Morgana kept talking with Misha and Kaelen at the platform that led to the Underworld Gate as they waited for Shinryu to return with the newbies from their training at the dungeon.
A few hours after nighttime had arrived, the trio returned with both newbies looking roughed up while Shinryu looked exactly how she left.
Lily, the dark shaman, went ahead to tell Morgana about how difficult it was to complete the dungeon but halted her complaints after seeing the necromancer and the white witch present with her.
The trickster introduced the trio to the married couple and told them that they met by chance and would be joining them in their hunt against the Ashen Legion.
As Lily and Bella got acquainted with the married couple, Morgana and Shinryu walked to the side of the platform to build a small camp for the night.
The trickster had a large magic tent in her item box that could house the entire group for the night.