
The Dark Angels_Beautiful Boy.

Vampires and Werewolves will never be friends regardless of the fact that they share a territory halved between them. So what's going to happen now that the high princes of both sects fall for one boy?

Anna_Snow_7449 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

The castle

The castle, our new home was everything you would expect of a castle. Dark, gothic, statues everywhere and a maze to complete it all. As I was wondering around, taking a good look at where we would be for the next few years, I got a mind link from my father calling us to the main hall of the castle.

On my way I kept looking at the statues adorning the walk ways and door ways and found most of them where of neked chicks and baby angels and some odd creatures. The creatures and angels o found cute but I couldn't care less about the neked chicks, I'll leave that to Andrew and chase to worry about.

"Where is Matthew?"

"He's on his way father"

"Am here father"

"Looking around,are we?"


"Ok, ok. Look here kids, you have forever to look around all you want so there's no need to get too excited. Got it?"

"Sure Dad" Andrew answered for us all

"Now, you all go upstairs and pick your rooms and get settled before dinner. Go."

Dad hardly finished speaking before we all rashes past him to pick our rooms. we were a good distance away before we heard mom shout after us to slow.

" You are not kids anymore you know"

" My love, save your breath, you know they won't listen to you."

"I know, I guess it's out of habit."

"I think we should go see our room too, don't you think?"

''Yeah, we should."

I was so ahead of my siblings when I heard mom's words but in typical kid's fashion, no one listened to her. I found my perfect room on the second floor and so did my siblings Andrew and seraph. who are first and third born respectively. Matthew and chase found rooms on the third floor, they are fourth and fifth born . The twins Anna and Annamaria, also found a room to co-habitat in as usual, also on the third floor.

The fourth floor was for the help and the fifth floor had the kitchen, dinning room hall etc.

My room was relatively huge with a large window and a king size brass bed with scarlet covers.

The whole castle had the best of all Morden comforts since it Wes upgraded to suite my family's taste and needs.

The night had come on fast and I was almost done unpacking with the help of one of the family's new maids when I sensed it. The was something watching out there in the lush green forest outside my window. I went to my window and pushed it open and sent my soul sense out.

It was not what I expected to see. It howled to the night before it disappeared from my sight.

A Wolf it was and not an ordinary one at the.