

Zack Zim, a young mage who possesses the power of order of the universe is being haunted down by forces unknown to mankind. After narrowly escaping death, he discovered that his pursuer has been locked up in Nazi, an ancient cell that is believed to be impenetrable and inescapable. Now he desire to live freely among the humans and find a purpose for his life while spending time with his dad and his stepsisters. along the line, he met some amazing people and even found love in the eyes of the lovely Tesla Vow. Life became a dream come true but all that is about to change when all hell breaks lose. ................................................................... This is my first original work and also my first entry in the 2024 WSA, please do support me and i hope you have a good time reading this wonderful piece of art. thanks

De_Cynthia · ファンタジー
18 Chs


At town square, it was a sunny day, people were doing their usual business before all of a sudden, the atmosphere changed.

The sky became dark, wind blew furiously across the town destroying almost everything then a pocket dimension opened and two women who looked almost alike came out.

They were both dressed in black ancient robe with armour, had long dark nails and hair. One had two long sharp teeth like those of a vampire and horns and they both look extremely beautiful.

"The boy thinks he can get rid of me" the one with horns said. There were screaming at the square as everyone began to run for their lives.

"Aha, pathetic humans" the other one said "they'll make such delicious snack" and she began to rip apart the ones she caught

"Hmm... I can't believe he chose to hide amongst this creatures" the one with horns said "but I'm not here to waste any more of my precious time, I've already wasted enough in Nazi." She walked through town with fire oozing out and anywhere she passed was completely destroyed "come out come out wherever you are boy" she chuckled "Zhebel gets what Zhebel wants?


It have been two days since I and Tesla broke up and I've been sober, I haven't been able to leave my room.

It's still a shock to me, considering the fact that she's never coming back no matter what I do and she haven't been answering my calls or replying my text.

I was still trying to get my shit together before a pocket dimension opened in my room as Shem and Delyn came out.

"Delyn? Shem? What the..." I asked surprised

There's no time Zack, we've got to go" Shem said

"You're around?" I asked surprised to see him, because the last time I saw him was at my mums funeral

"Lets go freak" Delyn said dragging me along

"Hold up, where are we going?" I asked freeing myself from his grasp

"Zhebel is in town and we need to leave or else everyone you love will die" Shem said then I remember what Bia told me

If any of my girls gets hurt because of you, I'll kill you before Zhebel gets the chance

"No, Zhebel is in Nazi" I said not wanting to believe them

"She escaped, thanks to Zhedra" Delyn said

"Come on Zack, there's no time!" Shem hollered

I didn't want to leave, I want to believe all this is a lie but if Shem is here then what Delyn said was true. My family and friends are all here, Tesla, Destiny, Rick, Steve, Clovet, Jerry, Ferda, Lolly and Bia, I don't wanna loss then all

I breathed in and out, opened the box and took out the sword

"Fine," I said with a distorted voice "lets go" then I held his hands and he dragged me into the dimension and we vanished.

The door to my house opened and Jerry came in and sat on the coach exhausted.

"Son, I'm back" he called catching his breath then he went to the kitchen, opened the fridge and took out a beer but the house was quite and seemed empty "son? Zack, are you home?" He came up to my room, it was a bit disarrange then he saw that the box where I put my sword was opened and the sword Was gone

"Oh no" he gasped and ran out of the room, the TV was on and he saw on the daily news that Zhebel and Zhedra where attacking town square "gosh! This is bad, this is really bad" and he ran out of the house.

We appeared in a small cottage back at the realms of shadow where Shem used to stay before he disappeared.

"So how did Zhebel escape?" I asked already panting, "how's that possible"

"I told Zhedra how" Shem replied

"What!" I exclaimed "how could you?"

"She Tortured me okay" Shem said "she was shedding my skin, I would have died"

"But you're already a dead man" I yelled

"Zack!" Delyn scolded

"Believe it or not, if Zhebel gets us, We're not gonna be alive to tell the tale" I said moving up and down restlessly

"Your head Isn't clear Zack, what's the problem" Shem asked really concern

"I don't know okay, i'm just..." I signed and sat on the floor putting my hands on my head

"It's about a woman isn't it?" Delyn chimmed in but I didn't say anything

"Look Zack, whatever happened you have to put it behind you because we're at war here" Shem said and placed his hands on my shoulder to comfort me then I signed

"Okay, so what now?" I asked

"Well, it's only a matter of time before Zhebel realise that we are gone and she's going to come back to the realms of shadow to get us" shem said "we must be ready to fight back" then he gave me my sword but I refused to take it "you'll need it"

"I don't want it" I said looking away

"Take it" he insisted

"I said I don't want it" I yelled and exited the cottage

"Zack..." Shem called wanting to come after me but Delyn stopped him

"Leave him," he said "let him have some time to himself"

Jerry entered his house panting and met Bia who was already alarmed.

"What am I hearing," she asked "Zhebel is in town?"

"I know, I know it's..." Jerry tried to explain

"Where is Zack? Where is he!" Bia yelled

"He's gone okay, he's gone" Jerry yelled a reply

"Zhebel better not have my girls or you'll be dead" Bia said then left for the kitchen.

At the stairs, Clovet who had heard everything they said gasped

"So Delyn was telling the truth" she muttered to herself "and Zack's gone, but, what about Tesla"

She went up to her room trying to call Tesla but her phone was switched off then she wore her jacket.

