

In the sleepy town of Magnolia Midland, a legendary theater has been shrouded in mystery for decades. The once-grand Marlowe Playhouse, with its ornate chandeliers and velvet curtains, has been abandoned for years, its secrets locked behind a veil of dust and darkness. But when a team of seasoned ghost hunters is called to investigate the supposedly haunted theater, they're met with more than just creaking floorboards and flickering lights. As they delve deeper into the heart of the Marlowe Playhouse, they begin to unravel a tangled web of deceit and illusion. Is it the ghostly apparitions that seem to appear at every turn? Or are they merely clever tricks by those who seek to distract from their own sinister motives? As the team navigates the treacherous world of amateur dramatics and small-town politics, it becomes clear that nothing is as it seems. Who's acting out their part? Who's playing along? And who's paying for this deadly game? Join us on a thrilling journey into the world of "The Curtain of Deception", where reality blurs with fiction and nothing is certain except one thing: in Ravenswood, no one can be trusted.

June_Calva81 · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Chapter 14

Ariel had never felt such a sense of liberation outdoors. She briskly distanced herself from Leroy, pacing ahead. A brisk wind toyed with strands of her hair and kissed her cheeks until they bloomed with life. Drawing in the crisp, rejuvenating air, her senses were teased by an aromatic sweetness carried aloft. Could it be magnolias? Her gaze danced over to the bustling town square, alive with the hustle of festival preparations nearing completion, where garlands of delicate white Magnolias swayed in celebration. Children and women darted about, imbuing the scenery with final enchanting touches. Yet, Ariel noticed an absence – the men were notably missing.

As if tapping into her thoughts, Leroy approached, matching her stride.

"Not a man in sight today. It seems they've all devoted themselves to writing," he commented lightly.

Ariel's gaze met his, riddled with questions.

"It's in honor of Bradford Marlowe – husband and muse of creativity," Leroy informed her, his lips curving into a playful smile as he concluded with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Still puzzled, Ariel tilted her head, pressing for clarity,

"Was this the focal point of your morning discussion?"

Leroy leaned back nonchalantly, squinting against the glare of the sun,

"That's the gist. Today calls for us to craft a short tale and present it at tonight's festival. Once all submissions are gathered, one is chosen at random. The author's reward is being hailed as carrying Bradford Marlowe's creative spirit and crowned Mr. Marlowe for the festivities," he explained, chuckling at the odd ceremony.

"That's rather fascinating," Ariel mused thoughtfully before questioning further about the festival's agenda regarding gender roles.

Flashing a knowing grin down at her, Leroy teased,

"Ah no, tomorrow is said to celebrate the wives..."

A faint scowl drew across Ariel's features as Leroy seemed too pleased by this notion,

"Just picture it," he joked with barely contained mirth, "Taylor donning the mantle of a devoted spouse."

Looking towards Taylor striding ahead in towering heels, Ariel couldn't help but share an amused glance with Leroy,

"Difficult to envision," she concurred.

Approaching the theater presented them with an imposing sight of grandeur bathed in sunlight. Yet Ariel knew better than to be deceived by its serene facade – those foreboding double doors awaited inside. With quiet resolve, she ascended the stairs. Jasper, Max, Mr. Warner; even Taylor passed through unchallenged – but Ariel anticipated resistance that was unique to her alone.

Sensing her reluctance, Leroy offered silent encouragement with a gentle hand on her shoulder – an offer to accompany her past those doors that loomed ahead. A warm rush of gratitude flooded Ariel towards him and for a moment she regretted having stepped on his foot quite as forcefully before.

Mandy and John trailed behind, ascending the stairs as the last of the group. Ariel's gaze was drawn to them, a quizzical arch in her brow as she pondered over how Mandy had momentarily slipped the clutches of their enamored client. The frosty stare from her adversary's cerulean eyes surveyed the doors, and Ariel could read the hesitation mirrored on her face with an equal sense of trepidation about what lay beyond.

Taking a deep breath, Ariel signaled to Leroy with a confident nod, and together they proceeded. A fleeting wave of discomfort washed over her, sparking the onset of a headache and stirring nausea. Standing on the threshold, a sense of familiarity grazed her mind... With a resolute step forward, she crossed over, shielded by Leroy's guidance.

"How are you feeling? All good?" Leroy inquired with evident concern. Ariel offered a grateful squeeze to his hand resting on her shoulder,

"It was barely noticeable, thanks to you," she said with genuine warmth. Relieved, Leroy straightened,

"I suppose I'll just have to accompany you from now on. What with your involvement with Noah, it seems like a fortuitous arrangement," he observed with a sly hint of wisdom. A shadow crossed Ariel's mind as she contemplated reviving her irritation for previously stepping on his foot,

"I'm quite capable alone and for your information, I'm not involved with Noah," Ariel retorted sharply.

At that moment, Ariel caught a glimpse of Mandy entering. The medium's stride faltered momentarily at the last step; Johnny had preemptively extended his support, catching Mandy before she stumbled. With Ariel distracted, Leroy turned to see what had caught her attention.

