

Zack Zim, a young mage who possesses the power of order of the universe is being haunted down by forces unknown to mankind. After narrowly escaping death, he discovered that his pursuer has been locked up in Nazi, an ancient cell that is believed to be impenetrable and inescapable. Now he desire to live freely among the humans and find a purpose for his life while spending time with his dad and his stepsisters. along the line, he met some amazing people and even found love in the eyes of the lovely Tesla Vow. Life became a dream come true but all that is about to change when all hell breaks lose. ................................................................... This is my first original work and also my first entry in the 2024 WSA, please do support me and i hope you have a good time reading this wonderful piece of art. thanks

De_Cynthia · ファンタジー
13 Chs


I opened my eyes to see that I wasn't in the club again, I was in my bedroom. I sat upright as I could feel pains in my head like a headache. I saw Jerry sitting on a stool with his head rest on my bed, I touched him and he woke up immediately, he was surprised to see that I was awake then he hugged me excitedly and said

"Oh Zack, you scared me"

"What... What happened" I asked, everything was still a bit foggy to me

"You passed out" he replied that's when it occurred to me what happened "are you okay?"

"I think so" I said "but, dad, Thail is alive"

"How's that possible" he asked in disbelief "I mean, you watched her die, you saw Zhebel stabbed her"

"I know, I know, it's still a surprise to me, but I saw her dad, she's in trouble, she needs my help" I said

"Are you sure it's Thail, Zack, for all we know, Zhebel could be luring you back to her fortress" Jerry said

"Really? I mean you said it yourself, Zhebel is in Nazi and there's no way she can escape, so we can go and save Thail"

"Thail's dead, Zack, you have to let go of her and move on, you have Tesla now"

"But, I made a promise that i'd come back for her" I said sadly

"Well, there's no need fulfilling it since she's not alive anymore" he said then I signed

"Right" I muttered and relaxed my back against my pillow

"Hey son, the important thing now is that you're alive and I'm so happy for you" Jerry said "you have a life now, don't throw it away because of the past" then he raised my chin up "what's past is past, we can only look for a better future and that's what I want for you son"

"I hear ya" I said then the door opened and Tesla came in

"You're awake," she smiled then turned to Jerry "can we have the room for a minute"

"Sure" he agreed and excused us

When the door was shut, she ran to hug me

"Gosh! I heard what happened, are you okay?" She asked and I nodded "I think you should see a doctor"

"Come Tesla I'm fine" I declined

"This is the third time you've fainted Zack, I suggest you see a doctor or whatever that is going on with you will only get worst" she insisted but I wasn't in the mood to argue back so I just kept mute "come on Zack, I'm worried about you"

"I'm fine Tes." I said but there was still dissatisfaction in her eyes "you know what, lets go see the doctor if it'll make you feel better" then she smiled and pecked me in the lips.

The next day at work, we had few customers so it wasn't at all stressful.

"What happened yesterday Zack?" Rick asked "I stepped out for a minute and you blacked out"

"He drank too much" Destiny said between giggles

"It's Clovet" Rick pointed at her which got her surprised "stay away from her, she's a bad influence"

"And you're not?" Clovet chimmed in

"Alright guys, I think we could use a sleepover" Destiny said "at Zacks place"

"My place? Why my place?" I asked in alarm

"Well, it just crossed my mind" she said and winked at me

"That's a great idea Des. I'll tell Steve right away" Rick said and chatted him up

"Oh, it'll be fun" Clovet whooped "won't it Zack?"

"Yeah, I just don't get why it has to be at my place" I said clearing the tables

When our shift was over, I met Tesla and we both went to see a doctor.

The doctor examined me and ran some test on me but nothing was wrong, everything was perfectly fine

"Are you sure doctor?" Tesla asked, she didn't seem pleased with the test results "someone who is healthy wouldn't just pass out for no reason"

"I've ran the test on him thrice like you requested miss Vow but he seems fine" the doctor said.

On our way home, she didn't seem happy, she was quite all through the walk

"Hey Tes. Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded without turning back then I held her hands and made her face me "why the face? Aren't you happy that I'm okay"

"I am but it's... I don't understand" she said

"Tesla I'm fine, nothing's wrong with me" I assured "there's no need to worry"

"But, I just... I just can't help it" she said

"Hey, I promise I'm okay" I said "and, I know what will cheer you up" then her face brightened "I'm having a sleepover at my place"

"Really" she chuckled

"Yeah, it was actually Destinys idea but I think it will be fun" I said

"Alright then, I could really use the distraction" she said as we held hands and walked home.

Night came fast and they were already at my place.

Destiny and Steve was at the sitting room playing video games while Rick was cheering them on, Clovet and Tesla was in the kitchen for preparing dinner and I was setting the table.

When we were done, we had dinner and was on the floor playing spin the bottle before the door opened and Ferda came in

"What the..." she said when she saw us, I guess she wasn't expecting the crowd

"What, what are you doing here Ferda?" I asked "well, I was hoping to spend the night since mum won't stop bothering me on how I leave my life" she said and went to my room then Tesla shots me a questionable look

"How many women are in your life" she whispered "Relax, she's just my junior sister" I said but she kept looking at me suspiciously as the game became wild.

When we were done playing, I and the boys sat on the couch playing video games, Tesla was in the kitchen washing the dishes while Destiny and Clovet were at the balcony drinking wine.

"I've gotta admit, today was really the best day ever" Clovey said in between giggles

"Yeah" Destiny agreed then turned to look at her "but I've got to ask, do you have feelings for Zack?"

