
The cursed: Pre Mature Death.

When a 17 year old high school student, Guru finds himself caught up in a supernatural chain of events, he's plunged into a world of darkness and danger. Struggling to control his body and soul, he must fight for his life against an evil that seeks to consume him and the world around him.

isaiahLibrary002 · SF
16 Chs

Episode 016: We are the strongest!

Episode 016: We are the strongest!

Ryota was seen standing in the busy streets of Minato Mira 21. Crowds paraded around the market as another body was being pulled out of a house not far off the hotel. Ryota and the gang were there investigating, asking random questions and staring at the awful sight of blood. The body was partly intact, cold and had blood over it. Suggesting, the human must have bled from the mouth, perhaps a little struggle with life and death before having his organs scrapped off his insides, with his own hands.

The woman that slept with him said she work up to the sound of moaning, which had her puzzled as a man was literally fingering himself. Desperate for pleasure, he stoop low to masturbation and when she tried to stop him, she had gagging blood and she ran off. Coming back to the room with help, she saw this. A man naked, blood everywhere and missing organs from his opened stomach.

"Damn! Ryota said and stared at the lady who weep. He approached her softly and bent over, attempting to ask a question but was quickly stopped by Haruto.

"Let the living mourn the dead, Ryo". He said and shooked his head at him. Ryota brushed his hands off and went straight to his question.

"Ma'am, I get it lost your husband but is there anything suspicious, strange or anyone you saw that night, who supposedly wanted your-

"No! I saw nothing.

"Give a rest Ryota. (Sighs) it's pointless.

"Whoever did this definitely used a high level brain sleep on him, this goes perhaps beyond illusion". Zantestu said and looked at Haruto, who nodded in agreement.

"There have to be someone, who triggered the illusion and that person is likely to be there when the event unfold.

"Checked the camera…nothing was found. Haruto snapped softly.

"Argh! This is frustrating. Ryota said as he held his head and bent over in absolute frustration.

"indeed…I wouldn't like to masturbate either". Zantestu said in his usual calm and cute voice.

"Come on! Let's get back to the hotel…I say this time we do the night watch again but- (pauses as he sees Ryota sniffing his nose around) Ryota? He called out looking him.

"There's that ugly scent of darkness, pain and guilt. A demon…(pauses as he gets this goosebumps that tells him of a scent of demon nearby. He simply looks to the mountaintop and smiles) It's up there". He said pointing his hand.

"Huh? What's up there? Zantestu asked.

"Ryota! Don't get all hyped up okay? We have a job to do here and I am the leader, I simply ask that you- (looks back at him to find out that he isn't there anymore) Ryota!

Haruto and Zantestu runs after him, all the way to the start of the mountain. Haruto corners him in an attempt to slow him down. Ryota pulls himself backward and stops to look at Haruto.

"What are you doing? He said breathing heavily.

"There's a demon up there…I know it. Ryota replies, ready to move out again.

"No shitting me! What evidence do you have. Climbing this mountain can take almost an entire day and coming down almost the same. It's gets worst at night, when we climb up and no demon and another kills in the town. We were sent here, having our intel say-

"forget the intel…intel are something wrong. I know what am saying…it's a real ugly one up there! Ryota snapped in.

"can we all talk about this over a hot cup of tea". Zantestu said tugging Ryota's shirt.

"No! They both snapped at him and staring back at each other. It was obvious they didn't like them selves not even a little bit.

"I thought as a captain you listen to what we have to say…so captain I have reasons to believe that a demon is harboring up in the mountains. What say you?

"No! We stick to the plan…

"is there a plan actually? Zantestu asked and got a death stare off Haruto.

"Answer the question…Hai Hai". Ryota snapped and grimed at him.

"Fine! He eventually gave in after much struggle with his mind and emotion. He looked at Zantestu and back at Ryota, who grimes at him. "I go with you for your stupid demon adventure. In case you about to die, someone's gonna need to tell the story. (Looks at Zantestu) go back to the village, ignore everyone and everything, when the time is right, climb at the church tower. There you can see everything and everyone…Understood?

"Yes squad leader! Zantestu said and turned to leave.

"Hey Zanny! Ryota called out to him. "Am proud of you either way, promise we'll find you". He aid being all nice to him and smiled back.

Over at Yokohama's orphanage home, Denzel and Komura stood in between a demon. Dressed like an old, ancient Greek God, red robe, scythe to his hand and had two eyes. His upper body was partly covered but we could still see a thing or two ruins. Denzel and Komura had destroyed the orphanage but now had to destroy this formidable looking foe.

"Divine Visionaries…you destroyed my house. Very impressive for you two to break through that spell".

"Honsetly…I wasn't that hard to figure out (smiles at him) You should have done better". Komura said and grimed at him.