"Thank you," whispered Mandy to John after regaining her composure and releasing his supportive grip. John responded with an affable smile,

"Of course. Are you sure you're okay?" he asked with genuine worry lacing his voice.

Briefly closing her eyes and pressing an elegant sleeve against her pale lips, Mandy paused. After a tense couple of seconds, she reopened them,

"Yes, I'm fine."

Catching Mandy's eye, Leroy intervened,

"Ariel seemed more at ease passing through assisted; perhaps next time John could be at your side?"

Ariel looked up at Leroy appreciatively for his well-meaning suggestion; however, Mandy responded only with a polite but distant smile while subtly distancing herself from the priest,

"Leroy, I appreciate it but I wouldn't want to trouble John unnecessarily—"

Before John could interject what appeared to be an opposing thought – judged by his expressive countenance – Ariel continued unaware,

"Should I require assistance, Jasper will suffice."

John subsequently silenced himself beside Mandy, settling into a quiet acceptance etched across his features.

The ensemble continued their journey, arriving at a chamber midway down the corridor, which served as their operational hub. Upon entering, Ariel saw Max dutifully ensconced at his computer, his digits dancing rapidly over the keyboard. Jasper stood close to his lofty aide, gesturing towards something on the monitor, while Taylor lounged on the sofa, engrossed in inspecting her nails. Notably absent was Mr. Warner.

With the sound of their arrival, Jasper lifted his eyes to meet Ariel's with a significant glance which she had come to understand, after her tenure there, as an unspoken request for coffee. Feeling somewhat elevated by the task, Ariel moved towards a modest kitchenette nestled in one corner of the room. She filled the coffee maker with water from an adjacent minuscule basin and switched on the burner.

As Ariel performed this task, Mandy, Leroy, and John ambled in behind her and chose their places to sit down. Securing the coffeepot's lid, Ariel pivoted from the kitchenette, knowing all too well that a watched pot never boils. Her gaze meandered about the room and paused when she noticed Taylor again, biting her lip in contemplation. There was an irksome puzzle about Taylor's immunity to the portal's effect this time; she earmarked it as a question for later investigation.

Meanwhile, Jasper positioned himself before them all with arms folded and a solemn expression signaling it was time to buckle down.

"Mr. Warner has mandated a meticulous and exhaustive probe; that is precisely what we shall undertake. As of yesterday evening," Jasper explained while scanning every individual present, "Max and I have concluded our set of interviews – commencing with Miss Marlowe and culminating with Mr. Warner himself."

As Jasper's penetrating gaze met Ariel's, she couldn't help but feel her cheeks warm with a rush of color. On the sofa, Taylor's face also reddened—but her blush stemmed from an entirely different sentiment.

"That reminds me," Taylor interjected sharply, cutting through the silence," why partner Thompson and me only to have us roam about the theater? Surely you realized we would refrain from conducting exorcisms as tangible evidence of supernatural presence—and for such evidence..." She glared reluctantly at Mandy across from her," to procure that we would require support from our medium friend here."

Jasper addressed her concerns calmly but firmly," Mills, your befuddlement is acknowledged but rest assured there was method in my actions. According to blueprints, this establishment's complexity exceeds appearances. It was crucial for you and Leroy to acclimate to these environs should you need to perform exorcisms expediently. Recall my instructions yesterday mentioned nothing pertaining to exorcisms."

His explanation momentarily diverted when he referred to Mandy formally as 'Makenzie.' The sudden use of her surname drew Ariel out from her reverie.

Did he just say 'Makenzie'?

Her gaze flipped between Jasper and Mandy—there was no mistaking it; Mandy's countenance dropped as her eyes sought Jasper's for any semblance of hope—which quickly dissipated upon realizing that any past informality was impermanent.

A wave of relief surged through Ariel resulting in a spontaneous smile lighting up her face—so engrossed was she in these observations that she obliviously missed the coffee boiling over until Jasper's stern look pulled her back into reality.

Reacting swiftly, Ariel hastened to turn off the stove and mix in the coffee grounds. Content that his caffeinated beverage was finally underway, Jasper resumed addressing Taylor's concerns with undiverted attention.

"Like I mentioned, Makenzie was tied up with an interview on my behalf yesterday, but rest assured, she's fully at your disposal now when you need her."

"Ah yes, the interview with Shiloh's mother," the priestess prodded, "why was I overlooked for that assignment?"

Ariel had just finished making coffee and glanced at Jasper uneasily. She worried Taylor might have overstepped, yet Jasper seemed unperturbed by the line of inquiry—actually, he looked rather entertained.

"Mills, no insult intended, but that interview needed a nuanced approach which I felt wasn't quite your forte."

A sharp look crossed Taylor's face as she sent a disapproving scowl towards Mandy and John, who had conducted the interview.

"However," Jasper continued smoothly, sensing her interest in the matter, "if you're that intrigued by our interview process, I'd be delighted to include you in the next case to assist Max and myself." He said this with a slight smirk that managed to quell the priestess's further questions. With a resentful glare at Jasper, she reclined in her seat, silently fuming.

