
The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness

In 2024 a disaster came upon Earth, that caused the planet to change greatly. It was no longer the same. Magic, elf's, vampires, demons and so much more had changed it for the better or the worst. Asclepius now it's name and the baby who's eyes had fluttered open was Adrian Amdis Acheron. A new body, a new world and even a system. What secret does he hold and how will he manipulate everthing to his own advantage? But will the manipulator of manipulators be outsmarted? The one pulling the strings might not be Adrian as he gets washed away to whatever world would get him stronger. ___________________________________________________ This is completely mine. Everything is what I tought long and hard over. And especially used imaginition for. All characters are mine and so is the storyline. The cover isn't mine. If the owner wishes for me to remove it please contact me. *One to five chapters a week.

Myst_Rinnontoya · ファンタジー
88 Chs

A step further

"Good morning, Acacius."

Barely reigning in his exhaustion, Adrian answered in a tired voice.

"Good morning... uncle."

A flicker of relief crossed the elder's face as after so long he received an answer.

"How have you been?"

"Tired." Adrain didn't bother hiding the truth, Aucacius had always been more open with his uncle.

"I see, could I be of help?"

The relief had long since vanished as concern showed more and more.

Eyes carefully taking in Adrian's exhausted features, the way his body slumped in his chair, his eyes half closed as his hand supported his head on desk.

"No, you can't."

"Are you sure? I could be of lots of help."

Shaking his head, his uncle still received a negative.

"I can be of help?" Closing his eyes entirely Adrian ignored the weak attempts of fishing for information.

"Adrian...that servant. What was he speaking of?"

"Whatever do you mean?"

"He said you where..lying."

"He's just a servant, don't take his words seriously."

With that dismissal someone else would have stopped probing but Adrian knew that would not be case with his uncle.

The stretching silence made Adrian's eyebrow twitch, aware of his uncle gazing at him, waiting.

Aucacius could never lie to his uncle, wich was why he limited most of their conservations for when quards, maid or just about anyone else was present.

His uncle aware of the implications should he speak the wrong words, wich was why he never said or stated anything too sensitive.

Now he did not need to do that, quards taking the unruly servant away and the lonesome servant going to the head staff to inquire about the situation.

Same servant would have never done that had he not received the permission of the known named uncle of the king, an elder.

Springing awake Adrian retorted "You damn well know how servants are, uncle!

Their words are not believeble."

"If you say so."

"You know it's true, they spout nonsense from the moment they are assigned a position."


"Fine! If you want to help that much then here!"

Throwing a stack of papers toward the opposite side of his desk, Adrian hurriedly spoke.

"Those are all the papers from said servant. Apparently he had a sister, nine year old or something, I don't care.

If you don't want her to starve you can go to all the trouble of finding her.

Either way I don't care."

Wrinkeld eyes softened as the older confirmed what he was going to do.

"I'll find her for you and bring her here."

"Didn't I tell you?!

I don't care if she lives or die, why would you even bring that nuisance here?!

This is no place for a child, take her with you home or something.

So long as you don't need bring her here."

Picking up the papers slowly, he gave Acacius another once over before relenting and walking towards the door.

"There was no need to be so defensive Acacius. You could have just asked.

I'll be back shortly, take care of yourself."

Yawning Adrian complained to the silence that it was way too early for all this.

Universe seemed to think different as yet another knock sounded.


The young kid that he had put on his six stars formation walked in, silently closed the door behind him before speaking.

"Your highness."

Straightening Adrian began questioning.

"How has the moving gone?"

"We did as the elderly couple asked.

Sparing no effort to find a house that suited their needs and location.

They have agreed to moving and handing over their old house to us."

"When will you finish moving them?"

"It won't take long.

Having received their permission I had most of their stuff already moved to their new house in the capital.

Two workers are now helping them pack the leftovers while others have started preparing for the rebuilding.

They should be gone with in one to two days."

"And the rebuilding?"

"The various magical artifacts who have received from you like Levitate disk helps enormously for heavy construction materials,flying shoes to get things up to the roof, haste badges to just expedite the building generally.

Besides those artifacts that your highness had given us to speed up the process, it seems luck is also at our sides as a few mages appeared and started helping out as soon as they where aware of our intents."

"Mages? You don't not think to come and mention that earlier."

"Forgive me, your highness.

I visited late to prevent being noticed but your servant wouldn't let me in.

I did not dare to deny their help as it would speed up the process considerable."

Seems his servant could hide something after all, Adrian didn't need to question Rory to know that it was done in a foolish attempt to lessen his burdens.

"You did well, you have my permission however keep a close eye on them."


"How about the other houses?"

"The first is finished."

"So fast?"

"Like I said your highness. The artifacts where a huge help and the two mages sped up to process so much that the second house should be done in the comings done."



"A little behind the second so if everything stays on track that should also be done in a week maybe two.

I mostly worry about the fourth seeing as it had been abandoned before.

The repairs are taking up way more time and materials then we expected."

"Don't worry about it that was to be expected after all. We still have time.

Workers that aren't a needed in the first, second or third should be placed by the fourth.

I recon the mages will be able to take care off all that's left there?"

"They should your highness."

"Good, ask them if they don't mind.

It won't do if we lose them, they are a huge help after all.

Give them any amount of money if they where to request any."

"Yes, your highness."

"While that happens take further care of the fifth so that when the sixth becomes available we can start the last steps."

"Is there a time limit."

"Two weeks, just about two weeks more to go."

Adrian sighed wearily as now he had to go back on his tiptoes on the matter of his nightly fights and adventures.

Would it have killed his servant to wait two weeks?

"I'll try my hardest!"

Humming in at approval at the convinced face Adrian dismissed him.

"There is something else, your highness.

It's why I came here."

"Go ahead."

"There have been apostles of the holy kingdom found on a ship."

Annoyed Adrian nodded before once more dismissing the other.

When foot did not dissapear Adrian looked up, hesitation clear on the younger's male.

"The council has become aware."


"They are gathering in the council's room as we speak."

Breathing up, he sighed. Dropping the pen he had picked up just moments ago.

"Let's go."

What a long day this was beginning to look like.