
The cursed: Pre Mature Death.

When a 17 year old high school student, Guru finds himself caught up in a supernatural chain of events, he's plunged into a world of darkness and danger. Struggling to control his body and soul, he must fight for his life against an evil that seeks to consume him and the world around him.

isaiahLibrary002 · SF
16 Chs

Episode 007: Best fight of my life.



Episode 007: Best fight of my life.

 The theme song in everyone's head powered up fr a high leveled action packed music as an epic battle was about to commence. The stands of the court erupted at every hit and blast. Guru was pretty much in control of the body, partially as he found himself angry for some reason. But the speech voice heard was that of an angry female demon, blending with the bars vocal of a man. The face was still Guru but he had thick red and black eyes that barely had a sight of his pupil and he was fast.

"You will perish in hell…! Idoit! Guru roared and arrays, indicating illuminati symbols appeared around him and dancing slowly in the sky. There were 8 of them and red in color, beaming at his commander red hot laser flames that exploded upon contact with human or anything at all.

 All shot at the same time and Denzel stood watching the laser beam fire edging closer to his face. He cracked the ground up with his solid stance and vanished in thin air, appearing at the left of center. More and more laser flames went his way…he dodged them, one by one…until he came in contact with one that ticked the seconds faster and exploded in his face.

"Now…you die! Guru said and as the smoke cleared he wasn't there anymore. It was like he shifted his position before it would explode. Where was he now?

"No bad…but I thought you could do better". A cold witty compliment was heard from behind Guru and it came from Denzel who was behind him, leaning his back against his as he rubbed against his chin as though he was thinking.

 Guru grew angry and reversed his stance, throwing his back hand at Denzel who wasn't there anymore. He was fast, perhaps too fast for Guru to even predict or see his moves. "Where are you…pervert? Guru asked in confusion as he searched around with his eyes, looking for Denzel. He stopped at his tracks as he saw a bright sparkle in the sky…falling like a meteoroid to earth. It was fast and hit him, crashing him through the stands to the center of the field.

Looking up to see Denzel, as the pressure that sent him down. Pressing hard against his chest region and tipping his glasses into place again. "Bet you never saw that coming…did you? Denzel asked smiling at Guru, who grew angry more and more as the frustrating fact that he haven't laid a single hit on Denzel was getting to him. He swinged his arm to knock him off but he was faster than that. He jumped to the other side of the fields and waited to see what he was gonna do.

 Guru went flying immediately with him, swinged his fists at him…left and right repeatedly non stop, energy and force as every single punch was sending a crunching wave that destroyed the stands behind him. There entered a lightening flash hand to hand combat, with Guru punching harder and Denzel dodging every single one of them. "I got to say…am having the best fight of my life! You are indeed good and fast but- ( pauses as he dodged the last incoming punch by Guru and threw his body forward, past him. The force applied on the punch had Guru fall further a bit and Denzel cultivating on the opportunity, springing forward and bending his had reversed to tap his back. "But am faster…" He whispered in his ears before applying the final force that sent him crashing into the stands.

"You…bastard! I'll kill…I' ll kill…I'll kill! He muttered as he threw his two index fingers of both hand …slamming together and summoning a darker power. His aura grew big and his eyes red…blending in with his red hair and messy ruins. "Dark infernal: Devil's Triangle! He slammed and a triangle appeared, consisting of an eye on the center. Glowing with red and releasing a sharp, straight and deadly flash of laser beam fire that had Denzel block with his hands…(perhaps with his hands)

"Using higher ranked powers now…huh? Well you know the rules". Denzel smirked as he pulled in closer. The beam kept surging more and more flare that had him double up with a second hand. He groaned as he felt a bit hardness added to the flame and tend to push it all the way back. The both parties got the same idea and figured the best way to end this was to draw in closer and make contact.

 As they edged on closer…the power got even more highly concentrated and soon as contact was made, explosion occurred that had them both flying back in speed. It was like an earthquake occurred, destroyed half the court and as they stood watching themselves. Guru had an angry face on, while Denzel had the opposite. He smiled at him and his pupil dilated with surprise, he grasp and had his face tattoo, wear off in a flash.

"Whoa…what the hell happened? He asked in surprise as he had his body connect with a higher strength and sent it right back.

"in general…it's a good start". Denzel said and looked at the court…

Need to know: the retractor Court has the ability to rebuild itself. No matter the level of destruction as it is used mostly by the Visionaries, training of future academy stars and stuff.

"I know…I said that I would-

"Its okay…go sleep over it, no one ever says yes on the first day and –

"no! While I was in Abyzou's body I had a few thinking and…I'll do it for a few rules. I –

"I get it… but we still need to walk on your training, we start tomorrow morning at 8am. In the mean time…you go to sleep over it". Denzel snapped in and placed his fingers at his head again…forcing him to sleep.

"You keep forcing him to see every day don't you…? It 'll be bad sometime. A voice called out from a corner of the stand as footsteps approached. It was Lucas, he had bandages tied around his head…and wore only his inner shirt and trouser.

"Relax…its just a thing and shouldn't you be resting". Denzel hissed at him as he clocked in further.

"Thought I check see on you two. (Paused as he looked at Guru, who was fast out like a light) Denzel…something's wrong. He said in a cold domino.


"Meeting's being held tomorrow at 7am…best be there. Everyone is calling in, so you have to attend regardless". He assured him, staring at him to see his reaction. Only a long exhale and a sigh before an itching on his head.

"What for? He asked.

"You'll see…that's what they said but it an emergency". He said and rubbed the back of his neck softly.

"Well we best get cracking then…I have early meeting with Guru here but I would have to cancel when he gets up…perhaps have it later in the day…."

"Right" Lucas responded as he turned to leave.

"Where are you going?

"Uhm…home, to rest. Lucas said and paled a look at him.

"Oh…mind if you tag him along, since he is sleeping you might have him dragged back to his apartment". Denzel said and brought out his phone to press as he seemed to get more updates on the new meeting ahead of tomorrow.

"What…? I am terribly injured because of your incompetent ass to be there and now you expect me to drag this heavy log all the way home…No! Lucas groaned.

"Really…I carried him back to the apartment on the first day. Plus you're the reason his partially dead and-

"You wanna talk reasons now! You're the one who lights him out, when he could walk himself back there". Lucas snapped in and looked directly at him.

"What's past is in the past…forget the past and move on, Lucas.

"Tsk! He hissed and made moves to leaves.

"Fine…I would carry him. Denzel said and as Lucas turns to leave , he heard a whooshing sound of throwing and sound of ground cracking like a can of soda. He turned back and saw Denzel standing still, pressing his phone and he slowly looked up at him.

"Where is Guru? He asked and looked at him, eyes peeled and eyebrows up.

"At home…" as he said it they was a quick, thudding sound of a body crashing on a building. Smoke was clearly seen behind Denzel and Lucas muttered out some thing loud as he couldn't believe his eyes.

"You damn…just had to throw him all the way there.