"I see…since you're such a loud, I wouldn't mind teaching you some manners". The demon said and glanced at look at the texting Denzel, who was less concerned than Komura. He vanished into thin air and appeared in close proximity with Denzel from behind.

Swinging his scythe at him, still he wasn't even looking at the demon. "Denzel! Komura yelled at him to look behind him, clearly he was just wondering what's going on.

"huh? He grasped and the clashing of weapon was heard behind him. Denzel looked back to see the demon have his scythe clash with his red barrier box. "Next time, Komura try call me for something important". Denzel snapped and pushed the barrier further way from him. Forcing the scythe and the demon off to the floors. As he had his legs screeching against the hard surface of the ground, he looked and discovered that second Visionary, Komura wasn't standing at the far left anymore.

"Huh? Where'd he go? He asked as he scanned the area with his eyes.

"Behind you Grandpa! Komura yelled out from behind and drove his hand into his back, punching him as hard as he could on his spine as he buried forward Denzel appeared in front off him and smiling weirdly and driving his own punch at his face.

"Hey! Komura…why doesn't your girl sister accept my gifts? Denzel asked as he continued punching the demon in a fast fist fury with Komura and the demon couldn't bring himself to escape from their grips.

"She is not into worth nonsense…try doing something brave and dangerous for a change…! He said and laughed as he too had his fist at the demon's back.

"Don't go saying nonsense…I am more hotter than you you know! Denzel snapped still punching.

"Doesn't matter I hit harder….besides we are single anyways". He smirked at Denzel.

"Am at 17 punches now". Denzel said out to him.

"Slow poke…am at 19". Komura replied and Denzel out of anger had his legs tucked into the demon's face tossing him aside.

"18 now…its had to punch while texting". Denzel said pulled up his cellphone at him.

"Why do you always have excuse for losing…? Komura snapped and they both laughed.

The demon got up and buried his scythe against the floor in anger, staring up at the two Visionaries. "You ugly bastards…I'll show you what power is. Dark infernal!

"Oh my God he said….he called us ugly". Komura muttered and Denzel giggled softly not to anyone's hearing.

"Dark infernal! A magic array bearing the illuminati sign appeared. "Death Ray! The array appeared to have rotated and flames emerged from it, coming towards both Visionaries.

"This can't be good". They both chorused as the flames approached them.

Ryota and Haruto were both seen crawling up the mountain. The air was partly thick but cold shuddering taste of winter was setting in. As the wind brew on, Ryota and Haruto made their way through the thick trees and apparently stopped for a break.

"Still can't believe…I actually doing this". Haruto groaned as he made his way up.

"Let me guess…you think this is a whole sham and can't wait to rub it on my face". He replied and looked down at him.

"you know nothing about leadership! He snapped at Ryota.

"You too! Ryota snapped back and they looked at each other. "Perhaps you should try to have a little faith in your team mates. Ignore the prideful state and feel free to embrace another's idea and suggestions".

"what do you want exactly? He sighed out loud.

"Your trust and partnership…we can actually make this work. I get it you are strong, but so am I…just because am a pawn doesn't mean, you should look down on me. Besides you were once like me". Ryota concerned and looked at him.

He paled a cold look at him but finally gave in. "alright then, let's give a trial". He smirked as he threw himself to the fallen log. "My ability evolves around 2 things, Speech and Sound". He said.

"Mine is Fire". Ryota exclaimed in excitement as he was getting to actually have a conversation with Haruto, without an insult.

"Fits you…though I haven't seen you use it. I heard Denzel trained you? He asked itching the back of his neck.


"I was trained by Komura…They are actually 3 other chess boards like Denzel. People who have achieved a domain and have extremely strength over their powers. Surprisingly, Denzel remaining's the strongest amongst all". He said.

"How is that possible? Denzel only uses direction and barrier….I don't see how barrier helps". Ryota snapped.

Getting to his feet and move a little forward. "Barrier allows him to create weapons, fly, shield attacks and with solar he can create a large explosion. True! It is quite lame but when you know how to use it, you can actually end your enemies, with out even looking".

"Ready to move? Ryota asked looking at him.

"Yes! He replied almost immediately and they stormed off again. As they clocked up the mountain, they had a glimpse of a hut, probably abandoned. Just at the foot of the mountain, Ryota and Haruto, stared in confusion as they expected a demon to be waiting for them or at least not a human but.

"I thought…there's a demon-

Ryota had to stop at his talk as he had a great scent of a demon standing already in between them. Haruto and Ryota had their eyes widened, trying to move quickly as they had been ambushed by this sinister figure.

"Visionaries". The sound of clapping was heard in between them, and bodies thudding to the floor.