
The Damned Apocalypse

The 21 December 2012 Apocalypse happened just not the way we thought. it happened in the form of a shimmering blue orb and from it chaos ensues on every 21 December. The world unite to combat the threat that appears from these orbs every year. What future await those survivors?

Nariksilax · ファンタジー
3 Chs

A Glimmer of Hope

After suffering the visit of Wave 5, the world was becoming more and more pessimistic about what the future hold. Nobody could find out what these Summoning Orbs were or what they were made of to resist an nuclear strike. What they did know is that unless a solution was found to stop these orbs from appearing or to destroy them, humanity would lose.

The only 2 Solution that were found. the first solution was to reduce the density of population to make the orb that would appear smaller so the monster that would appear would be weaker though there would be more orbs spread around. The second was the opposite to make everyone live in the same area. So instead of an army spawning, a few big and stronger creatures would appear and require less ressources, but more lives would be lost.

23 November, Wave 5, Montreal, Canada. A miracle happened in the old metropolis where few remained to reduce the size and spread out the Summoning Orbs. Almost 200 Summoning Orbs, of the 2387 orbs that spawned on the 499 square kilometers that make the island, shattered like glass.

It was the first time it ever happened. The army, the government, the scientists and even the civilians looked everywhere to find a clue.

After a week of research, they finally found the first piece of the puzzle. in an old building of Montreal North, an old and poor district of the island, they found a security camera, that everyone thought was broken but that was still running, had recorded the event.

On the new 2nd January of Wave 5, 3 Kids that appeared to be around 17-18 years old were recorded fooling around an orb they had found in the building. Seems like it was fun and giggles until the unexpected happened. one of them fell and for the first time a Human entered an existing Summoning Orbs. It was different to the one that spawn on creation and trap whatever matter or creature where they appeared. A human went through.

After watching the recording until the destruction of the globe, they were surprised to see the someone reappear where the orb he had entered was. However the quality was so bad that nothing could be distinguished about this person and so the media showed the image of the person in hope someone would recognize the individual. The police went through every report they had about the spirited away to find a match.

There had apparently been a report about this, however the local peacekeepers dismissed the idea that a person fell through and believed that the kid had simply vanished due to the apparition of an orb the day before. The only thing that had been note was the presence of the Summoning Orb.

The world was in chaos to find that person.