

Zack Zim, a young mage who possesses the power of order of the universe is being haunted down by forces unknown to mankind. After narrowly escaping death, he discovered that his pursuer has been locked up in Nazi, an ancient cell that is believed to be impenetrable and inescapable. Now he desire to live freely among the humans and find a purpose for his life while spending time with his dad and his stepsisters. along the line, he met some amazing people and even found love in the eyes of the lovely Tesla Vow. Life became a dream come true but all that is about to change when all hell breaks lose. ................................................................... This is my first original work and also my first entry in the 2024 WSA, please do support me and i hope you have a good time reading this wonderful piece of art. thanks

De_Cynthia · ファンタジー
13 Chs


The emergency department where Clovet was located was on the first floor of the same hospital I was in. Jerry ran down to meet them, hoping that Bia was just pulling his leg. When he arrived, he found them in the waiting room. They were surprised to see him already at the hospital, but that wasn't important right now.

"Where's Clovet?" he asked, but Bia was too distraught to talk, so Ferda explained everything.

Jerry remained unsatisfied with the story and insisted on seeing the doctor in charge. The doctor reiterated exactly what the blonde-haired nurse had explained to Ferda earlier.

Jerry looked coldly at the grey-haired doctors, his face devoid of emotion, then said,

"I think I'll know if my daughter is asthmatic."

"There's no need to be brutal about it, that's the result of the examination, Otherwise, you assume she slumped?" one of the doctors replied.

That's when Jerry remembered the words of the gatekeeper...

To save his life, someone else must go in his place. Are you willing to risk it?

And his exact words were,

Yes, I've got nothing to lose.

"Oh no!" he gasped inwardly. "What have I done?"


It was getting dark when Lolly returned with some meatloaf and smoothies. She noticed the strange atmosphere and went to sit beside Ferda and Bia, distributing the snacks she had brought.

"Does this place seem a bit strange to you?" she asked Ferda, who sat beside her, trying to regain her appetite.

"What's wrong?" Ferda asked.

"I sense a strange presence," Lolly said, then looked around. "Where's Dad?"

"He's went to see the doctor's."

"Isn't it weird that Dad was already at the hospital?" Lolly said. "What was he doing here?" She then turned to Ferda, who looked surprised, and they both mouthed to each other at the same time, "Zack!"


There was a loud bang at the door.

"Geez, I'm coming already! Don't pull down the door, it's freaking expensive!" Rick yelled at the unknown person outside as he went to open the door. He was surprised to see Destiny, who seemed ready to pull down his door.

Without saying a word, she came in panting, she must have run all the way there.

"What's wrong, Des?" Steve asked, coming into the sitting room.

She took a moment to catch her breath, then broke out, "I just got a call from Lolly, Clovet's sister... She's... Clovet's dead."

Shocked by what they had just heard, Rick asked, needing confirmation,

"Come again, what did you say?"

"Slowly this time," Steve added.

"Lolly called. She said that... Clovet is... gone."

Rick scoffed, "It can't be."

"I'm on my way to Dickson Hospital. Are you coming?"

"I'll grab the keys," Steve offered as he rushed to the dining room.

Rick just stood there, motionless, as he gasped, "It can't be."


Jerry emerged from the office looking pale. The gatekeeper had tried to warn him of the consequences of his actions, but he was too stubborn to listen.

Upon seeing his motionless figure from afar, Bia ran to him, demanding an answer.

"Well, what did the doctor say?"

Jerry just stared at the ground, speechless, as Bia began to cry again.

Lolly and Ferda gazed at each other before looking at their parents. The situation was serious, but something didn't feel right.

"I'm sure Clovet will come out any moment and say it was all a prank," Ferda hoped, but Lolly did not respond. Instead, she stared towards the medical ward with cold eyes.

"Lollipop, are you okay?" Ferda asked, shaking her, but Lolly's gaze never wavered.

"I'm sensing a strange presence," Lolly said coldly. "Someone else is here, an entirely different being."

"Are you okay?" Ferda asked, finding it hard to believe her, as she held her sister, but immediately removed her hands. "Lollipop, you're... cold."

Lolly turned slowly, her demeanor eerie, and fixed her gaze on Ferda, who was frightened.

"She's here," Lolly said in a different voice.

Afraid, Ferda got up, staring at her sister as she slowly moved backwards, then asked fearfully, "Who's here?"

"Luva," Lolly replied, and immediately fell to the ground, convulsing.

Shocked by what had just happened, Ferda, already in tears, rushed to her sister's aid, calling for their parents and anyone in sight.

"Mum! Dad!"

Bia rushed to her daughter's aid as Jerry followed behind. Soon after, Lolly was rushed to the emergency department.

Bia and Ferda could not stop crying. Jerry only shook his head, repeatedly asking himself,

"What is happening?"

The tension in the atmosphere finally eased. Jerry rented a nearby hotel so they could rest. The doctor had told them to retire for the night and promised to inform them of any updates.

The hospital was quiet. I was in my room, still wondering what had happened to Clovet. The pain in my head subsided, and I stood up. Quietly, I crept out of my room.

It wasn't easy, the hallways were still filled with doctors and nurses, and I didn't know exactly where Clovet was. Slowly and quietly, I made my way to the second floor, which was mostly empty, save for a few nurses ensuring their patients were settled in their rooms.

I peeked down to the first floor from the stairs and saw some men, covered from head to toe, transporting a body bag to the morgue. The face of the person was exposed, and I gasped.

"Oh no!"

It was Clovet. She was in the body bag, not properly covered on the face, being taken to the morgue.

No wonder Jerry had left in a hurry. Clovet was dead. How was that possible?


In the dead of night, on the banks of the River Styx, Jerry was seen with the old woman.

"What did you do? You took my daughter from me!" he yelled angrily. "How could you?"

"I warned you of the consequences of your actions, young man, but you failed to listen," the woman replied, unfazed by his tears.

"Why didn't you take anyone else? Why did it have to be my daughter?"

"According to the laws of nature, to save a life, a life must be taken. Clovet had to go in order for Zack to live. The universe must be kept in balance."

And with that, the woman disappeared as Jerry cried bitterly.

Later that night, Jerry walked back to the hospital, dread evident in every step. He ascended to the top floor where my room was located, crying bitterly. But when he opened the door to my room, I was gone.


Two weeks later...

It was night, the sky covered with dark clouds, lightning raging across the sky as if weeping bitterly.

Everyone wore black, holding matching umbrellas as they gathered to bid farewell to the departed.

I've always hated funerals. They remind us that we'll never see someone again. The last funeral I attended was my mum's, and I didn't know how to feel, I was still very young. At least then, I got to say goodbye. But with Clovet, I didn't even get the chance.

Bia knelt before Clovet's grave, wailing, as Ferda, Lolly, and Jerry stood by, tears streaming down their faces.

Each of them was given a moment to say one or two words about their sister and bid their final goodbyes. After the coffin was lowered into the ground and covered with sand, they departed one by one, sorrowfully.

On the roof of the cemetery building, I sat holding my sword, watching them leave one after another. I wished I could go down and bid her farewell properly, but I couldn't risk being seen among the crowds, especially with Bia's potential reaction. Besides, I wasn't in the mood for company.

As I watched them lay the coffin in the ground, I recalled the fun times we had together.

Even though I didn't get to say goodbye, at least I got to spend time with my sister. And I had a sinking feeling that many things were about to change.

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