
Do You Want One?

He pressed the entire length of his throbbing meaty cock against her lower abdomen as he leaned forward and whispered with a curve of his lips, "It's time for our Sacred Union. Are you ready?"

Rowena could hear her heart pounding in anticipation and nervousness. 

She looked at him with a warm gaze and nodded softly, expressing her eagerness to finally unite with him.

For a long time, she had thought of this moment and wondered what it was going to be like. And now, she was still in a state of disbelief that it was happening now.

"Don't worry. You can leave everything to me," Asher gently said as he spread her legs apart and took a good look at her naked body that was being bathed in the dark yet luminescent deep red hue from the sky above.

Rowena nodded with a soft smile and held her breath while Asher positioned the tip of his cock against the opening of her wet, virgin cave.