

The supernatural world is at the brink of war. Packs are divided due to power angry Alphas and Betas. Determined to be the sole rulers, most alphas are defying the rules set by the Moon Goddess. Raging wars in every packs that fail to support them. Believing that there's nothing or no one powerful enough to stop them, they turn a blind eye on their weak pack members and even torture them not knowing what fate awaits them in the near future. If only they knew that the Eagle wolf was already born, they would have reconsidered their evil plans. In Sanctum state, Cyclone city, resides Alpine Pearl Nightshade who is 13 years old. She lives with her parents, two brothers and a twin sister.Despite being the last born, Alpine has suffered from every form of abuse from both her parents, siblings, pack members and also outsiders. This was due to the fact that she had not shifted to her wolf (or so she made them believe)and so she was considered a curse, human and an abomination to all werewolf community. How was she a human yet she came from a strong line of Beta family? After enduring every form of abuse for 2 years, her parents mostly her mother couldn't tolerate her presence, so she offered her to the rogue alpha as payment for the job he will help them do. At thirteen, she was kidnapped from the Luna's conference that she had attended. Locked away in the Rogue pack by Alpha Henigan. She was tortured, starved and experimented on for 8 years until one fateful day, three days to her 21st birthday. She got an open opportunity and took a run into the woods never to be found. She ends up trespassing on one of the most dangerous pack lands. Loosing conscious only to wake up days later in the hospital. Confused on where she was, only to learn later that she was in deed in the Hybrid Royal pack hospital. Could her fate be any more cruel?

Priscar_Arielle · ファンタジー
9 Chs


Narrator's POV

Alpha Brenna was speechless, she couldn't believe what laid before her. What kind of a monster would do such inhumane thing to a fellow human? It disgusted her to the core.

Laid on the ground was a mutilated dead body of a female. She looked no older than twenty three. The amount of damage done to her was heartbreaking to say the least.

"I need you to find out who she was, where she came from since she was not from our pack and how she ended up here unnoticed, "she said in a calm chilled voice.

"Right away Alpha," replied Felix timidly. "Alpha, we have another issue, it is reported that three girls went missing during the fight," he added.

This statement had Brenna's breath hitch. She clenched her fist in anger seeing red. Everyone present had worry written all over their faces. The report of missing girls wasn't new but they all thought it had ended twenty one years ago. To think that it was still happening all while long, had them all worried.

"What do you mean by three girls are missing? What are their names? Does their parents know? How did it really happen?" Brenna fired a bunch of questions rapidly.

"Well Alpha, according to their parents, it seems that they were on their way to visit a relative and also do some shopping but they were snatched while on their way to cross the border," reported one of the warriors.

Snatched at the border? This simply wasn't a coincidence right? Brenna wondered internally. She personally didn't find a real reason why the rogue wolves had taken the girls captive. She found it really disturbing but the next statement had her fur rising.

"Alpha, some rogues were seen around the hospital, one of them was captured trying to sneak in the hospital. We had the guards lock him in the cell for questioning," Felix said. He was afraid for his own life remembering what had almost happened days ago.

Hearing this, everyone present shivered in fear. Most of those present remember hearing the story of what almost happened to Felix.

On the other hand, Brenna was angry and afraid. She wasn't afraid for herself but for her bed ridden mate back in the hospital. What could have happened to her had they succeeded in infiltrating the hospital.

The questions that bugged her most was why were the girls kidnapped and why were the rogues trying to infiltrate the hospital? Who were they looking for? Was there a mole in her pack?

Following these questions without answer, she decided to know more about the kidnapped girls. She wasn't particularly happy with the answer she got. Was it really a coincidence at all that the girls taken were of the same physical appearance and of the same age bracket? Why were the rogues only hunting for females with silver hair?

"I think we have to report this to the council right away with the High Priestess around we are bound to get our questions answered," Brenna said suddenly after a long bout of silence.

After ensuring that the dead body was secured and everything was in place. She invited their guests to accompany her to the scheduled meeting. She had a feeling that their presence might be of great importance. After gathering her team they hastily ran back, not knowing what surprise awaited them there.

⚜ ⚜ ⚜

Back in the meeting room, the King and Queen can be seen having a silent conversation. Looking at them, one would think that they were having a disagreement but that wasn't the case.

