
The Dao Must Be Crazy

'The weak fear the strong, and the strong fear nothing, but I am not strong, and I have offended a lot of scary people.' Such were the thoughts of the cultivator who defied time as he created a technique that would allow him to escape those he feared. The same way you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, the soul of one unlucky youngster traveled through the stream of time in search of a bloodline connection that would take his place. By the time the soul of the descendant traded places with the original soul of the body, the demonic cultivator, who sacrificed the whole village in what he believed to be another failed attempt at his forbidden technique had left to ruminate over what went wrong while searching for another village. Chester (Chen) Wang had spent the last seven years trapped in the VRMMO called Brave Quest. On the morning of his 6th re-class, 5 years before the game was finally cleared, had his soul transported into another body.

DaoistKushMountain · 東方
31 Chs

Brutal Clash

Chester stood before the village gates, surrounded by the eight villagers who had managed to arm themselves. Behind them, the women and children sought refuge in the safety of the boat, their anxious faces hidden from the impending danger. As a dark fog rolled down the mountain, Chester's gaze fixed upon the horde of demonic beasts charging towards the village. The time for battle had arrived, and the weight of the imminent invasion pressed upon him. 'If only I had some background music.'

As the ominous fog descended upon the village, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation and fear. The charging horde of demonic beasts thundered down the mountainside, their presence casting an eerie shadow over the land. Chester could feel the surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, his heart pounding in his chest as he took in the scene before him. 'Here we fucking go.'

The outskirts of the village transformed into a battlefield, a chaotic theater of conflict where life and death hung in the balance. Eight villagers, armed with weapons and determination, stood shoulder to shoulder, forming a formidable defensive line. Their eyes betrayed a mixture of courage and apprehension, the weight of their responsibility etched upon their faces.

The Demonic Children, a frenzied mass of grey-skinned creatures, let out screeches and howls that echoed through the air. Their beady eyes gleamed with malice as they charged towards the village, their crude weapons raised high above their heads. Chester's rallying cry pierced through the tension, serving as a beacon of hope for his temporary comrades. In unison, the villagers surged forward to meet the incoming horde, their battle cry reverberating through the air, drowning out all other sounds.

The battlefield transformed into a whirlwind of bodies, a dance of steel and screams. The clash of metal filled the air, accompanied by the desperate cries of combatants. Chester fought with fervor, his staff becoming a weapon of calculated strikes and agile parries. Each movement was executed with precision, his eyes scanning the chaotic scene for potential threats and opportunities.

The deformed children, though outnumbered and lacking in training, fought with savage ferocity. Their small frames lunged at their opponents, clawing and biting, driven by their sheer numbers and thirst for destruction. But the villagers held their ground, their determination unyielding, their spirits fueled by the desire to protect their loved ones.

The battle raged on, seemingly endless in its intensity. Sweat dripped down the brows of the villagers, their bodies covered in grime and dirt, but their resolve remained unwavering. Moments of exhaustion and doubt threatened to creep in, but the villagers found strength in each other, drawing inspiration from their collective bravery.

As the demonic children and beasts surged towards Chester, he stood his ground with nothing but a staff in his hands. His eyes burned with determination as he prepared to face the onslaught alone. Each step his adversaries took emanated a chilling aura, fueling the intensity of the impending battle.

The demonic children, their innocent faces twisted by dark forces, leaped at Chester with an eerie combination of agility and malice. Their small frames belied the supernatural strength behind their attacks. Claws swiped at him, teeth gnashed in hunger, and their eyes glowed with otherworldly malevolence.

With his staff as his sole weapon, Chester relied on agility and quick reflexes to defend himself. He spun and twirled, expertly parrying the onslaught of blows. The wood met flesh with a resounding thud, thwarting the children's attempts to overwhelm him. Chester moved with calculated precision, deflecting attacks and launching counterstrikes whenever an opportunity presented itself.

Amidst the chaos, Chester had to remain mindful of the demonic beasts as well. These grotesque creatures, with fangs bared, attacked in small groups, attempting to flank him and exploit his vulnerability. Pulsing veins and gnarled features displayed their insatiable thirst for bloodshed.

Chester, with a combination of agility and situational awareness, deftly evaded the strikes of the demonic beasts while fending off the children. He spun and maneuvered, staying one step ahead of his adversaries. His staff became an extension of his body, a fluid instrument of defense and offense.

In the midst of the chaos, Chester seized moments to strike back. With well-timed strikes and carefully aimed blows, he incapacitated his opponents one by one. His staff cracked against demonic beast skulls, sending them tumbling to the ground. Against the children, he aimed for their limbs, seeking to disarm rather than harm. 'It feels weird to kill them now that I know they're just kids.'

Despite his valiant efforts, Chester faced a relentless assault. The demonic children and beasts seemed endless in number, their attacks unyielding. Sweat dripped down his brow, and his muscles screamed in protest, but he refused to yield. Every ounce of his being was devoted to the battle at hand.

With each passing moment, Chester's resolve grew stronger. He channeled his fear into focused determination, drawing upon resourcefulness and unwavering spirit. His mana had run dry halfway through, yet the demonic children and beasts, sensing his unyielding defiance, began to falter. Their attacks grew less coordinated and more desperate.

In the end, Chester's perseverance paid off. One by one, the demonic children and beasts fell before him, their aggression quelled by his indomitable spirit. As the last adversary hit the ground, a moment of silence enveloped the battlefield, broken only by Chester's ragged breaths and the distant cries of the defeated.

Chester stood amidst the fallen, his body battered and bruised, his staff clutched tightly in his hands. The battle had taken its toll, but victory was within reach. The demonic children and beasts lay defeated, their threat soon to be neutralized. Chester's battle against insurmountable odds had not only saved the village but also showcased the depths of his courage and resilience.

Though exhausted, Chester's spirit burned brighter than ever. The villagers who had witnessed his remarkable feat hailed him as a hero, their fear of perma-death replaced by admiration. His battle against the demonic children and beasts would be forever etched in the annals of the village's history, a testament to the extraordinary bravery of a lone defender facing overwhelming darkness.

Throughout the battle, the villagers showcased their individual skills and strengths. One warrior displayed remarkable agility, dodging attacks with acrobatic grace. Another fought with brute force, swinging a massive war hammer with devastating effect. Together, they formed a cohesive unit, covering each other's backs and protecting their flanks.

Gradually, the villagers began to gain the upper hand. Their coordinated efforts and superior tactics wore down the demonic beast horde. The invaders, now disorganized and fatigued, started to retreat, their numbers dwindling with each passing moment. Chester and his allies seized the opportunity, pressing forward with renewed vigor.

At last, the tide turned in favor of the villagers. The remaining demonic beasts fled, leaving behind a battlefield littered with the fallen. Exhausted but triumphant, Chester and his allies stood amidst the chaos, their weapons stained with the blood of their enemies. The distant cries of victory mingled with the relieved cheers of the villagers who had watched the battle unfold from the safety of the boat.

The grand-scale battle on the village outskirts had come to an end, but its impact would be etched in the memories of all who bore witness. The bravery and resilience of the villagers had prevailed against overwhelming odds, safeguarding their homes and loved ones. As they regrouped, tending to their wounds and honoring the fallen, they stood as a testament to the indomitable spirit of unity and courage in the face of adversity.

A huge grin spread across Chester's face. 'Come.' He began to gather XP, and his body shivered with ecstasy as a massive cloud of bloody energy, visible to the eyes, surged towards him.