
The Cursed System

12,000 years ago, global warming finally came. However, something happened that was unprecedented. When humanity thought it was the end of the world, 2 magnetic fields were created on the west and east, splitting the reality of this world into 2 dimensions. Conrad had lost hope in this world even until his last dying breath. As he passes on while cursing the world, he hears a noise in what remains of his mind. [Congratulation you have fulfilled the terms and have now received the cursed system] [Calculating location] [Calculation complete] [Host is being bound to location] [Host can now prepare the Haunt] Authors note: if you would like to see more chapters, please like this book and share it with your friends :) DISCLAIMER: This story is based on the world Taylor and Courtney Spaulding created. Some of the world mechanics will be based on there ideas. However all of the plot and characters are original. ======= Reward Chart for extra weekly chapters: 1 extra chapter = 50 power stones Every other week I will add an extra update according to how many power stones are supplied. lets see how far we can get before end of week!!! You guys are so amazing!! please enjoy the story!!!

Stoshy_Toast · ファンタジー
7 Chs

What is shadow?

Konrad began to ponder on his predicament he had been given many opportunities in this existence but he didn't want to be limited again for Konrad school was a limitation on his growth his desire to change was difficult if he was around peers his age. 

He was trapped, so why should he go to school, theres so much more available to him here in this field he could even practice his abilities in peace free from the judgemental eyes of others.

Konrad had made up his mind he was not going to school. He opened his skills tab and selected the shadows collected description

Pondering the contents he quietly observed and studied the description:

[Ability description: On a windy day the blue sun shone and within its wind the seeds were blown. A lone existence was trapped in $%&*. On a windy day you can scatter your shadow like seeds in the wind and view their location and surroundings. If the wind stops the shadow will be planted and a shadow flower will sprout.]

[Special rank adjustment ability: you can leave an Ego on 1 shadow seed.] 

Konrads attention shifted to the '$%&*' in the ability description. He had no idea what it meant…

"Best not to think about it right now." Konrad thought. He continued to read more of the description… what it sounded like was he could scatter his seeds but they would be completely scattered at random.

However the thing that intrigued Konrad the most was the special rank adjustment, it's talking about an Ego… no idea what that means.

Konrad was worried about using the Ego on a seed at the moment especially sense he only had one chance so he decided to use the initial ability without any Ego. i mean heck its a windy day right now why not.

Within a few moments Konrad was surprised to see his shadow slowly peel itself from the two dimensional plane it existed on. Before fading into many small particles that began to blow away in the wind like dandelion seeds. If Konrad had to guess ow many there were probably only 5-10 seeds dispersed where the wind took them. As his shadow returned to its original position Konrad could tell the edges of his shadows head were a bit more corse. This lead Konrad to only guess that like a dandelion his shadow would also disperse leaving less of the original shadow behind.

There was a worry though. If Konrad used this ability more, eventually his shadow would disappear. He remembered a long forgotten science documentary show he watched when Sulten had locked him in his parents attic. The documentery described the shadow as your otherself if the shadow disappears so does your opposition. Konrad remembered the question the commentator posed to the audience watching 

"Is opposition truly bad? For one to have their shadow gone means there is no light to cast a shadow. So again can we really say that bad things that happen to us are unfair? I believe opposition shapes us, making us unique individuals. Without opposition existing we would be no less than clones of each other, what a bland existence!"

At the time Konrad had been offended by the Host's words, however now he realized there may have been truth to this theory. Opposition was an important factor for evolution and a species' progress; it is a main factor in what separated a machine from a living entity. 

'What about a shadow?' Konrad thought.

This was his current reality he was in shadow...whatever it was called...

Was there really a reverse world where the shadows of others existed? Then why was sultans shadow not in this school? Shouldn't his shadow be attached in a similar location as his current location in the real world?

The thoughts kept racing through his mind like a web of possible outcomes. Whenever Konrad wanted to think of a problem, he would often analyze outcomes roleplaying them in his head. It was normal for Konrad but for others it would probably be too much for them to wrap there head around.

if only the girls voice could return i hate to say it but i miss her sarcastic comments...