Although both parents were skeptical about their daughter's mate, they were still happy for her and supported her every decision.

They were ready to retire peacefully knowing that they wont be leaving their daughter alone.

Even though the other council members were happy for the new mating. One member in particular wasn't pleased. He had great hope that either his daughter, niece or son would be the one chosen to mate to their future queen.

Council Mathew Watson felt like his plans were for nothing. He had done everything possible to make sure that the king's daughter will never find her mate but it seem that it was all in vain.

If killing his own mate was not enough, he had also killed his own daughter's mate but failed to kill his son's mate. His attempt to murder her was foiled by his own son who faked his own mate's death.

Mathew knew he needed to do something and fast. Just when he was about to give up, an idea popped in his mind. He decided to make some calls to his long time friend if he was to succeed.

He looked around him and after noticing that everyone was occupied, he snuck outside the meeting room.

Just as he had closed the exit door, the entrance door was abruptly opened, Brenna with her group entered capturing everyone's attention including the High Priestess and the oracle.

Seeing the look on everyone's faces, the rulers knew that something serious must have happened.

After the introductions were made and the situation explained, everyone present was left speechless. Everyone's expectant eyes turned to the High Priestess for an explanation.

Amaris had an idea of what was happening but she had to make sure she was in fact correct so she asked smoothly.

"Alpha Brenna, you have stated that the females taken and the one dead all had silver hair right?"

"Yes High Priestess, according to their parents, even though they are not blood related, they all have silver hair and are all the same age except born months apart," she answered timidly.

She had no idea where these questions were headed to but she was inclined to answer them if they were to know the whereabouts of the missing girls.

As an Alpha, it was her soul responsibility to make sure that all her pack mates were safe.

"What is your mate's age and hair color Alpha?" Amaris asked again. She needed to know just incase the attack and abduction were connected.

After hearing the question, everyone present was speechless. They all started connecting the dots waiting for the answer from the Alpha.

Brenna on the other hand felt her heart breaking. Was her mate the target all along? Was this not a coincidence at all? Anger bubbled inside her making those present feel the pressure of her power suppressing them.

Being a hybrid and a future queen, Brenna possessed a great power that had everyone on their knees in submission.

They all understood her anger because most of them could relate. They knew having ones' mate in danger could drive the other mate crazy and thirst for blood and their Alpha was not an exception.

Her parents tried to placate her and after a few minutes she was calm enough for them to continue their meeting.

Brenna answered the previously asked question and after much discussion, they all came to a conclusion that the chosen one needed to be moved for her safety.

Outside, Mathew could be seen speaking frantically on the phone giving clear instructions to someone.

He needed Brenna's mate dead at all cost. After agreeing with the other party on what needed to be done, a sinister smile formed on his lips.

He chuckled darkly before musing silently, "let's see if you will be able to escape this time round. Am not about to let an outsider destroy my two decade plans. My family must ascend and become royalties. I don't care who I have to kill to achieve that."

While he was lost smiling at his upcoming victory, he failed to realize that he was not alone and he was being watched.

Ashley Brown, who had excused herself from the meeting to make a call to the guardian council happened to stumble upon a conversation that was not meant for her.

Being a dragon and a protector of the chosen one, her dragon wanted to dispose off the threat but she chose not to interfere and gather more information.

Knowing that the man outside was a council member and also a traitor, Ashley wondered just how many traitors surrounded them.

She hid in a corner and was surprised by what she heard and how vile the man before her was.

She vowed to use the information she had gathered and set a trap for Mathew just to catch the other traitors around.

After affirming that he saw done, Ashley retreated to another corner, she made her own calls including one to her older sister who was the best hacker in the state. She relayed the information she had gathered and after they both agreed on what was to be done, she ended the call satisfied.

Elsewhere, after Shawn Greystone, the Grandmaster of the blood worshippers received the unexpected call from his old time friend. He felt like their plans were finally falling into place. He had agreed to help Mathew not because they were old friends but because he had his own hidden agenda.

He called an abrupt meeting with his other masters and informed them of their recent accomplishment.

He was happy and believed that nothing was going to spoil their plan but a couple words from his long time prisoner had him sweating in fear.

"You are all going to die soon," they said "And am going to enjoy watching you dying," they added laughing earnestly.

Who are they and what do they know?