
The Dark Priest and his Guardian Devil

Read the story of a former serial killer dying and then reincarnated as a priest of the Evil God who sent him there. The priest didn't wanted to follow this God's will and tried to begin another killing spree similar to his previous life. However, what the priest didn't know is that the so called God also send the priest a "Guardian" to keep him from disobeying the Evil God's will.

Sora_Gemini · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 5: The Head Priest

"I've brought the child Issac, as you wished your holiness." spoke Mother Ava, the owner of the Agrona Nunnery.

A tall man walked towards me with a gentle smile across his face. The man wore long black and purple gown with a hood over his head and with a leather belt around his waist.

The man striked as a friendly elder, however based on how he quickly ignored the piled of dead bodies in the center of the room. It was obvious that sweet smile carried a bitter secret.

"I am pleased to finally have met you my child." said the Head Priest.

"Like wise, your holiness." I responded.

In honesty, I have always had a curiousity surrounding the Head Priest. Mostly how to kill him, and perhaps take his place. I'll admit that I wasn't the biggest fan about religion, but I was amused about how much a person will afford for the sake of religion.

"Though we have just met, I can see you have already exceeded my expectations. Ya Ho~ we really hit the jackpot with this one, God must have smiled upon us." said the Head Priest with a cheerful voice and he danced around like a child.

"Pardon?" I asked out of confusion.

What is this? Why is the Head Priest acting like a idiot? Why is he the Head Priest? Isn't a Head Priest supposed to be someone dignified? Who is this loony toon of a character?

A man wearing dark purple robes coughed as he harshly spoke. "Head Priest, right now is not the time!"

"Oh! So sorry, you're right." the Head Priest chuckled as he stroked his beard.

The Head Priest pulled out a black dagger from his pocket before he bent down on one knee. "May I?"

May you what? Cut my wrist right off my arm? What do you want with me that you had to pull out a dagger?!

"Do not be threaten, I only need a drop of your blood. I promise it will be quick." said the Head Priest with the same gentle smile.

"Oh! Is that it? Fine then." I rolled up my sleeve to reveal my small bruised hand.

A drop blood is a small price to pay if it means I get to keep my hand.

"So brave~ not even a moment of hesitation." the Head Priest said as he cut my finger.

"Your holiness, if I may so humbly ask,"

"Go on." The Head Priest walked towards the piled of corpses as he wiped the blood from the blade onto the floor.

"I wanted to clarify the reason why I was brought here. I was told I was brought here to be punished." I spoke as Mother Ava tended to my injured finger.

"You know, you speak quite formal for an orphan child." said the Head Priest.

I didn't respond. What was I supposed to say? Tell him that I was reincarnated? Absolutely not. Head Priest or not, I won't ever tell such information to a man who may have as much or more of a kill thrill similar as mine. That was a mistake I regretted all through my previous life.

Never again.

"But I guess that's good thing now isn't? At least you already know how to treat your elders!" the Head Priest laughed loudly.

The man in the purple spoke as he held a black amulet against his chest. "Head Priest, we're ready. Let us start the summoning."

"Did you say summoning?"