"Where are you going Clo." Lolly asked

"Out" Clovet answered opening the door

"Zhebel's out there" Ferda said trembling with fear

"I'll be careful, in the meantime, cover for me" Clovet said and toss her a coin and left.

She snuck out of the house, took a cab to Teslas' place and with the help of some directions, she was able to find her apartment. It was empty, it looked like someone broke into it because the locks were tampered with.

"Erm... Excuse me" she called the attention of the people staying next door "do you know where the owner of this apartment is?"

"I don't know" a young man replied

"She did came back yesterday crying bitterly, my best guess was that she has been dumped, when we asked she wouldn't talk anyone" the lady said and she gasped,

"Zack and Tesla broke up? How's that possible?" She muttered to herself.

"This morning, we heard her screaming for help but when we came out to know what was happening, we saw that her apartment was broken into and she was no where to be found" the man said and Clovet gasped could it be that Zhebel has taken her? No , if Zhebel has her then she would have come for them too

"Erm... Thanks for your time" she thanked them and left, what was on her mind all through was what lead to our breakup and where the hell was Tesla.

That night, Destiny and Clovet met at Ricks house. We were supposed to have a mini party before they hears the news so Clovet used the opportunity to tell them what happened.

"So Zack broke up with Tesla, wow, that's just so unbelievable" Rick aaid as he had a glass of beer

"I doubt that" Steve said doubtfully

"I can't believe Tesla is missing" Destiny said "and why are these creepy ladies looking for Zack" then they all looked at Clovet

"What!" She asked surprised "Why y'all staring at me?"

"You're his sister, you should know" Destiny said then Clovet sat down and signed

"Fine" she said and told them the whole truth

Their jaw dropped when she was done, they just couldn't believe it

"What is he anyway" Destiny asked after the long silent

"A mage I guess, I don't really know" Clovet said "but within him is the power to reshape the world and those ladies want it for themselves"

"Okay wait, let me get this straight" Rick chimmed in "you're saying that with those two Psycho ladies out there, we're all in danger because we're close to Zack?"

"Yes... Maybe but Zack's gone... And..." She lost her words as she tried to hold back her tears

"What's wrong Clovet" Steve asked really concerned

"This changes everything, for once I finally got to spend time with my brother after how many years and... I don't think he'll survive their wrath, he is no match for Zhebel" she sobbed

"I'd like to offer my help because Zack has really been a buddy but if these women are as vicious as you've described then there's nothing we can do" Rick said sympathising with her "but I'm sure the tides will turn and you might be surprised of how powerful your brother is."


Back at the realms of shadow, I finally came inside after a while of my alone time

"You okay dude?" Delyn asked but I didn't reply, I picked up up my sword, my eyes became pitch black then I turned to Shem

"What's the plan?" I asked with a distorted voice and he smiled

"Here it is" he said and gathered us together and began to explain it.

It was getting dark at this realm due to the time difference, Zhebel and Zhedra came back

"He's here, I can sense the immense power" Zhebel said "come out boy, lets not make this harder than it already is"

"Hey Zhebel!" Shem called coming out from where he was hiding

"Oh you," she said disappointedly "who are you anyway"

"Oh, it's pretty boy" Zhedra laughed "you escaped, and I see you've got your mojo back"

"Erm... I'm sorry, I don't think I know you, I'm only here for the boy" Zhebel said "maybe you should explain to me what role you play in his life"

"I'm his mentor and I won't let you touch a hair on his body" Shem said

"His mentor I see" Zhebel said "but, I'm here to see someone else okay so please could you move, you're in my light!"

"I'm afraid you'll have to deal with me then" Shem insisted getting ready for a fight

"Erm... Fury, can you take care of this thing please, he's not worth my time" Zhebel said moving back

"With pleasure" Zhedra said as her body began to vibrate, her eyes became pitch black, her nails grew longer and there was black flames oozing off her then she shot Shem with a black fire from her hand "come on pretty boy, this is way better than sex." She laughed

"Erm... Okay, so the best plan you both can come up with is to run away like seriously" I scoffed

"We need to go look for help, assemble the team and come back while Shem distract them" Delyn said

"If we were going to run, why didn't we do that before they got here or you could have at least contacted someone" I said

"We don't have time for this okay just stand up and lets go" Delyn said and I stood up.

We were on our way out of our hiding place before Zhebel appeared before us and laughed

Do you seriously think I'm a fool?" She asked giggling

"Stay away from him witch" Delyn yelled as he drew out his sword

"Hmm, impressive but I'm not here for you sweetheart" she said and smiled "I'm here for him" she pointed around me

"You'll have to go through me first" Delyn said

"Wow, you know, that's what the other guy said, what was his name, Shem? Shame? It doesn't matter but he fought like a pussy, it's really good watching Fury kill him over and over again" she smiled coldly and I gasped

Oh no, Shem!

"Run away Zack" Delyn said "I'll hold her off"

"I don't think so" she said as she used her hands and stabbed Delyn in the chest bringing out his heart

"Delyn! No!" I cried

"Time is precious" she said and threw his heart away licking his blood that dripped off her hands "and time waits for no man, you're next" she pointed at me with a creepy smile, but before I could process what just happened, I was knocked out.