
The Cursed System

12,000 years ago, global warming finally came. However, something happened that was unprecedented. When humanity thought it was the end of the world, 2 magnetic fields were created on the west and east, splitting the reality of this world into 2 dimensions. Conrad had lost hope in this world even until his last dying breath. As he passes on while cursing the world, he hears a noise in what remains of his mind. [Congratulation you have fulfilled the terms and have now received the cursed system] [Calculating location] [Calculation complete] [Host is being bound to location] [Host can now prepare the Haunt] Authors note: if you would like to see more chapters, please like this book and share it with your friends :) DISCLAIMER: This story is based on the world Taylor and Courtney Spaulding created. Some of the world mechanics will be based on there ideas. However all of the plot and characters are original. ======= Reward Chart for extra weekly chapters: 1 extra chapter = 50 power stones Every other week I will add an extra update according to how many power stones are supplied. lets see how far we can get before end of week!!! You guys are so amazing!! please enjoy the story!!!

Stoshy_Toast · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Wonderlands Shadow

Sonata POV

Sonata had always found herself to be someone out of place for this world. Guys flocked over her like chickens, not like she cared, though. 

From a young age, Sonata had been taught how to fight. Her parents were very adamant that she needed this. Usually, parents of high-ranking families, especially families not so close knit like hers, wouldn't show so much worry for their daughter's safety, given that they could just hire bodyguards to protect them.

However, Sonata had a unique ability, one which required such things…

"Have a wonderful day, lady sonata," an older man dressed in a navy blue business suit said. He had silver-colored hair showing signs of his age; nevertheless, his aging was crisp and refined.

"Thanks, Samuel…"

The old man, whose name was Samuel, opened the passenger door of a red sports car, revealing a beautiful high school girl with raven black hair and a red beret. Her mystifying eyelashes shined in the morning light as a soft breeze ruffled her skirt. However, if one were to look in her eyes, they would notice they were void of life as if she had seen death itself.

Looking around, Sonata could see many of her classmates heading into school.

Giving zero thought to them, she continued through the steel gates heading to her first class.



A sudden noise resembling clinking chains reverberated to her ears.

'What a typical morning to have my ability...' she thought as she entered the crowd of calm students.


Conrad's Perspective:

[Binding Complete] 

[Location Binding Activated]

These notifications materialized before Conrad, igniting a tempest of fury within him. "IF ONLY I HAD KNOWN ABOUT MY AERIAL PLUNGE, A LITTLE FOREWARNING WOULD HAVE BEEN APPRECIATED!" From fear to anger, boredom to irritation, Conrad's emotions churned violently. He yearned to lash out at the elusive voices.

Surveying his surroundings, he realized he had crash-landed onto a track field. The morning dew shimmered on blades of grass, and a gentle breeze brought tranquility to the scene.

In stark contrast to Conrad's dramatic entrance, the world maintained an undisturbed peace, seemingly oblivious to his presence. 'Why does the world persist in peace without me...' Conrad mused, resenting the calm that he once would have cherished, now only feeding his anger.

A familiar, teasing voice echoed in his mind, snapping him out of his thoughts. 

[Looks like you're doing okay, given you're back at school... Could this be considered your first school day? Hehe.]

Before Conrad could muster a retort, a new message intercepted his train of thought:

Name: Konrad 

Race: Phantom 




"What in the world is this?" As Conrad skimmed the display, the revelation that his race had been altered to 'Shadow' sent a chill down his spine. 'So, I truly am dead...'

His confusion only deepened at the sight of the STATS and QUESTS options. 

[Have you never played a video game before??] The voice mocked. 

"Nothing like this," Konrad admitted. 

[Oh dear... Such a bleak existence you've led.]

Sighing deeply, Konrad's mind drifted to his childhood, always receiving the leftovers of what was provided to Sulten by their parents.

The explanation that followed gave Konrad a glimpse into the system's workings, showcasing a path beyond his limitations.


[Now, try focusing on STATS.]

With heightened curiosity, Konrad delved into the 'STATS' section, his eyes widening at the sight awaiting him:


[Shadow Mimic] 

[Copy and store another's shadow ability 0/2 stored (Grade F) ] 

[Due to level F only animals and plants shadows may be stored.]

"I have an ability?!!" His excitement was palpable, reminiscent of a child discovering his favorite toy. 


[Your astonishment is adorable, but did you miss everything I've explained?]

Before Konrad could respond, the first school bell interrupted. "Crap! Only 5 minutes until I'm late!" As he dashed toward his class, his heart raced, and his mind desperately sought understanding of his extraordinary circumstances.

Amidst his rush, Konrad overheard two girls nearby, their conversation revolving around the latest drama on 'Metube' featuring an actor named Sulten, igniting a familiar ache in his heart tied to feelings of betrayal.

As he attempted to pass them, one girl stumbled towards him, scattering her papers which bizarrely phased through the ground. 

"Are those papers...phasing through the floor?!"

[Yep! Welcome to my ability, MY DOMAIN. You're in the Shadow Wonderland.]

".... what?"