"Wh-wh-what!" Clovet sputtered "where is this coming from?"

"Come on Clo. I've noticed the way you stare at him everytime even at work, you know you can't hide your feelings from me" Destiny said

"Okay fine," Clovet signed "yes I do"

"What, are you serious girls?" Destiny gasped

"I can't help it okay"

"Girl, he's your brother"

"You don't have to remind me" Clovet said "but sometimes I wish he wasn't... My brother" then she sat on the chair that was there, "growing up, I've always had a crush on him, I don't even see him as my brother And when his mother died, he had to go and we never saw each other again"

"Yeah, I know the feeling" Destiny said

"It have happened to you before?" Clovet asked already feeling relief

"Nope, just said it to make ya feel better" Destiny replied "but anyways, you have to kill that feeling because it will never work, I mean, the dude only sees you as his sister"

"I know okay"

"Look, why not try dating and maybe you won't get to feel this way" Destiny suggested "I can hook you up with a guy I know if ya don't mind" then Clovet shooked her head and smiled

"Nah" she declined "thanks anyway"

"Hey girl, I want you to be happy okay" Destiny said as she wrapped her arm round Clovet shoulder and Clovet signed "look, any decision you make, I'll always have your back"

"Thanks" Clovet said and smiled as they both clinked their glass together and drank their wine.

After a while, they both came inside and met Rick and Steve watching a movie.

"Oooh, scream" Destiny whooped and came over to the coach "scooch" and they adjusted for her to sit down.

"Where's Zack" Clovet asked

"In the kitchen" Steve replied and she made her way to the kitchen and opened the door lightly, she saw I and Tesla kissing and a wave of jealousy swept down her spine then she remembered what Destiny said at the balcony girl, he's your brother and she signed the dude only sees you as his sister.

"Gosh! What the f*** am I doing?" She signed again and slowly closed the door and went to join them in the sitting room.

The next day, when we woke up, we had a little clean up, then we all freshened up and went to work together.

At work, we were talking about how fun last night was before our boss entered in.

"So, how is today going" he asked

"Good" we choursed with a smile on our faces

"I'm glad you're enjoying your day" he said and handed list over to Clovet "I want you to buy everything on that list" then he gave her some money

"What's on the list boss?" Destiny asked

"New supplies" he replied "I just have an idea for my new recipe" then he left for his office.

"Alright, see you guys around" Clovet said as she removed her work apron, took her mini bag and left.

She went to the supply shop to buy what was on the list and when she was done, she headed to the substation to wait for the train.

It was crowded, it appears that a lot of people decided to used the subway and the next train was sure taking a lot of time to arrived.

While the wait was becoming unbearable, Clovet pulled out her phone to make a call to her boss telling him that she would be arriving late since the wait has already taken up most of the day.

She dailed his number and it was ringing then all of a Sudden, someone snatched her purse.

She turned immediately and saw a guy on black hood who happen to be the one running

"Hey stop there!" She hollered and began to chase after him

"Stop there!" She yelled trying to catch up with him but he was too fast.

He was about running out of the substation before he was knocked off by a tall, handsome dude, dark in complexion and had a nice body structure and he took her bag from the thief

"Here you go miss" he said and handed it over to her, then he stood the guy up

"Thanks" Clovet thanked him then he removed the guys hood, to Clovets surprise, he was just a teen.

"Now kid, stealing is a crime okay" he said and let him go

"Erm... Thanks... Alot" Clovet thanked him again

"It's, it's okay" he said "but you better have to be careful around his paths, you seem new"

"Yeah, first time taking the subway I'll admit" she said as they chuckled

"The name's Mark by the way" he introduced

"Clovet" she said and they both shook hands

"Nice meeting you, Clo... Vet" he said

"You too" she blushed then he left, Clovet smiled and webt back to wait for the train.

In the evening, when she came back from work, she told me all about what happened

"Wow, i'm really happy for you Clo. What's his name" I asked with all my attention on the video game I was playing

"Mark" she replied excitedly "he's name is Mark"

"Mark, what a gentleman, did you take his number" I asked

"Oh shit, no I forgot" she replied "he didn't even ask for mine"

"Well,he shouldn't, if you're interested in him, you should have asked for his or give him yours" I said

"I thought it was the guy who should ask" Clovet said

"Really, cause I didn't" I said " I mean, Tesla just handed hers to me even without me asking"

"Well, not all girls is like Tesla okay" she said and kicked me which made me lose the game"

"Ouch!" I exclaimed, "look what you've done"

"You deserve it" she said still still using her legs to hit me

"Look, all I'm saying is that it's not bad to ask a guy out" I said

"But, it'll look awkward, I mean, I don't even know what to say" she said still hitting me

"Just ask him out on a date or something" I suggested

"Well, it's no use, it's not as if we're ever gonna see each other again" she signed

"There's a thing called destiny and faith" I said

"I don't believe in those" she said

"Erm... Okay, can you stop hitting me, it actually hurts" I said

"I don't want to" she said still hitting me then I held her legs and dragged her close that her legs were now on top mine and her back against the coach

"Okay, okay, you got me" she said as we both laughed "I wanna go shopping tomorrow after work, would you like to come?"

"Erm... Yeah, maybe, if I and Tes. Don't have any plans" I said

"You better not because it's on my brother-sister get together list" she said in between giggles

"Really, you too" I said smiling as she chuckled.