Ariel moved to the table with fresh coffee for Jasper.

"This is the first I'm hearing of such an interview," she remarked while filling Leroy's cup.

"Well, you were probably at lunch with Noah Williams at that time," the monk stated.

The color rose in Ariel's cheeks as Noah's name sparked a flame. She furrowed her brow in silent retaliation thinking to step on his foot. Leroy quickly dodged just in time as he sensed the threat posed by an aggravated Ariel nearby.

John chimed in cheerfully about their earlier discussion with Shiloh's mother, noting her ambition for her daughter. He casually let slip that Shiloh and Mr. Warner used to be an item...

"Intriguing," Ariel said with genuine curiosity as she served the priest his coffee. John acknowledged her with a polite nod and savored his coffee.

"Mmhmm," Mandy chimed in rather coolly, "he was on the brink of proposing."

Astonishment fluttered across Ariel's face as she poured Taylor's drink.

"They were close to marriage?"

The medium gave a solemn nod.

"But things took a turn when Miss Marlowe entered the picture...,"

Taylor interjected cynically into her cup,

" 'Took a turn'? More like the man panicked and saw a perfect escape from commitment."

There was a sharp edge of bitterness in Taylor's voice that caught Ariel's attention. Her dark eyes met Taylor's as she observed,

"It seems men have an aversion to staying committed. Shiloh is surely better off without him."

An oppressive silence descended after the comment. Rising from her hunched position over the table, Ariel crossed to Max's desk with grace, tipping the remaining golden brew from the pot into his waiting cup.

"When did this happen?" Ariel inquired, her tone revealing dissatisfaction with the current narrative.

"Not entirely certain, it was pretty recent though," responded John, lost in thought.

A moment of quiet reflection found Ariel placing the coffee pot back on its perch. Her mind wandered to yesterday's affair at the festival grounds—the wounded expression on Shiloh's face when Mr. Warner had casually called Mandy by her first name. A heavy sigh escaped Ariel,

Taylor might think Shiloh is better off without him, but what about Shiloh's heart? Could she harbor lingering affections for him...?

"Alright, so Leroy and I were dispatched to essentially wander within the theater's maze, and John and Mandy carried out a straightforward interview," Taylor began again with newfound energy in his voice. "But Ariel—what did they send her to do? Dine with her fiancé?"

A storm of emotion swirled within Ariel as she turned from the counter, suppressing a sharp rebuke, thankful now that her grip wasn't on the fragile coffee pot—otherwise, it would be in pieces. Just as she readied a retort for Taylor, Jasper's darkened and disapproving gaze caught her off-guard, silencing her. His eyes simmered with displeasure; this line of questioning clearly didn't resonate well with him—Taylor may have just trespassed too far.

"Mills, my rationale for each unique assignment was quite clear." said Jasper firmly. "I did not task Ariel with neglecting her duties to enjoy lunch with Mr. Williams."

The suggestion roused indignation in Ariel, her gaze locking with Jasper's in silent challenge.

So he thinks I shirked my responsibilities?

"No more questions—we have tasks at hand," Jasper continued authoritatively. "Based on our combined interviews with the cast and our own interactions here–Max and I have pinpointed areas needing our focus." His serious gaze turned to Ariel, "You and John will be responsible for setting up cameras and checking room temperatures."

John nodded seamlessly in agreement while Ariel folded her arms defiantly–their boss's words seemingly lost on her. Unperturbed, Jasper addressed Taylor:

"Mills, you're to accompany Makenzie to the hall of mirrors. Should she sense anything amiss, proceed with a blessing."

Less than thrilled expressions crossed both Taylor and Makenzie's faces but acceptance hung in their silence.

Lastly turning to Leroy–the monk–Jasper concluded: "I'm assigning you to several dressing rooms that yesterday's interviewees claim they can't enter; Mr. Warner deems it vital that this theater functions without hitch—it'll be comforting for his cast knowing you're there."

With a nod acknowledging their tasks, Taylor and Mandy made their way to the labyrinthine hall of mirrors. In the meantime, Max passed a printed theater layout to Jasper, who smoothly relayed it into Leroy's hands. The dressing rooms requiring spiritual cleansing were marked in bold, ensuring the monk wouldn't veer off course. "This will guide you through," Max stated, with a helpful hint in his voice. Leroy locked eyes with Jasper for a brief moment before conveying his understanding with a nod and exiting the study.

Ariel's brow furrowed in puzzlement. Her mind buzzed with questions about the necessity of such guidance. Could the building be so vast? She pondered silently.

Without missing a beat, Jasper turned to Ariel proffering a map, "You'll need this for navigation."

Nearby, John approached an imposing desk to retrieve a compact camera and its accompanying cord. "Your first recording should commence at the main entrance," he directed without looking up from the computer monitor capturing Max's focus.

"Ready to depart?" asked John, his voice tinged with anticipation. Ariel shook off her bemusement, offering John a soft smile in affirmation. Together, they stepped out into the new task awaiting them.