with all the different adventure.

Myst_Rinnontoyacreators' thoughts